Thread: Bio- Skylar

  1. #1
    The Patient stalling's Avatar
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    in the hearts and souls of the nation!

    Bio- Skylar

    Name: strider, real name: skylar montferret
    Age: 17
    Race: Human
    Gender: male
    Class: most closely resembles a rogue, for now...

    Personality: on first impression: subdued, cold and unwelcoming. This of course is due to his general confusion with the world around him, all he knows is that he can kill, and he can do it well. once he has warmed up to you he is quite loyal- going to extreme lengths to protect his companions/those he cares about. His curiosity as to who he is and why he can do what he does overrides all other agendas, he is constantly self doubting and always worried about his dreams. his morality does seem to have its limits if he does not get what he wants, A short temper would be an understatement. Trying to play the cold, mysterious stranger dose not always work out for him though.

    mentality: A trained killer, the second he enters a room he searches passively for possible exit routs, then identifies and assesses every possible threat, extremely suspicious and always with at least 1 hand near the hilt of one of his daggers. A certified genius he has a complex understanding of physics and vectors, his knowledge of combat is almost unmatched and with his physical advantages. he thinks very critically, in action his mind is clear, he acts on instinct with a constant guard and a solid counter attack.

    fighting style: cardio is not an issue. he moves in small swift steps, with a fluid motion and a plan A/B philosophy(this strike fails, heres what i had prepared if it did), his weapons of choice are his daggers, but I dare you to get in a boxing match with him. He falls back to an acrobatic counter attack system if his initial strikes don't finish the job. If that fails he goes on a complete offensive disregarding any defense if it hiders his next attack, this could prove to be his downfall if his opponent can survive long enough without getting gassed, but don't forget his reaction time.

    Likes/Dislikes: low lit quiet spaces where he can sit and think, but due to the general lack of such areas in Azeroth he is content with the company of someone he trusts and some good conversation. His favorite food would have to be seasoned chicken, and seeing as he does not drink alcohol, he has nothing but water at all times. His dislikes are overly rambunctious people ( due to the fact that he constantly gets headaches) and to that length bright lights are not something he appreciates. He HATES the taste of any alcohol and does not like to be touched by anyone.

    Appearance: 5'10" on the dot. short dark brown hair, slightly tanned with a rather large scar running from behind his right ear to his upper chest and an athletic build. A youthful face with the eyes of a veteran soldier. clean cut, (if he took a bath and had a suit on he could pass as nobility, but the amount of soap in the bath would be so colossal that to even comprehend the exact measurement creates a space-time singularity- in your mind:P) he wares a simple black shirt underneath a fairly unremarkable chain mail shirt, average brown pants, extremely well made boots, which he may or may not have stolen and carries two concealed daggers curved to slight angle. Perfect for fast but powerful strikes, he does not know what metal they are made from but whatever it is it is extremely light but able to cut through almost everything.

    Strengths/Weaknesses: his main weakness would defiantly be his amnesia, more about that in the bio, he is constantly taken advantage by those who can see through his calm mask. He also has fairly severe headaches when stressed and in the mornings, constant nightmares of shadows moving around him, chanting in a strange language, and the sound of a woman screaming haunt him everyday. On the other-hand, he is extremely agile, and posses almost superhuman strength, he can beat a Tauren in an arm wrestle but don't go counting on him to lift a massive boulder or stop the walls in a booby-trapped temple from crushing you. he also heals remarkably fast, although that does not make him immortal. and for some reason he weighs the same as a fully grown orc...

    What you need to know:
    around the events of day of the dragon.
    Skylar Montferret was the son of Magnealia and Bartson "strider" Montferret, both mid-ranking covert members of the twighlight hammer. On his 1st birthday a twighlight agent came to their cottage just outside of Lakeshire. The stranger demanded that in the name of the great ones they give him their son so that he may carry out their gods will. Bartson, being a strong believer immediately agreed, but magnilia, a loving mother resisted. the argument between the three broke down into a struggle in which magnolia was brutally killed. Bartson and the agent tossed her body into the lake, then the stranger left, taking Skylar with him.
    At a young age Skylar was cared for by the twilight hammer like any other child would be, but from the age of six, he was trained to fight. this carried on until he was 16, he was taken in-front of Cho'gall himself and put under an enchanted coma. For an entire year enchantments were woven upon him making him stronger, quicker increasing reaction time and transforming his bones into metal, he was also given power: power given to Cho'gall and his followers by C'thun himself. now dispatched where c'thun has ordered, Skylar is ready to fulfill his destiny, to be in the right place at the right time, to do what he believes to be right but in actuality what he only thinks it to be. to bring about the revenge of the gods.

