1. #1

    Lost Merchandise ((Open RP))

    ((This SRP is open to all characters of the Horde faction. I will control the bandits general behaviour, however if any battles arise participants are welcome to control single members of the group unless I single out particular ones I wish to control. This event happens during the siege on Icecrown Citadel, the Lich King still lives, and the Horde and Alliance armies have not yet got a foothold inside the Citadel (so no King Varian/Garrosh and Tirion inside the entrance!)))

    It was late in the evening when Thorok Chillward finally left Contriz's house in Dalaran with another load of ammunition and potions. My that Gnome doesn't half go on about his potions! Thorok thought. The Kirin Tor had ordered Contriz to stock the mortal armies of Azeroth with extra supplies, as they were using their stockpile faster than expected. Thorok knew it would be an easy trip. His trusty Proto-Drake Kromar would get him to the Citadel in no time. He put the shipment onto Cracker's back and rode Crackers' in the direction of Krasus Landing.

    Approaching Krasus Landing, he saw Kromar waiting for him. Thorok had collected his Steed from the Storm Peaks upon recieving a message from a Troll Courrier that Contriz had another load for him. Taking the shipment from Crackers' saddlebags, he transfered them to Kromar. Upon finishing the transfer of his shipment, Thorok left Crackers to return to Contriz's house, as he had been trained to do whenever Thorok mounted Kromar, and he took to the air.

    The sensation of the cold wind in his face, the chill slipping in through the links in his Hauberk, was what Thorok craved. Nothing was better to him than being one with Kromar in the air. This was where he was born to be. Suddenly, Kromar banked right. This sudden, unrequested movement shook Thorok from this thoughts, and he stood on Kromar's back, drawing his shield. As they had flown over the mountains south of Mord'rethar two Choppers had joined Thorok in the air. One of the Chopper pilots carried a rifle and had fired at Thorok, this had been what had caused Kromar to move.

    Thorok called upon the Element's of Frost and Wind to aid him. He buffeted the chopper that had fired at him with a mighty gust of wind, at the same time freezing its engines. The Chopper dropped out of the sky like a stone. However, while Thorok had been taking care of that chopper, the other had climbed above him. He was too close to them now. If he used magic to take down this chopper to it would collide with Kromar and both him and the Chopper driver would die. Instead, Thorok commanded Kromar to attack the plan. Thorok jumped into the air, off Kromar and sent, calling upon the power of the nature element, an electrical charge through his cloak. It expanded above his head into a parachute, slowing his fall. Looking up, he saw Kromar latch onto the base of the remaining chopper and, using his giant jaw, bite a whole in its base. When he retracted his jaw, the terrorfied pilot fell too his death as there was no longer any floor below him. Kromar then released the chopper and flew down too Thorok, who released the flow of energy into his cloak and landed safely onto Kromar's back.

    BANG! The world went black.


    Thorok awoke. It was dawn, and he lay on the side of a mountain. The Lich King's Citadel was in view to the west. Dazed, Thorok got too his feet. A few yards away from him, Kromar sat with a net pinning him too the ground. Thorok quickly ran over and, using his dagger, cut Kromar free. The next thing Thorok noticed was that the shipment of ammunition and potions meant for the army were gone. Thorok quickly realised what had happened. Those 2 choppers must not have been all that was out here, he had obviously been shot from the ground, which was why he blacked out. Thorok reached towards his head, where a pain was now growing as his sensed returned fully too him.

    OWCH! Thorok thought, touching the painful part of his head, blood covered his hand. He was lucky to be alive, the bullet must have just grazed his skull. Calling upon the power of the ancestors he healed his wound, then healed some scratches and cuts on Kromar's jaw, from where he had bitten the chopper, and two gaping wholes in his wings. Obviously Thorok was not the only one who had been shot.

    Who are these people? And, more worryingly, what do they want with all that ammunition and all those potions? Could it be scourge? Surely not, scourge do not ride mechanical mounts. It must be some rogue group. Bandits maybe, looking to make some money out of the war with the Lich King? I cannot allow it. However, if they have the technology to create flying machines, and the fire power to take me out of the sky without me even seeing what hit me, I will need some assistance. On the other hand, I do not want Contriz or the Kirin Tor to hear of my failure. There is my reputation at stake! I shall have to head back to Dalaran, but seak assistance in a far more subtle manour than simply asking for it. Hmm...

    As he considered his options, Thorok spotted a pouch next to Kromar, obviously dropped by one of the bandits when they had netted Kromar, and - unwilling to release an angry Proto-Drake just for a small pouch - had left it there. Inside it was some flint, and what appeared to be scraps of purple wood. Obviously a fire starting kit, but purple wood? Then it hit him. This wood is from the Crystalsong Forest! That must be where these bandits are based. It can't be too far east either, else they wouldn't have spotted me leaving. So they must be based somewhere around the Great Tree!.

    Excited at his discovery, and with an idea forming in his mind, he mounted Kromar and headed for Dalaran. Upon returning to the city, he dismounted Kromar, shifted into his spiritual wolven form and sprinted too the Filthy Animal inn. He got a piece of parchment and some chalk from his pouch and wrote a message.


    Then at the bottom he put in small letters "Reward is Honour. I regretfully have no gold to offer.", before asking a Barmaid is she would mine him posting this on the wall near the bar. She said it was fine, so Thorok handed her the notice which she then put it on the wall. Thorok then ordered a Honeymint Tea, grabbed his drink and headed up to the hammocks to recover from his ordeal and await assistance. He just hoped it would not be too long, the army needed his shipment as soon as possible, and people would very soon start to notice its absense.

  2. #2
    ((Mind if I join on Hallas as the ringleader of these bandits? It's the kind of thing he'd do for a profit.))

  3. #3
    ((Yeah could add a cool dynamic, just so you know the bandit base is situated in Crystalsong Forest on the bank of the river to the east of the Great Tree))

  4. #4
    Lightbringer Hallas smiled, watching the horizon as the silhouettes of ramshackle helicopters began to close in on the camp. He motioned for a few of the bandits milling about to go and prepare for their landing, and then pulled out a roll of parchment, ready to write down whatever this haul had produced, as to keep track of what was now the bandits/his.

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