I am mostly mature about such things like, yeaah i got the insane title. But this? Get a fucking life.
I am mostly mature about such things like, yeaah i got the insane title. But this? Get a fucking life.
8700K (5GHz) - Z370 M5 - Mugen 5 - 16GB Tridentz 3200MHz - GTX 1070Ti Strix - NZXT S340E - Dell 24' 1440p (165Hz)
http://www.wowarmory.com/character-s...&cn=Gesusbeams (Retired main)
http://www.wowarmory.com/character-s...%C3%AArwordhug (Current PvE main)
Just because he has all the achievements, that doesn't make him the second biggest loser. I guarantee you that some people play alot more then him... however I don't really see how someone could do every achievement.
Congrats, must of been really hard. Anyone know how long he has been playing?
Level 80 Protection Paladin. Miner/Jewelcrafter
Level 27 Restoration Shaman. Skinning/Herbalism
guy with most achiveemnt
The Taiwanese player mentioned above was the 1st man with full achievement before 3.3, and world 2nd after 3.3.
You are at most the 3rd.
He missed the Christmas one just because Blizzard stealth added that achievement to prevent anyone completing all achievements, but he was still the first one with maximum achievement points possible before 3.3.
Anyway he had completed full achievements (except FoS) on 30 May 2010, making him the world 2nd full achievement after 3.3.
Forget all the haters, this is your hobby and you treat it as such. You made the most out of your hobby by doing everything you could possibly do instead of sitting in Dalaran all day. Congrats to you and /wave from Horde side Bleeding Hollow.
Why do people care about randoms they don't know who are? Is it just to get a US/EU flame war?
On my realm and faction, congrats.
Gratz I guess, he has put in more time than 50% of the wow community.