    as far as strider knows:
    just prior to the events of patch 3.1
    he awoke in the burning steps, 2 1/2 miles from black-rock mountain, not knowing his name, where he is or why. barefoot and with only the rags on his back he managed to make it to Morgan's vigil without incident There he managed to "convince" the gryphon master to take him to the nearest alliance stronghold: Lakeshire.
    In Lakeshire he was confronted by an unarmed Deputy Feldon, a big mistake. Feldon remarked that he looked familiar, calling him "strider" He even went far as to attempt to bring him back to the inn where he could further question him. As he placed his hand on Strider's shoulder something snapped and out of instinct he reached around and broke the Deputies hand, unsheathing the crippled mans sword and slicing his throat as he stepped through his open stance walking out of the counter attack with momentum. Dorin Songblade, the armorer, having watched the whole episode play out ran towards strider ready to attack. Not knowing what else to do, strider- still holding the sword, smashed the butt of the hilt against the dwarfs forehead sending him flying back into his stall and dislodging most of his wares from the wall behind him.
    It was at this point that strider saw the daggers, the beautiful curved daggers, they must have fallen from the wall!. Like a magpie and still buzzing with adrenalin he walked towards the wrecked stall and took them. as he stood up and started to admire them he heard a scuffle and the sound of someone running away, another merchant - who no undoubtedly saw the whole thing - running towards the town hall. thinking fast strider changed into the best cloths he could find, a black shirt-some light amour and a pair of boots that fitted perfectly, perfectly balanced and amour-ed they must have been meant for the captain of the guard. not knowing what else to do he started heading out of Redrige mountains towards Elwynn forest, towards Goldshire.
    He was last seen at the East-vale logging camp where he killed two men, injured 4 more and managed to make off with a horse.

    at Eastvale:
    Though word of his crimes have not reached the ears of those in the logging camp his mere appearance and attitude to the friendly smiles greeting him as he walked further into the encampment communicated one thing. trouble.
    Still in "kill mode" after his little scuffle at Lakeridge, Strider- now decently armed had one goal in mind, make it to the nearest city and find a priest or doctor that could help him remember.
    "Hold it right there, boy"
    He kept walking.
    "Hey RUNT I'm talking to you"
    The guard had accelerated to a light jog to catch up with strider, getting round in front of him, blocking his way.
    "Move" said strider, his hands itching for the daggers behind his shirt, daggers that the guard hadn't noticed yet.
    "What business do you have here then?"
    "I said move."
    The guard was taken aback, he had never been talked to this way by a youngster.
    "There a problem here Bert?" said an approaching guard, with 2 more following him.
    "This boy needs to learn his place" said Bert in an amused voice.
    "stolen something has he?" a smirk playing across the second guards face
    No helmets, thought strider good.
    "Na, just needs to know to respect his elders."
    A third guard reached for his club. "so we gonna stand here or we gonna have some fun boys?" he said.
    At the sight of the club Strider's mind went into overdrive, it was like he could see into the future: he could tell that the armed guard was going to swing for his knees while Bert would go for his shoulders and attempt to push him to the ground, where kicks from the rest would be expected.
    He acted first.
    Everything was a blur, his actions, his reactions- it was so easy to make them hurt strike after strike he pummeled burt into the dirt, dodging the mace wielders attack and spinning around so that he was facing his side, he raised hes knee and snapped his leg forward into the mans nose.
    two down
    A quick slash, starting at the mid chest and through to his stomach dispatched the third, and a simple puch left the final man twitching on the ground.
    Four targets. all neutralized. none dead.
    The man who he had cut would live, he had narrowly missed the intestines but made a point to twist his dagger as he pulled it out, maximum pain.
    Walking away strider tucked his daggers back under the chainmail, and continued along to the stables.
    As he entered through the side enterance he could immediatly tell that this was no mere stable. the horses kept here were all huge, well groumed and muscular, the one closest to him was easily twice his hight.
    These were warhorses.
    As he opened a gate to inspect one of the stalions he felt four tiny spikes press against his back, a pitchfork.
    "stand away from the horse, hands where i can see them."
    "I dont want to hurt anyone else, I just need a horse." said strider.
    The man holding the pitchfork was old, possibly in his late sixties, there was another man with him, only a few years older than strider.
    "Are you mad? these horses are our livelyhood! king Varian Himself rides only the finest we produce!"
    "Then loosing one wont affect you, livelyhoodwill it?"
    "Father" said the second man "be careful hes armed".
    Strider looked down, one of his daggers was poking out of his shirt, he must be more careful in the future.
    "Last chance, step away or I WILL make you."
    "That would be unwise."
    the man swung wildley at his midsection, strider hit the ground, rolling under the mans attack and coming up behind him, but he had turned already, and slashed at striders neck this time.
    This man is good thought strider I wonder who he is.
    Behind him, the sound of a sword being drawn and the light pads of someone changing thier wieght distribution.
    he sidestepped, the sword narrowly missing him, runing the older man through the hart.
    "Father!" yelped the second man, but he was already dead.
    "apolagies, you would have killed me had i not moved."
    The son swang around, anger in his eyes, he charged blindley at strider, swinging for the neck as well. Strider span around the man, bringing his daggers up as one as he moved past the attackers torso and plunging them into his back, severing his spinal cord.
    The man fell to the floor, dead before he hit it.
    For a while strider just stood there.
    what have I done? they were just farmers!
    he could feel something swelling up inside him, sadness? no.
    He vommited, barley missing the corpse of the son. it was the best he could do not to get it on his own clothes.
    not thinking a second thought he saddled the horse he was originally was looking at and rode out of the camp, he never thought of his two victims again.

