"clean record without a gaming history". LOL.
I work for a corporation. Having Internet knowledge and hobbies aren't something that exclude you from selections.
Sorry to burst your delicate bubble, but again you obviously have no clue how anything works and are still talking out your ass based on sensationalized news instead of having any sort of experience on the subject.
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Not that I'd still use blizzards own forums, but this had to be said after arguments agains realID-forums were on the same level with greenpeaces claims about nuclear power; Hilariously ridicilous, overrexaggerated moronity with no base in real life.
Anyone remember that guy who commented about wanting to keep his name secret on BBC under his own name?
Okay i found the QQ over this stupid anyway, if it was such a big problem for some people to use their name then they just couldn't post of the forms...that have nothing to do with the game...that you never have to look at ever...so...what was the big deal?
Don't flame Blizzard for being inconsequent or something like that, it was just the right decission to listen to the community instead of running their head against a wall. I'm happy, now i can continue using the official forums. Thank you, Blue.
Oh and.. excuse my bad english..
My boss, the CEO of RIM, konica minolta execs, xerox reps, the VP of canon and pretty much every tech savvy person i've ever dealt with on a personal level all play mmos.
Just because your point is meandering and weak doesn't mean you have to use quotes to doubt what I'm saying. This is the internet age. Using the Internet is not a corporate sin.
Just because 2 bosses worldwide are dumb paranoids doesn't mean the corporate world is that way. I had a guy who didn't hire me once because he didn't like my tie. People can make up whatever dumb excuse they want, doesn't make what you're saying valid.
Using the Internet isn't a disease.
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feels like we got trolled...
Then you're probably reading the wrong thread. If you don't want to read people discussing RID, why are you on page 20 of a comment thread about it?
And please, there is no need to reply to every single post you disagree with with the exact same message. It's unnecessary. That kind of spam isn't any more desirable than that of whiny people. We got it the first time, you don't want to read the messages. So, please don't.