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  1. #141
    Quote Originally Posted by Buzzinjoe View Post
    However, when we launch the new StarCraft II forums that include these new features, you will be posting by your StarCraft II character name + character code, not your real name. The upgraded World of Warcraft forums with these new features will launch close to the release of Cataclysm, and also will not require your real name.

    How is that last sentence not clear? Dumbass
    Key word being "character", not account. Another keyword being "Starcraft". Combine those two, and you have "Starcraft Character". They might add a unique account code to all character posts, but they did not clarify this. What you are doing is speculating and assuming.
    Whining about WoW since closed beta.
    Retired from WoW since patch 4.0.6.

  2. #142
    Quote Originally Posted by Elica View Post
    If you by your childish approach refer to the "StarCraft II character name + character code", no where does it mention that a unique code will be attached to all characters under the same account. Perhaps you should read it again, "dumbass".

    Simple logic fail...

    There will be A Character Name. And B Character Code.
    If A == B why would they have any reason to add it?

    Alt name

    Doesn't make much sense does it? A pointless code that a name could easily take the place of the name next to it? If it's not a unique code perhaps you can provide some realistic insight.. About an addition of a 'code' that replaced the 'name' previously proposed only when they removed the name to begin with..

    "World of Warcraft forums with these new features will launch" <--- What we're doing is simple reading comprehension.

    "Let's eat grandpa." The grammar suggests we're eating our grandfather, but using logic we can find that the statement was simply articulated incorrectly.
    "Let's go there instead then." Yesterday they mentioning going to the arcade but all your friends argued they should go to the beach instead. Using logic where can we conclude they were referring to (despite being vague)?
    Last edited by Xenryusho; 2010-07-09 at 05:32 PM. Reason: Explanation on how sentient thought has benefits to literal translation.

  3. #143
    Quote Originally Posted by Cronnix View Post
    When I was calling their tech support, I got told off to post the issue on the forums. So much for optional.
    Sigh... don't confuse posting on their forums for READING their forums, considering the majority of issues are resolved there. However, just because they ASK you to do that doesn't mean you have to do it. You have other options for doing it, christ are you that much of a sheep you just do what people tell you and don't think for yourself?

  4. #144
    Quote Originally Posted by Elica View Post
    Paranoia - 1
    Common sense - 0
    Stop being ignorant.

  5. #145
    Legendary! Fenixdown's Avatar
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    The amusing bit? Everyone complains about how "casual QQ made the game bad". Those same people QQed so much that it's going to keep the forums even worse.

    Grats, QQers. Hope you're all real proud of yourselves.
    Fenixdown (retail) : level 60 priest. 2005-2015, 2022-???? (returned!)
    Fenixdown (classic) : level 70 priest. 2019 - present

  6. #146
    Quote Originally Posted by babyback View Post
    Damn Blizzard stop beeing so f*cking weak and always listen to the QQers.
    This was justified QQ. I'm a frequent poster on the official forums and for professional reasons I wouldn't want my name tied to an online gaming community. Just because you don't care doesn't mean most of us don't either.

  7. #147
    The Lightbringer MortalWombat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gihelle View Post
    Being a girl with a unique name and a frequent poster on WoW forums...

    Just wondering, what do you offer to those creeps over a girl with Facebook or something like that giving away a lot more information than a name? It isn't really reasonable to expect people to drool just because they know you're a chick on the internet.

  8. #148
    Quote Originally Posted by Elica View Post
    Too bad, they could at least make players use a unique Alias to get rid of low level trolls.
    This is really what should have happened in the first place.

  9. #149
    Quote Originally Posted by madethisfor1post View Post
    I think we can all make up statistics 27% of people use bananas as doorstops. Since I said it on the internet it must be true. A thread on the forums with 100,000 posts in it hardly makes up the majority of people playing this game.
    And elections are predicted with less than 1% of the population poled....strange how that works

  10. #150
    This is to all of you trolls posting about this victory being 'Whining' and 'QQing', I would like to remind you that this was not about a class change or something in game but a change that had the potential to effect someone outside the game. This was a victory for those that believe in concepts like privacy and liberty (and the free market system).

  11. #151
    Quote Originally Posted by Elica View Post
    Key word being "character", not account. Another keyword being "Starcraft". Combine those two, and you have "Starcraft Character". They might add a unique account code to all character posts, but they did not clarify this. What you are doing is speculating and assuming.
    For starcraft (not wow) i'm pretty sure you have 1 character name.

  12. #152
    Quote Originally Posted by Buzzinjoe View Post
    This was justified QQ. I'm a frequent poster on the official forums and for professional reasons I wouldn't want my name tied to an online gaming community. Just because you don't care doesn't mean most of us don't either.
    And you don't have other options for posting on forums? It's one thing if it's in game and you have to do it in order to play the game, but you're arguing about something completely optional that you have other options of sites to do it on if you really want.

    Just because you think it's important to you doesn't make it important to everyone and good for the whole community.

  13. #153
    Quote Originally Posted by Patty View Post
    Congrats to all the crying teenagers out there..

    I wish there was a way to punish you all for being extremly stupid at times.. Honestly.. Ive never been more ashamed and dissapointed in my fellow gamers than now..

    This is a sad day for people out there with other things to do, instead of crying and whining over whatever Blizzard post as a new update.. Time to whine over the new Talent system!
    As I previously stated to another poster here, stop being ignorant.

  14. #154
    Quote Originally Posted by Elica View Post
    Too bad, they could at least make players use a unique Alias to get rid of low level trolls.
    I hope they will - at least i had that feeling from the blue post. Also its about time they enforce CoC on their forums better.
    But that said, i am very pleased they stopped this RealID implementation focus on forums and i dont have to fight for my privacy just becouse i play a game i like and post about it or ask for help.

    Implementing things like ratings for users/posts, better enforcement of CoC and unique name(id) per account under which you can post are enough tools to get the job done, and it will be welcomed by comunity too.

  15. #155
    Quote Originally Posted by Elica View Post
    Too bad, they could at least make players use a unique Alias to get rid of low level trolls.
    With Starcraft 2 character names it will be like that.
    Maybe they'll add something similar for wow; picking a main or some such.

  16. #156
    Quote Originally Posted by sicness View Post
    Sigh... don't confuse posting on their forums for READING their forums, considering the majority of issues are resolved there. However, just because they ASK you to do that doesn't mean you have to do it. You have other options for doing it, christ are you that much of a sheep you just do what people tell you and don't think for yourself?
    Nice logic, if I have a issue which prevents me from playing the game, I have an option of of either revealing my real name on forums just because I need to ask for support or dont play it.. Yeah.. just listen to your self, lol.

  17. #157
    Stood in the Fire Texar's Avatar
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    Rejoice my brothers, we defeated the giant!

  18. #158
    High Overlord Falkus's Avatar
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    Took them long enough to realise it was a terrible idea.

  19. #159
    The Lightbringer MortalWombat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wolftech View Post
    This is to all of you trolls posting about this victory being 'Whining' and 'QQing', I would like to remind you that this was not about a class change or something in game but a change that had the potential to effect someone outside the game. This was a victory for those that believe in concepts like privacy and liberty (and the free market system).
    And tin-foil hats right?

  20. #160
    Quote Originally Posted by Venorize View Post
    WELL, who saw that coming? everyone?
    Pretty much yup

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