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  1. #241
    Stood in the Fire Vervaine's Avatar
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    You can see the back of the portal of Stratholme when you jump certain places on the side of SM and run all the way to behind Stratholme it's like an empty unfinished zone. Can also get inside an empty ZG.

    SM to Strath:

    Please note if you get caught by a GM doing this it will lead to a ban. It's fun to know that it can be done but don't actually attempt it ;P

  2. #242
    Amazing post, I loved every second of it. You helped me kill like an hour of nothingness. I have one to add! If you use the shaman spell Farsight while in Utgrade Keep's final boss chamber (The outside area), farsight out to the 'ocean' area and head east* I think- and you'll discover an almost exact replica of the area you're in except many of the objects aren't textured and are pink or gray. It's interesting to say the least.

  3. #243
    Until patch 2.0 all people said that "Blizzard's son plays a shaman!!" because of their dominance in PVP.
    There was a time where charge/intercept sucked a lot. Sometimes you charged to an enemy in the north but you ran to the west, ending 50 yards away from your target.
    There was a week in middle BC where charge/intercept was AWESOME due to a bug, allowing you to sometimes charge avoiding line of sight. I personally charged 1 player in WSG balcon, in the flag room, from the floor. I ran back to the door, ramp up and then to the balcon. Me and a friend where completely shocked!
    Also, in early vanila there was a trick to use charge in combat, using bloodrage and cancelling it inmediatly removed you from combag, and therefore allowing you to charge. You can see this in

  4. #244
    Quote Originally Posted by Zadrox View Post
    Can't believe that no one have mentioned that Intelligence used to increase the speed you gain weapon skill.

    Copied from Wowwiki
    Increases the rate at which weapon skills are learned. Before patch 2.0 this was listed in the tooltip, but it was removed after that. Despite this, tests show that intellect still increases the rate of skillups. If you want to level a weapon skill, asking for an Intellect buff, or using a scroll never hurts.

    Good read!
    Haha, that was real? That's hilarious. In my old guild, it was a running joke that Intellect increased the rate of weapon skill leveling. No one actually thought it was true, though.

    Quote Originally Posted by aramco007 View Post
    along time ago items with spell power used to be like this:increase spell power by.... and healing by....
    That actually wasn't a long time ago at all. The merge into spell power didn't occur until 3.0.

    Quote Originally Posted by aramco007 View Post
    Ragnaorse used to drop a legendary wep but they changed it and they make him drop eye of sulfras instead(im not sure)
    You can still get a legendary weapon from Ragnaros, but it requires a quest chain just like all the others. (EDIT: Just looked it up; Eye of Sulfuras is actually needed to forge said legendary weapon from Ragnaros.)
    Last edited by Jasper Kazai; 2010-06-18 at 12:36 AM.

  5. #245
    You used to be able to get inside of CoT when it was sealed away before it was released in TBC through wall jumping.

  6. #246
    High Overlord Kabasue's Avatar
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    Does any one remeber when all the world Dragons went nuts and started spawning over and over again. The best part is they where actualy fighting each other.

  7. #247
    The Patient Exhale's Avatar
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    awessome thread

  8. #248
    Mechagnome Smittles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mineve View Post
    I have one to add ^_^

    Sexy Succubus! The practically nude ones they changed to be more family/child friendly.
    You should find an image of the old ones.
    Quote Originally Posted by Boubouille View Post
    I can see who votes against that, and I can ban. Just saying.

  9. #249
    fun stuff to read, thanks.

    Signature by Resentful - Bleeding Corruption

  10. #250
    Quote Originally Posted by The Fire Gives a Buff View Post
    You should find an image of the old ones.
    Here you go.

  11. #251
    Titan Sorrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mineve View Post
    I have one to add ^_^

    Sexy Succubus! The practically nude ones they changed to be more family/child friendly.
    Do you have a link to said succubus. Also as many have said great topic. I've been laying since about patch 1.8 so alot of fun things in here.

  12. #252
    Quote Originally Posted by Sorrior View Post
    Do you have a link to said succubus.
    Post right above yours, chief.

  13. #253
    High Overlord Shadamehr's Avatar
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    "-Since the vanilla definition of "Hybrid Class" really meant "Hybrid Class", the itemization was quite strange. Paladins/druids/shamans had all stats on their gear, and for some reason rogues, warriors and some other classes had spirit or some useless stat for them on their gear."

    Didn't Spirit originally help with health regeneration ?

  14. #254
    Quote Originally Posted by renegade801 View Post
    I don't believe I saw this on your list, but rogues had to mix their poisons and level up a skill bar to mix the higher level poisons, it was basically a rogue only profession.
    I remember that...I believe it capped at level 300 (in TBC) as opposed to 375 like all the other profs. Thats a good one to add to the list.