    In Goldshire:
    He was still ahead of any messenger that could be sent from lakeshire or Eastvale to the marshal giving a description of him and a list of his crimes, about two days. Until they got here, if he kept his head down this time, he could walk around freely.
    This town was to loud: so much movement and light, all the music from the inn and the rustle and bustle of people going about their daily business, children playing by the pond and the blacksmith making no effort to stifle his hammers clangs. All he wanted was some peace and quiet, somewhere in the distance he heard a yelp of a dog- no a wolf, some poacher must have gotten a big score.
    He had ditched the great horse about a mile away from the town, so not to arrive in an overzealous way. But even now he was getting funny looks people backing away from him as he walked through a crowd towards the inn, looking for the innkeeper.
    "something on you're mind stranger?"
    Strider almost killed the man he span around so fast, luckilly the place was crowded so the only person who saw his intention was his would be victim. His fist a centimeter from the elderly mans nose, strider checked his stance, controlled his breathing and brought his heart rate down to normal. the man just stood there.
    "I...I was wondering if i could buy you a drink son, you look lost"
    "wha- no, I do not want a drink, go away."
    "you sure you look thirsty... strider."
    He grabbed the man by the front of his shirt dragged him to a side room, unknoticed by the other patrons, once inside he lifted him up, still holding onto his shirt, pressing his windpipe against his knuckle, enough pressure so that it hurt, but he could still talk.
    "what did you say to me?" he said in his best menacing voice, tilting his head down to check his daggers were still concealed then moving only his eyes to watch the man.
    "you're name you bloody fool, don't you remember it? or me for that matter?"
    "I dont rememeber anything..."
    "then why are you here?"
    "staying the night, heading to the city to find a priest to see if i can get my memories back."
    the man started luaghing manically, strider pressed his fist further into the mans throat, stifleing the outbreak.
    "whats so funny?"
    "the fact that you think a priest can help you" he said still managing to chuckle through the pain.
    strider set him down, but kept a firm hand on the mans shirt.
    "explain" he growled again in his most menacing voice
    "you can stop the act boy, I know who you are and I don't fear death. killing me before you hear what i have to say would be a mistake."
    "then say what you have to say old man, before i change my mind"
    "young fool" muttered the elderly man. "you are on this earth for one reason, to carry out the will of those who would see this world... changed."
    "don't worry about it, your job is to facilitate this change, not enjoy its benefits, that is only for the true believers."
    "believers of what?"
    "the twilight path."
    "the what?"
    "the path that all true worshipers of the ancient ones follow, the path that leads to paradise after death."
    "you're mad!"
    "perhaps, but everything you do, everything you say is for a reason strider, your destiny was foretold 300 000 years ago!"
    by now Strider had let go of the man and was sitting at an empty table, rubbing his temples.
    He was so confused, why would anyone do this to him- who is he? and who are these "ones who would see the world change"? Something didn't feel right about this, something in the pit of his stomach was telling him to get the hell out of this room, as far away from this man as possible.
    "the old gods will see that you complete you're journey young strider, all you have to do is play into their hands." At this the old man brushed himself off and walked towards the roaring fireplace in the corner of the room, he took one last look at strider, smiled- a smile that sent shivers down the young mans back, and stepped into the flames. As they consumed the man strider could hear chanting, the sounds, word formations they seamed familiar, but he couldn't quite put his finger on them, then suddenly the old man was gone.
    Disappeared. No ashes. Nothing.
    What the hell is going on? he thought as he walked towards the fireplace to get a better look. Just then two people burst into the room, a man- perhaps in his mid twenties and a woman- far older than that hanging off of each other, both carring large drinks, the man had a massive bag of coins straped to his belt.
    they were clearly looking for privacy.
    "I...I was just leaving" said strider, then he checked himself. put back on his emotinal guard and walked past the couple and out the room. But not before snagging the coin bag on his way out.
    As he made his way towards the bar he recieved more funny looks.
    what is it? he thought is it the way i look?
    he reached the bar and was greeted by a large portly man, wearing fine silk clothes he had a double chin and small beaddy eyes.
    "what'll it be son?" he bellowed so that strider could hear him over the crowd, this did not help things as the young rouge was starting to get an inteanse headache.
    "you sure? on a fine friday afternoon like today? how bout something for the big boys eh? well just say you looked eighteen! ha!"
    "water" he said again, more firmly this time.
    The smile on the mans face never faded but his eyes went cold, then he spotted the coin bag, and they lit up again- with greed.
    "ten gold peices then lad"
    "ten gold, come on the pay up or be off with yeah"
    "its water..."
    "yeah but with the inflation of the econamy, all those rare ores coming back from Northrend, the value of a coin isn't what it used to be- a mans gotta make a living.
    what with all the cobalt, titansteal, saronite coming down its a wonder people do-"
    "what did you say?"
    "what the minerals?"
    "yes, something about saroa-"
    "saronite, comes from all over the great north huge value, great for amour- they say its actually the frozen blood of an old god!"
    "a what?"
    "an old god, didnt your parents ever tell you any fairy tales?"
    "i never knew my parents" said strider, lying, but not wishing to tell this repulsive man anything about himself.

