1. #1

    [Work in Progress] Bio- Ketarn Bladefury

    As of right now, I'm posting this so it's out on the forums for people to critique, I am going to work and will finish this when I get back home.

    Name: Ketarn Bladefury


    Race: Orc

    Gender: Male

    Class: Warrior

    Personality: Headstrong, quick-tempered, determined, loyal, short-sighted, spiritual

    Likes: Fellow warriors, shaman, elders, tauren, trolls, orcs, battle, honor

    Dislikes: Forsaken, Blood elves, warlocks, humans, deceit

    Appearance: http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/i...sher/Knuse.jpg Typical Mag'har orc, brown skin, black hair, amber eyes. Ketarn stands 7 feet tall. Ketarn has a scar on his left arm from a puncture wound caused by the talbuk he hunted for his rite of Om'riggor.

    Strengths: Ketarn is very skilled in battle and has great willpower, he also tends to befriend others quickly.

    Weaknesses: Ketarn is extremely short-sighted, he sees things "in the now" and find a solution to the current problem, and tends to not look at any far-reaching consequences, Ketarn's short temper affects his judgment greatly when angered.

    History: Ketarn was born in Garadar two years after the First War began, his mother died during childbirth and he was raised by his father, a powerful warrior and defender of Garadar named Okkor Fistbreaker. Okkor told Ketarn stories of the demonic corruption that plagued their race and warned against the danger and evil that all warlocks strive for. Okkor trained him how to wield an axe shortly after Ketarn turned 8, using a small, hand-carved wooden axe. Ketarn learned how to use his axe very quickly, and would often spar with his father and learn new techniques. Several times a month, ogre raiders would attack Garadar and were beaten back by the defenders, Dranosh Saurfang and Garrosh Hellscream were among the defenders. Ketarn often watched the invasions play out and would watch his father effortlessly slay several ogres and would mimic his father, trying to better himself. Ketarn's father also would go and hunt for the village, and when he would go out on expeditions, Ketarn would play with the other orc children in the village, often sparring with a few of the older boys. Ketarn befriended an older orc child named Tholl, the two would become fast friends. Shortly after Ketarn's 13th birthday, his father gave him a real axe to use, so that Ketarn could accompany his father when he went out to hunt for food and clothing. After several successful hunts with his father, the elders of Garadar began to watch Ketarn, seeing great potential in the young orc. Eventually, Tholl would also accompany Ketarn and Okkor on their hunting expeditions. Years passed and Ketarn slowly became one of the best hunters in Garadar, rivaling his father in skill.

    On Ketarn's 20th birthday, he was given his rite of Om'riggor to be considered an adult, and was ordered to go out into the plains of Nagrand and slay a Talbuk stag alone, and to paint its blood on his face. Ketarn grabbed his axe and prayed to his ancestors for strength and guidance on his hunt, he left with his father's blessing, and wishes of luck from Tholl. Ketarn left Garadar and began to travel towards the river basin south of Garadar, where he hunted Talbuk with his father several times. As Ketarn arrived at the basin, he was unable to find a stag at first, but as he approached a talbuk doe, he was charged by a talbuk stag and was knocked off of his feet. Ketarn stood up quickly and readied his axe, the stag charged again and Ketarn dodged to the side and swung his axe swiftly, the talbuk yelped in pain and a large piece of the stag's horn had been cut off. The stag charged again, and Ketarn dodged to the side again, but the stag was able to quickly turn and ram into Ketarn again, injuring his left arm. Ketarn stood up quickly, and looked at his left arm, which had a small puncture wound in the bicep. Seeing this, Ketarn charged the talbuk in anger and swung his axe with the full force of his body behind it, slicing through the talbuk's torso and killing it instantly. Ketarn sat down and placed his hands in the open talbuk wound, and slapped the talbuk's blood onto his face. Ketarn, knowing that the talbuk could be used for food, grabbed some strong reed and used it as rope to tied the legs of the talbuk together. Ketarn began to drag the corpse towards Garadar quickly, so that he could return by nightfall. Several hours passed and Ketarn realized that a fresh talbuk corpse could attract other predators, and decided to leave the corpse behind. As Ketarn approached Garadar he saw something unusual behind a large boulder, an ogre that was sent to scout out Garadar before an invasion. Ketarn approached the ogre silently, and when the ogre was within thirty feet, Ketarn let out a bellowing roar and charged the ogre full speed. The ogre, who had no weapons aside from a small mace was stunned from the roar and turned around to see a flash of steel slicing into his gut, causing his organs to slide out onto the grass. Ketarn searched the ogre and found a small note, written in an language unknown to him. He severed the head of the ogre and tied it to his belt using extra rope from his bag. When he arrived at Garadar, the guards noticed the ogre's head and inquired about its origin, Ketarn explained what had happened and the guards brought him to the elders immediately. As he entered the elder's hut, the clan shaman approached him and ran a finger across Ketarn's face, and tasted the blood. The shaman declared that Ketarn had completed his rite of Om'riggor, and was now a member of the Mag'har clan. Ketarn explained to the elders about the encounter with the ogre, and gave them the note he found on the body. The elders read the note and thanked Ketarn for his service to Garadar, they ordered him to rest, and when he awoke to prepare himself to defend Garadar.

