1. #1

    Need Help with a Balance Druid Macro

    Evening Ladies and Gentlemen

    I'm after some macros for the Druid's Moonkin form. i ran a balance druid thru the starting zone of draenor and noticed that when i shapeshift from cat or travel form (better movement) that i'm in normal form. and usually when i'm shifting back into normal form. its to fight.

    unfortunately i know nothing about macros

    so I'm after help with two macros that will do the following

    macro 1
    change to cat or travel form form
    then if i'm in cat/travel form change to moonkin form.

    macro 2 is a caster for when i'm in a shapeshift form.
    change to moonkin form
    then cast an instant cast spell like moonfire

    any ideas?

  2. #2
    /cast [nostance:3] Cat Form
    /cast [nostance:5] Travel Form
    /cast [stance:3,4] Moonkin Form

    Need to press twice due gcd
    /cast [nostance:4] Moonkin Form
    /cast Moonfire

  3. #3
    thanks for the info. the second 1 works perfectly

    is there a way to separate the first macro?

    i.e. cat form to moonkin in 1

    travel form to moonkin in another

  4. #4
    Moonkin if not already > Cat Form if indoors or in combat > Travel Form
    /cast [noform:4] Moonkin Form; [combat] [indoors] Cat Form; Travel Form
    /cast [noform:4] Moonkin Form; Moonfire

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