    "the winds shall blow and the ocean shall swell
    the punsihment for using the well
    the old gods shall come again
    and when they do it will be the end of all men.

    strider just stood there, the old gods they were real? his headach got worse, the band playing music picked up a new tune and he thought he was going to vomit again.
    "you paying then lad?"
    "wha- yes. here how much for a room aswell"
    the mans eyes lit up even further.
    "well yeah look lost, so I'll cut ya a deal, for the rest of the coin in that bag I'll let you have the finest suit in the inn!"
    strider blinked, there must have been over 700 gold in that bag, was the inflation really that bad? he didn't care anymore he just had to get out of this noise.
    "fine, here" he tossed the bag on the counter and grabbed his water.
    "upstairs, third door on the left." said the large man throwing him a set of keys.
    as strider made his way towards the stairwell he could here the bartenders loud voice booming in the kitchen.
    "we got ourself another chump boys, look at all this gold!"
    When he opened the door to his room he was taken aback, if this was the finest the inn had to offer then he was the champion of Stormwind.
    champion of stormwind he thought where did that come from?
    no matter, strider went over to the small cot that was supposed to pass for a bed and collapsed in it, and the bed in turn collapsed as well.
    moments later he was asleep.

    a brief timeline:
    the above events happened the exact day the argent tournament started.

    next day:
    strider leaves goldshire, on his way to stormwind he is held up by 5 defias bandits, he kills 4 leaving one near death. the messengers sent from Lakeridge and eastvale were faster than strider first anticipated, they reached stormwind before he arrives. while searching for strider guards find the injured defias bandit learning that strider is already inside the city.

    in the city:
    strider manages to travel to the cathedral of light, but something stops him from going into the building, he physically can not enter, his own body will not let him move.

    strider stays in stormwind for a month waiting for a boat north, stealing and evading the guards to get by, he has decided to go to northrend to investigate this "saronite" further.

    upon arriving in the Borean tundra strider immediately heads northeast towards storm peaks, on his way he runs across horde hunting party, who taking him for an alliance adventurer attack him. outnumbered 20 to one strider is nearly beaten to death, but when a drop of his blood hits the dirt, great sinewy tentacles rise out of the ground, decimating the hunting party.

    as strider reaches the storm peaks he is confronted at k3 by goblins, saying that word of his fight with the hunting party has reached them, they believe he is an agent of yogg'saron. Strider, still slightly injured manages to fight his way out of the goblin settlement and make it to uludar on a stolen flying machine. Ulduar, being deserted after the "death" of yogg'saron presents no challenge to strider. Some left behind constructs and an informative conversation between a titan computer AI reveals to strider exactly what the old gods are, space parasites. continuing further into ulduar he enters yogg'saron's chamber, but it is empty, no corpse, nothing.
    while looking around strider is confronted by an army faceless ones who emerge from the ground of the chamber. They tell him he has done well to bring the gift of c'thun to yogg'saron, which when combined with his own blood will increase the power of the two tenfold. strider is told that he must die for the gift to be received. wishing to live strider fights the faceless ones, but in the battle his headaches reach a critical point, strider passes out. and wakes up in an empty chamber, filled with nothing but ash.
    strider leaves ulduar, having gained nothing more than knowledge of what the old gods truly are he continues to travel the frozen wastes, looking for more clues as to who he is, what his connection with the twilight's hammer are and what happened when he passed out.