    Ketarn walked briskly to his father's hut to inform his father of his success and status as an adult Mag'har. Okkor congratulated his son and gave him a gift, his own skinning knife and a bow crafted specifically for hunting talbuk. Okkor told Ketarn that he was too old to hunt now, and therefore Ketarn would have to hunt for their food; upon hearing this, Ketarn beamed and hugged his father and gratefully accepted the task. Ketarn drank several gulps of water before laying down to rest. The sound of screaming and weapons clanging against one another awoke Ketarn. He quickly donned his leather-hide armor and grabbed his axe and ran out to defend his village from the attackers. When he arrived at the focal point of the battle, Ketarn saw that every able-bodied orc was out fighting off the large invading force of ogres, seeing his father, Ketarn ran to Okkor's side and proceeded to fight with him. The two slew many ogres, but for each one that fell, another replace it, and Okkor found himself tiring. Ketarn was assisting two other orcs in slaying a rather large ogre when he lost track of his father. Okkor was fighting off two ogres on his own, but was unable to hold them both off and took a mortal wound to the chest from a handaxe, he roared out in pain, Ketarn heard his roar and ran to its source. He saw his father bleeding profusely from the chest, and ran over to him quickly. Okkor looked into Ketarn's eyes and smiled, and gathered his remaining energy to mutter a few words, "Ketarn, my boy...you've grown to be a proud and honorable orc...I...am...proud..." Okkor's eyes rolled back into his head, and Ketarn closed his father's eyes and laid down his corpse gently. Anger was boiling inside of Ketarn, an anger so deep that Ketarn lost all sense of danger and charged towards the nearest ogres, letting out a roar so terrifying that some would compare it to that of Grom Hellscream. Ketarn chopped through several ogres and continued on to slay several more, taking several axe wounds to the arms and legs. The loss of ten ogres to one orc was disheartening to the ogres, and their commander ordered them to retreat. With all of his energy expended and being wounded, Ketarn passed out after the last ogre had run away.

    Ketarn awoke the next day in the village healer's hut, covered in bandages and his wounds smelling of herbal salves. The healer informed Ketarn that the elders wished to speak with him regarding his act and his father's death, but only after he had fully recovered.
    Last edited by Kalaan; 2010-07-07 at 01:14 PM. Reason: Adding a paragraph to the history and changing Ketarn's age to 31

  2. #2
    25 is slightly young for an orc warrior.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mortis Darkskull View Post
    1st south park garots... now happy garots... next one must be overdramatic seinen manga garots...
    Best of 5 years!

  3. #3
    Knuse doesn't really sound orcish... To me, it's too cute. Orcish names are gruff and gritty.

    If you need some ideas for names, look at the notable orcs in the 'Orc' article on wowwiki.

    For ages, check the 'lifespans' article, also on wowwiki. ((Rawr, give links so people don't need to ask where to find the info, Garots :P))

  4. #4
    You sure that you could tie an ogre's head to your belt and still be able to walk? I mean, those things are really big... Also, other than what was said about age and names, I wouldn't think it would be wise to drag a whole Talbuk's corpse which is bleeding profusely from the torso back several miles to Garadar, it would attract wolves and I'm sure an orc familiar to the hunt would realize this.

  5. #5
    @ Garots, I looked at the age timeline, wouldn't 25 be a good age for an orc warrior? He's in the middle of young adulthood, and would have the stamina and perseverance that an older orc would lack.

    @The Madgod, I chose Knuse, a Danish name, for the meaning, which is crush. Although I could change it to Rhakka or Ketarn, would those be suitable orcish names?

    @Tylanir, I was actually thinking about that and I'm going to change the talbuk part out, an ogre head wouldn't be much of a burden to an orc of Knuse's size, though.

  6. #6
    Rhakka sounds female... Ketarn seems to be pretty acceptable, though. I'd go with that.

  7. #7
    ((@ Maddy, yeah, but making things easy isn't my style 8)))
    ((@Kalaan, 25 is young for a spiritual, head-strong, Orc. That is like a 20 year pope who is the US navy commander.))
    Quote Originally Posted by Mortis Darkskull View Post
    1st south park garots... now happy garots... next one must be overdramatic seinen manga garots...
    Best of 5 years!

  8. #8
    @The Madgod, Alrighty, I'll go on and switch everything around to Ketarn

    @Garots, you have a point there, what would be an acceptable age? 30+?

  9. #9
    30+ should be pretty good. 40 is middle-age for orcs. 35 would be a nice age. He still has his strength, but his head's most likely cooled off a bit.

  10. #10
    Alright, I'll decide on an exact age and modify the story slightly to be accurate with the timeline. Thanks for the critique

  11. #11
    'his mother during childbirth and he was raised by his father'


  12. #12
    Oh, must've not proofread that. Supposed to be died. I was typing that in a hurry to try to get it finished before I had to leave for work.

  13. #13
    I've added a paragraph to the story, if anyone would like to critique on that.

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