"There is a plane on top of Ironforge mountain. " There isn't. There's a wierd little camp and a flag =P
"There is a plane on top of Ironforge mountain. " There isn't. There's a wierd little camp and a flag =P
Brb finding screenie of me on top of ironforge mountain =P
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You're probably thinking about IF airport =P
Last edited by Bobzor; 2010-06-17 at 08:26 PM.
Mages used to have a spell called detect magic, and it was the only way to see beneficial buffs on any agressive mob/player. It also was able to be cast on flagged players without flagging yourself.
Didn't see anything about it so what about the Stormwind Vault?
You guys are gonna make me log on and run my tauren over there aren't ya?
I'm actually going to the mountain on my mage right now. :P
In the disc tree, priests had a talent that increased damage with wands.
great post thanks. More this would be awesome if there is something left ^^
I have some things concerning warriors:
Arms tree:
Poleaxe specialization used to be two separate specializations: Axe Spec, and Polearm spec.
Improved Hamstring used to increase the movement reduction effect by 10/20% per talent point spent.
Obviously, Hamstring only reduced movement speed, untalented, by 30%.
Mortal Strike did 200% weapon damage.
Flurry used to be 30%.
Deathwish and Enrage used to stack. In vanilla, Enrage was a 40% damage increase.
Iron will was originally in the prot tree. Imp. Thunderclap was originally in the Arms tree.
Improved Disciplines used to be in the Arms tree. (Thats fairly recent though).
Couple other notes:
Warrior charge/intercept would be effected by movement reducing effects. That is to say, that if you were snared when you charged, you would charge at a slower speed, and usually end up WAY WAY WAY far off from your target. If someone could find a video of this, its pretty hilarious. We're talking WAY off.
Preparation (Rogue talent) used to reset the CD on blind as well.
Blind used to cost a reagent to use.
Don't know if these were posted:
You could only fly from directly connected flight paths. In order to go across a continent, you literally had to land at each flight path and select the next one.
There used to be Wildhammer rep in Aerie Peak, gained from killing the local trolls. I personally got my first mains rep to revered before they removed it.
Ok. Plane is on top of Mt Hyjal that I am thinking of. Had a friend remind me. Can't find a link, so guess I will log on and get my mage there.
I know Azjol-Nerub was supposed to be an entire zone but it was scrapped for some reason and Blizzard made it an instance.
He is the life of guilds he has never joined.
He once had a noobish moment- just to see what it felt like.
If he were to beat you in a duel, you would have to fight the strong urge to thank him.
The Lunar Elders have a holiday in which they honor him.
He can speak Darnassian. In Orcish.
He is: The Most Interesting Man in the World of Warcraft.
IIRC, all resurrections in the beta gave you resurrection sickness.
Blessing of Kings use to be a 31 point Retribution talent
Consecration use to be a 21 point Retribution talent
Seal of Command use to to be 6PPM (or something close) but hit for 100% weapon damage as Holy
Repentance use to be a 31 point Protection talent
Beta paladins had "Healing Aura" that healed 125 HP/5s that only worked out of combat
Beta paladins had "Dominance Aura" which was Blessing of Might in aura form
Beta paladins had "Resistance Aura" which gave 55 resistance to every school
Beta paladins had "Wisdom Aura" which was Blessing of Wisdom in aura form
Judgment in beta was renamed to Holy Wrath
Redemption use to have a 1 hour cool down
Pummel was originally learned at level 6
Battles shout cost 20 rage
Overpower use to work on dodge, blocks, and parries
Inner Rage gave the warrior 50 rage instantly on a 5 minute cooldown
Taunt use to "build threat" and cost 5 rage (old EQ mechanic)
Thunder Clap use to do nature damage
Intimidating Shout's cower effect wouldn't break on damage
In early betas, weapon skills where the first/second tier of the Arms tree
Mortal strike was the 11 point talent, anger management was the 31s
Mortal strike use to be 220% weapon damage for 20 rage
Improved Hamstring increased the snare effect by 10% per rank (max snare with talent was -60% movement speed)
Deep Wounds was 20% weapon damage per rank (max 60% bleed effect)
Rend was a prerequisite for deep wounds
Thunderclap was an arms talent
Booming voice reduced chance for targets to resist your shouts (2% per rank)
Improved demoralizing shout was a pre-req for Piercing Howl
Enrage was 8% damage increase on crit per rank, up to 40%
Improved Intimidating Shout talent gave you a 75% chance to cause one additional target to cower (3 ranks, so 3 targets plus the initial target)
Improved inner rage reduced the cooldown of Inner Rage by 40s per rank, up to 200s
Deathwish was 20% damage done, but you lowers resistance to all damage by 20%
Blood Craze allowed for 20% of your normal health regeneration to work in combat for 5s (think of the trolls racial, but double, and only for 5 seconds)
Improved Cleave had 2 ranks, each rank adding an additional target to cleave
Bloodthirst in beta use to be 100% increase in damage and 100% chance to crit after landing a killing blow, however, it was changed after this video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJFwTcHA7oQ)
Bloodthrist when WoW went live was just 100% chance to crit
Berserk stance use to allow 10% haste instead of 3% crit
31 protection talent was "Combat Endurance" which allowed 10% of health regeneration in combat
Concussion blow use to have a 1s cast time
Defiance increased threat while in defensive stance by 15%
Improved Taunt increased the threat generated by taunt by 10/20%
Improved Sunder Armor increased the armor debuff of sunder armor by 30%
I forgot about the TC doing nature damage. Thats a joke me and my warrior buds still use to this day when we jokingly roll on SP gear to do "MORE TC DAMAGE"
Warriors were originally built around using spirit as their main tanking stat in the beta.