These are great!! As an enchanter / JC I approve this message
These are great!! As an enchanter / JC I approve this message
pvp will be fun with the HoT from bandages. Try to get off the quick cast and then pillar hump and hope to get the full duration without getting hit lol
This Engineering change had better make up for the Motorcycles we got in Wrath. Easy way to make money my ass.
LoLtumblr |
Wonder what the enchanter vanity pet will be, but why them, alchemists ought to get some mad little goblin alchemist pet, I wants it!
Couldn't agree more. Those COMPLETELY retarted dailies is the reason i stopped paying any attention to JC at all and instead started making money with my alt's alchemy instead....Originally Posted by Clamor
Bandage preview:
"Dense Embersilk Bandage" Heals for 34,800 over 8 seconds. Requires 3 Embersilk to create.
is it me or are we going to get a huge health increase?
"Don’t focus on the one guy who hates you. You don’t go to the park and set your picnic down next to the only pile of dog shit."
I expect a big clean up of the useless enchantments... and some variety of high end weapons enchants... not a single "most have" one.
Given the fact in the first cataclysm dungeon you'll have items with ~160-200 stamina that require level 78 drop, yea, quite a bit. Wouldn't be surprised to see healthpools in the ~70000 range @ t11 content.Originally Posted by Dr.Green
34k health bandage? Lolwut?
They must be serious with the 100-200k health pools in Cata then..
1) Changing bandages from a channel to a one-cast hot is indisputably good news. Sure, they won't save you when you're getting beat on, but they don't do that now.
2) Alchemy is getting a new, highly desirable "Primal Might" item again while JCing is getting more cool vanity items as well as...fist weapons? Blacksmithing is having some archaic restrictions removed, which is nice, but realistically these restrictions have had zero impact on level 80s and only marginal impact on leveling toons. Blacksmithing would like some love.
3) More DMC-esque BOEs are good, especially for a crafting profession that isn't a consistent moneymaker like JCing, Enchanting, or Alchemy, but the current DMC is still trading for around 5k on many servers, entirely due to the randomness of crafting the cards. If you just want a decent BOE craftable for fresh 85s, remove or lessen the random aspect, and allow those who are seeking such an item to gather the materials themselves without having to resort to the AH or the Inscription lottery.
Hurricane?Originally Posted by Floralol
First tailoring top hats then Jewlcrafting monocles!!!!!!!!
zomfg i will be one snazzy undead priest.
It's just a game.
my wife has been doing her JC dailies for months, and religiously at that and she still has a long ways to go. seems to be JC is the worst profession to try and get all the recipes.Originally Posted by agelos
some good stuff they are working on and wow three new badge's
Really?Lots of new fish and other fun items to catch! Fish are still used to make premium food.
Some of us really don't enjoy fishing in the game yet would like to be able to help provide buffs to the guild during raids. Would it really be so bad to make a feast that does NOT require fish that provides the same level of benefit (not less, not close to, the same...)? Make it take twice as many mats, require a "rare" item, a special cooking station. SOMETHING!
Either that or overhaul the outrageously boring fishing system. I recall something being mentioned about this many many months ago, but nothing has been said since. /sigh....
it would be cool if alchemist got something like this. Alchemy needs something. i just dropped it actually because there is really a lack of benefit, and its something you can have on an alt easy enough.Originally Posted by Summerdrake
the trinkets are nice but you move past them quick enough. the extra time on flasks is efficient but with the price of mats rock bottom now its does no good. flask of the north is a good idea but its too bad there isnt a stamina buff with it. trasmuting gems is really nice, but they are easily bought with the tons of gold and emblems available now hench the price of gems has fallen to sad amounts. after 2 years of having alchemy i just didnt feel enthusiastic enough about it.
it would be nice if cataclysm brings some much needed life into it but so far im not impressed with alchemy as i am with everythign else.
So, in short, Alchemy and JC will once again be your major money-makers and everyone else is just straight-up fucked.
Got it.
Say what?Elementium is the new uncommon mineral found when mining in Cataclysm
I guess it won't be orange anymore. *Sad face*