1. #1

    You, Disc and the 20% Buff

    I finally got a LK10 kill with my disc priest (alt), however I am still abit worried, the last time I tried we had the 10% buff, and after shielding everyone for Infest the shields broke and I got some mana back.

    Last night on the kill the shields wern't breaking for Infest and basically I was going oom pretty fast, I needed 2 innervates from our druid tank.

    Has any 1 else run into this problem (my gear isn't the best, its an alt, I have also slacked with enchants etc), has any 1 got any tips for the next time I go, as I don't play my priest that often I wont have many tries to test stuff out.


  2. #2
    Downrank your shield until it gets consumed again.

  3. #3
    You can also bridge them, cast shields on every dmg dealer and healer and then wait for the 2nd Infest to break them all.
    You need to time your shields good for that, but it's better then downranking I think.

  4. #4
    It's nice to have a macro so you can throw Rank 10's (or whichever you down rank to) for Infest and Rank 14's for transitions\tanks\emergency.

  5. #5
    Also helpful: Don't shield the tanks. That way you can cheat the Rapture proc mechanic for multiple Rapture returns on the same Infest hit. Since Rapture has a cooldown of 12 seconds, you want to be sure that it's not proc'ing on a single target before the 8 others could have burst at the same time for maximum gain.

  6. #6
    If you aint going for H LK kill, ignore the shielding part altogether. With 20% bonus to healing, any healer can easily cover the damage from infest without your shield. Instead, turn to selective shielding low HP target and utilize your binding heals + penance.

  7. #7
    Time your fiend pot and hymn well. you should be fine.
    if you're going oom, just stack int?

  8. #8
    There are two ways to do this:

    Bridging shields: Recommended if you have 4k+ SP fully buffed. For normal mode only.
    Step 1: Wait until there are 8 seconds before Infest.
    Step 2: Shield everyone, starting with the tanks.
    Step 3: After that Infest do not reshield.
    Step 4: After the second Infest return to the first step.

    Normal: Works regardless of gear.
    Step 1: Never shield tanks.
    Step 2: Never shield someone if they still have a shield on them.
    Step 3: No, that's it. LK is pretty boring as Disc.

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