    Mine are newish, as I started in TBC..and some might be rather obvious but I'll list a few anyways as I haven't seen them listed yet:
    -Daily quests you could do daily used to cap at 10 instead of 25, and of course, there were not always dailies in the game
    -There were no reinforcements in AV (likewise no timer in WG but that is wicked new in the scale of things)
    -You could have multiple healthstones on you at any time if warlocks in your group/raid had different talent point allocations into improved healthstones, so you could have up to three at once
    -Pots stricly had the cooldown, they could be used more than once in any believe the CD might have been longer than currently atm, have to check on that one
    -Hunters: someone else said it in a recent post but I will repeat in case its missed but aimed shot had a cast timer..also disengage literally did nothing
    -Blood elf racial was a lot different, used to be 2 parts insted of just arcane torrent...used to stack it the other ability to three (on a 30 second cd) and then use arcane torrent

  15. #255
    I dont know if these have been mentioned yet but:
    -Blizzard would reimburse game time if servers were down in the early days.
    -Each time a bid was placed on an auction in the auction house it would add a little more time to the auction
    -you could duel opposite factions
    -dungeons didnt have a player cap (you could have 40 ppl raid current 5 man instance) the caps were introduced in 1.3
    -you could chat in the World defense channel if you were rank 11 in pvp

  16. #256
    The Patient Sukaduk's Avatar
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    Great thread! Knew some of them but I also learned some interesting facts!

  17. #257
    Mechagnome Orumis's Avatar
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    There used to be a few 4 point talents.

    Druids had to talent in the balance tree to use spells directly after switching forms (Swiftshifting)
    Omen of Clarity was a 5 minute buff in the balance tree that only proced from melee strikes
    There was a talent in the balance tree that increased weapon damage by 2% a point (it was deep too)
    Hurricane was the final talent on a 1 min. CD
    Faerie Fire Cat and Bear had to be talented separately in the feral tree
    Innervate was the final talent of the resto tree on a 6 min. CD

    Ice Block was a frost talent
    Pyroblast was a 6 second cast on a 1 minute cd
    Blast wave didn;t have the knockback

    Divine Strength (paladin talent) was located in deep holy.
    Holy Shock only did damage, not healing.
    Repentance was the final talent for the protection tree
    There was a ret talent that increased defense
    Consecration was a ret talent
    BoK was the final ret talent and only lasted 5 minutes
    (As you can see pallys were even screwed up back then)

    Discipline (priest) had a threat reducing talent for damage spells and was originally designed to be a damage tree
    Divine Spirit was the final talent for Disc
    Holy Fire was a Holy talent on a 1 minute CD, along with being a 5 second cast with a 5 point talent that reduced its cast time by 0.1 second each point
    Holy Nova was the final talent for Holy, put only did damage and reduced threat

    Relentless Strikes (Rogue) was a 1 point talent that gave the full benefit of the 5 points it costs today, and in the assassination tree
    Vigor was the final assassination talent
    Throwing Weapon Specialization was a 2 point talent in Combat that increased the range of your throwing weapon by 5 yards. Yeah.
    You had to talent to return back to stealth after you used Sap, and it was still only a 90% chance you would do so.
    Premeditation had a 1 second cast time.

    For Enhancement shamans, there were talents to increase blocking from shields, increasing your defense skill, and toughness.
    There was no dual wield talent... in fact there WAS a talent to allow you to wield two-handed axes and maces, however...

    Had to talent to make Corruption instant for a long time
    Curse of Exhaustion was only 10% movement speed reduction unless you talented it
    Siphon Life, instead of its current talent, was a spell that did exactly the same thing as Drain Life but better. It had a 1.5 second cast and was like a dot.
    Final Affliction talent was Dark Pact
    Fel Domination did the same thing but was on a 15min. CD
    Soul Link was the final Demonology talent and had 50% of the damage taken to be taken to your demon instead

    Death Wish used to make you immune to fear
    Bloodthirst gave you a 100% bonus increase to your next melee strike after dealing a killing blow instead of what it does now
    Last Stand was on a 10min. CD
    Shield Discipline was the final talent for Prot and no longer exists, it increased the amount of damage absorbed by your shield by 50% and increased the damage of Shield Bash by 200% for 20 seconds on a 45 second CD
    Last edited by Orumis; 2010-06-18 at 01:14 AM.
    "Too many people have opinions on things they know nothing about. The more ignorant they are, the more opinions they have."
    -Thomas Hildern

  18. #258
    Mechagnome Shruikah's Avatar
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    Oh memories...

  19. #259
    The Lightbringer msdos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadamehr View Post

    Didn't Spirit originally help with health regeneration ?
    yeah. i remember wayy back, spirit was kind of an attractive stat for warlocks in conjunction with drain life and siphon life.

  20. #260
    Mechagnome Smittles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Donks View Post
    I dont know if these have been mentioned yet but:
    -Blizzard would reimburse game time if servers were down in the early days.
    -Each time a bid was placed on an auction in the auction house it would add a little more time to the auction
    -you could duel opposite factions-dungeons didnt have a player cap (you could have 40 ppl raid current 5 man instance) the caps were introduced in 1.3
    -you could chat in the World defense channel if you were rank 11 in pvp
    You still can.
    Quote Originally Posted by Boubouille View Post
    I can see who votes against that, and I can ban. Just saying.

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