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  1. #241
    Quote Originally Posted by Kynarie View Post
    Thank god.. I don't know why they wanted it to be like that in the first place anyway..

    Kinda stupid imo after all it was just your first name, not like it was your address or phonenumber.

  2. #242
    Quote Originally Posted by Xenryusho View Post
    Remember back before the .net merge every player was required to have a unique account name? It's not that hard to think of a name. And for the people who do have numbers in their name such as John2940 I don't see a major problem unless John2740 was posting in the same thread. And aside from the 'realm' forums in WoW I don't see a problem with multiple people with the same name posting in the threads there..

    Easily there will be a Deathdealer in multiple realms and some with the same class. Posting on the dps forums you'd think a similar problem would arise but there isn't. In WoW's system people can use the same names on the forums.
    Difference is that you'll be posting using said name. An account name can be excused for looking stupid, since it will only be used at log-in. I'm quite sure Blizzard aren't interested in seeing hotmail variations of character names all over the forums.

    In WoWs system, several people CAN use the same name, but they will be attached to different realms. As I said, you can't attach a Starcraft character to any realm, so it's only logical that there would be another way to differentiate people.

    Either way, you seem to have missed my point. I highlighted another possible interpretation, to have an alternative to the speculative and assumptious claim by the guy who felt a need to strengthen his arguments with childish insults.
    Whining about WoW since closed beta.
    Retired from WoW since patch 4.0.6.

  3. #243
    Quote Originally Posted by Vook View Post
    Blizzard - 0
    QQers - 1
    You're misusing the term "QQ" egregiously, here. In fact, on thinking about it, I don't exactly know what QQ means anymore. It used to mean the forum equivalent of whining, e.g. "my autoshots aren't out-dpsing the raid." When thousands of people gather to protest a change that that has the potential to harm them, I'm really having a hard time calling that "QQ". By that definition any political protest is QQ.
    WoW: Founder <Saturnalia>, Norgannon
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    Gaming articles

  4. #244
    At least now I feel like it is once again my choice to cancel my account or keep playing and not something taken away from me by greed. They've definitely lost my trust though.

  5. #245
    Somewhere Jack Thompson is swearing cause he can't use Real ID to prove he was right that all gamers were raging maniacs one gank away from hijacking a plane and driving it into said ganker's house.

  6. #246
    Quote Originally Posted by phenom568 View Post
    They are considered homeless
    or like live in a large city with awesome public transport...In London, New York and Paris a car is much more of a hassle than they're worth.

  7. #247
    Immortal Tharkkun's Avatar
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    It wouldn't suprise me if this was a marketing test. Rather than just make the change Blizzard pre-announced it to get a feel over how the community would react. Depending on the outcome they move forward with it
    or cancel it.

  8. #248
    Now only if the community can stir up a shit storm about the Worgen dance and get it changed then everything would be complete =P

  9. #249

  10. #250
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraftwerk View Post
    Playing World of Warcraft and other Blizzard games compromises your career?
    apparently you cant play WoW and be a Mcdonalds Manager at the same time.

  11. #251
    To put this in the vernacular of the Internet...

    F*** yeah, Seaking!

  12. #252
    The Patient Kitanii's Avatar
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    I love that this os not going to happen. But I start wondering if they even wanted it in the first polace or just did this for publicity? Everyone Facebook/Twitter (lol) was talking about it
    "Multiple exclamation marks," he went on, shaking his head, "are a sure sign of a diseased mind."

    * * --(Terry Pratchett, Eric)

  13. #253
    Yeah, Every Voice Matters but in the end Blizzard has the Only Voice That Matters.

  14. #254
    Quote Originally Posted by MortalWombat View Post
    Because only a very little of you had a valid reason, no "omg it might effect my chances at getting a job" wasn't a real reason.
    How is that not a valid concern? Do you really think that people working in HR are completely oblivious to the internet's existance?

    MMORPGs are very much frowned upon as a pass time activity. Many people still think that MMO players are incapable of focusing on their jobs. And that can have a very real negative impact on your job application.

  15. #255
    Blizzard is still sharing your information with Facebook and Microsoft. Minor victory.

  16. #256
    Vast success for players. And to those who seem to think this is a success for the trolls... Consider that comic posted yesterday (The CAD one). It's pretty much spot on.

    People troll FACEBOOK. That gives a lot more information than just a name, but they still do it. All this did was to alienate the part of the community that cares about a degree of privacy. Given that a number of celebrities, politicians, civil servants, and all manner of other people from all walks of life use the forums, a little anonymity is nice.

    Equally nice is the concept they seem to be toting in that post of having an alias that all your posts are under. This gives a degree of control over the trolls, and appeases both the tinfoil hat crowd, and the people who legitimately care about using the forums without giving out their name to the seething masses.

    Picking, at random, William Shatner: He probably doesn't play, of course, and only did the advert for money, but imagine if he really DID have a shaman, and had an issue. It would go like this:

    William Shatner: So... I'm having a problem with my shaman's DPS. My numbers are lower than I think they should be. Can anyone help?

    Joe Smith: OMG, THE William Shatner? No way!

    Seymour Butts: LOL NEWB. Nice GS.

    Hugh Jass: Be more bad, baddie.


    Etc, etc, etc.

  17. #257
    Scarab Lord Alraml's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buzzinjoe View Post
    Have a spine? They admitted to having made a mistake and reverted the planned changes. That's a real show of having a spine. Having gone through with it they wouldn't have shown they had a spine but instead proved their complete disregard for their customers.

    And we weren't whiners, we were individuals bringing forth valid concerns.
    You see, i'd agree with you if they were in concern format instead of whine format

  18. #258
    Well people are sheeps that for sure

    one damage control letter stating we are not implementing this feature "as quickly as we thought" people are cheering that its shelved and canceled for all future and resubbing quickly as hell cause its a victory

    it aint a victory first battle is won yes but instead off attacking and making sure we will win people start taking the victory party and goes back without even one thought we won today who cares about tomorrow

    This is pure and simple damage control cause clearly canceled subs went trough the roof otherwise they never would have budged one inch even.

    But still they are exactly the same company that 3 days ago gave a rats ass about this and said so what if youre mad screw you we are doing it still the same ........

    It's all about the money and now they will doing it at a later date enjoy youre gametime btw while it last

  19. #259
    Quote Originally Posted by Abandon View Post
    If only the Technical Support team could be contacted by phone or email...oh, wait! They can!
    If only they didnt redirect you with complicated issues to forums.

    Oh wait.

    Also, try to live In Europe, especially Central and Eastern Europe, those countries arent supported at all, not even for basic features like Ress scroll or Recruit a friend, and you wont get anything from them, even if you are atleast decent in English and can formulate your questions.

    The tech forums are often the only viable way to get some answers to ones problems.

  20. #260
    It's a good thing to know that every 13-year old who plays the game wont be getting gang-raped due to Real ID now.

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