    Sorry for the terrible formatting, and spelling. The spelling is my fault but you can blame apple for the formatting(lol). Anyway ill be adding the developments of fray island on here within the next couple of days
    Last edited by stalling; 2010-06-19 at 10:32 PM.

    Skylar, The Twilight Shadow.
    Shan'do Ninsho Wisepaw, Wardancer and future Shodo-Pan.

  2. #2
    I like it. A young man, who loves to kill, and has had memory loss. It is really confusing though, seeing as he awoke, went to Lakeshire, and killed someone. Then, it goes and says from 6-16 he was trained by the Twilight's Hammer. Or I could read it wrong, but if he was trained 6-16, then woke up, not knowing his past, how come it says?
    Quote Originally Posted by Mortis Darkskull View Post
    1st south park garots... now happy garots... next one must be overdramatic seinen manga garots...
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  3. #3
    The Patient stalling's Avatar
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    in the hearts and souls of the nation!
    The first part, concerning lakeshire is what the character himself knows.
    The second part, with his training and birth is what people ooc should know to get his full story, how he came to be and why he does the things he does basically everything that he forgot. should i change the order? i think it would make more sense.
    Last edited by stalling; 2010-06-18 at 03:22 AM. Reason: added clarification

    Skylar, The Twilight Shadow.
    Shan'do Ninsho Wisepaw, Wardancer and future Shodo-Pan.

  4. #4
    Yeah change the order or say unknown to him he was....
    Otherwise he sounds quite the character.

  5. #5
    The Patient stalling's Avatar
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    in the hearts and souls of the nation!
    alright changed the order.

    also here is a bit on his current state of mind.
    added his fighting style, i want some good action in his adventures, gave him a pretty big weakness as well- will keep things interesting.
    modified his hight.

    ---------- Post added 06-18-2010 at 12:46 AM ----------

    while I am waiting for approval, I could add a story about his exploits around the Eastvale logging camp on his way to Goldshire. how bout an action packed thriller, or a cold blooded stealth sequence, "killed two men and took their horse" doesn't do this guy justice!

    Edit: BAM! cold blooded killer with a soft side, but a tendency for revenge!
    good or bad? You decide! :P
    Last edited by stalling; 2010-06-18 at 06:24 AM.

    Skylar, The Twilight Shadow.
    Shan'do Ninsho Wisepaw, Wardancer and future Shodo-Pan.

  6. #6
    Mechagnome Valakin's Avatar
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    I like him - he might end up friends with my new character I'm making....

  7. #7
    The Patient stalling's Avatar
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    in the hearts and souls of the nation!
    Yeah sounds fun, i wanna get into his softer side lol. I haven't found a way to express his personality yet, show that he can be taken advantage of, and his short temper.I wanna emphasize his weaknesses for fear of him seaming "immortal".

    added a bit about what goes down in goldshire, sorry for the crappy format, im doing this all from an Iphone, when i get home tonight ill edit it up.
    Last edited by stalling; 2010-06-18 at 06:52 PM.

    Skylar, The Twilight Shadow.
    Shan'do Ninsho Wisepaw, Wardancer and future Shodo-Pan.

  8. #8
    Mechagnome Valakin's Avatar
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    Well I'm making two chars really - One is a dragonflight and the other is a mechagnome

    ---------- Post added 06-18-2010 at 04:51 PM ----------

    but the char max is 4 *hint hint*

  9. #9
    So a dragon-Gnome?
    Quote Originally Posted by Mortis Darkskull View Post
    1st south park garots... now happy garots... next one must be overdramatic seinen manga garots...
    Best of 5 years!

  10. #10
    Mechagnome Valakin's Avatar
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    No, it's not a dragon-gnome...Go back to Fray Island!

  11. #11
    The Patient stalling's Avatar
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    in the hearts and souls of the nation!
    I think I am going to clean this bio up a bit, make it more streamlined and easier to read, perhaps in another post.

    Skylar, The Twilight Shadow.
    Shan'do Ninsho Wisepaw, Wardancer and future Shodo-Pan.

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