Don't really see the point in gratsing him when he's not here and will probably never read this, but grats to him anyway.
"The truth, my goal."
...or when he realises wow aint real life
Can you imagine what I would do if I could do all I can?
Sun Tzu
It's honestly kind of sad to see that you're imposing what you find important on other people. Believe it or not what you choose to do in your life whether it be play video games in your mothers basement for the next 50 years with no girl interaction, or become a millionaire makes little to no difference when you're happy. Realistically a person can and only should judge his life by his own happiness, because if you are not happy then well frankly whats the point of your life (excluding religion). Picking on others for what they want to do in their free time or for that matter of fact their life only makes you seem like an insecure child who does things to live up to others expectations instead of actually living for yourself. GG tho broham
Defending what?
I know people with 11k+ Achievements points, they work 40hours a week and have an university degree, if you can't manage your time, thats your problem, some people can be succesfull at this game and at life.
Or you're just a random clueless kid assuming every stereotype he reads about on the internet is true and labels everyone with them.
---------- Post added 2010-09-09 at 09:55 PM ----------
Yeah, i am a Hater toward stupidity. Nothing else
Grats to him
And to all the haters talking about life, he probably has a better life than most of you, the same way you can call such hardcores as Nihilum or Paragon or w/e guild no lifers, yet most of them hold jobs and a relationship and are just able to use their time efficiently (and ocasionally their work holiday days, which is a little sad) but still thats much more than 95% of the population of this thread can do.
If I'd spent half the time I spend on my PC doing achievements rather than leveling alts or playing other games, I could have in the 10k+ range but the difference is I play this game because of the people on it, I don't play it for e-peen points, but each to his own, aslong as hes happy thats all that matters in life.
I wouldn't even try to get every achievement (I don't think I could, I'm such an altoholic and I don't have enough motivation to even do half of these) but that's really impressive, he did it just before Cataclysm brings him brand new ones to complete, that guy will never get bored ^^
Shit dude, You're on my server too, Damn Tasty Beverage!
Congrats on your achievement man, Musta taken a while :P
I am immortal, I cannot die
I have inside me the blood of kings
lol and i was happy getting glory of the hero. huge grats man this is a big achievement.
(get the pun there)
Yay for necroers
Intel Core i5-760@4.0GHz
CM Hyper 212 cpu cooler
Nvidia GTX 460
4GB DDR3 1600 ram
CM Storm Scout case
People that hate on the OP are seriously jelly.
They wish they were passionate enough about ANYTHING in their meaningless existence to do something of the magnitude this guy did.
I'll never have all the achieves because I can't be assed to, just like I'll never be a millionaire because I'm so damn lazy.
gratz mang.