1. #1

    Bio - Shaza'Kiel

    Name: Unknown, first thing he remembers is someone saying "Shaza'Kiel" to him, so he adopted that as his name.

    Age: Unknown, he cares little for time passing.

    Race: Demon-infused Human.

    Class: Demon-possessed Warrior / Warlock hybrid.

    Appearance: Lanky black hair, about shoulder length, in dreadlocks. Small bells woven at the end of each dreadlock. Rather gaunt facial features, prominent cheekbones and strong jaw. A shadow of growth along his jawline, roughly shaved into an approximation of stylish beard. Roughly 6'7'' in height. A bull neck, dropping into a ridiculously muscled torso, arms and legs. Not an ounce of fat adorns his frame. It is a muscularstructure designed for maximum power, at the expense of some flexibility.

    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, neither good nor evil, will fight anyone for any reason, yet won't kill indiscriminately.

    Likes: Fighting, pain.

    Dislikes: Cowards, those without the will to fight.

    Alliegences: None, serves only himself. Has no particular enmity for any faction either.

    Rank / Titles: No rank, has been known as "The Insane" by people when they think he can't hear them.

    Combat Skills: No real finesse, just immense power behind his blows. Wields a large double bladed sword, the kind with a small haft inbetween 2 curved sword blades. Starts off slowly, often simply standing there to let the opponent get the first blow. Will only engage if the opponent can draw blood, otherwise doesn't waste his time. Once the opponent injures him, he begins attacking, massive cleaves of his weapon. If his opponent continues to injure him, he gets happier, letting out maniacal laughter and taunting his opponent on, while unconsciously drawing on the Pit Lords power and allowing him more control over his soul. As he draws on the power, his movements become faster, his blows stronger and his opponents may notice a slight yellow-green haze around him. If he draws deeper, the haze becomes fierce Fel Flames and his movements accelerate further. The longer and deeper he draws on the power, the more access to his soul the Pit Lord gains. Once the combat is over, he falls into a fugue state, retreating within his own mind to be tortured by the Pit Lord trapped within. Once he awakens, he remembers nothing.

    Defensive Skills: No active defense. The spirit of the Pit Lord infused with his own makes his skin resistant to any mundane weapon not infused with Holy power. He can be cut with mundane weapons, but it takes tremendous strength. Magic can harm him, though the Pit Lords energies still protect him somewhat. To assist his opponents, he wears no armor, simply an open white shirt and loose black hakami pants. His hair bells are also to assist them, allowing them to anticipate his movements.

    History: Shaza'Kiel was born to a "Lady of the Night" by the name of Gerta stationed at Netherguard Keep for the use of the soldiers. She had long considered herself barren, as she had been in her profession for a long time, yet never had to purge her womb like the other courtesans. She was reaching the period of her life where she began to long for a child, someone to remember her when she was gone. Due to this, it was both a pleasure and a shock when her abdomen began to swell.

    Kael'Dar, Man'ari Eredar, Master Summoner, servant of Azgalor the Annihilan General, slunk through the Dark Portal, evading the guards posted by the Alliance and Horde forces. His task was simple, find a way for his master to gain access to Azeroth, without causing a massive uprising of the native races. He had heard of Sargeras's attempt to implant himself in the soul of Medhivh, Last Guardian of Tirisfal, while he was in his mothers womb. The idea had merit, and Kael'Dar considered it more prudent to use a nobody, a lost soul that no one would care about or miss. With this goal in mind, he set off toward the nearest encampment, disguising himself as a dashing human nobleman. Insinuating himself amongst the peoples of the keep was simple and finding a pregnant courtesan was child's play in a keep frequented by military personnel. Kael'Dar began to court Gerta, speaking words of love and fidelity that twisted in his demonic soul. He won her trust and also, unwanted though it was, her heart. The pregnancy progressed, becoming more advanced. In the dead of night, near the end of the child's development in the womb, Kael'Dar wove a spell of Sleep over Gerta and bore her from the Keep, taking her deep into the Tainted Scar. Demons thronged around, vying for a piece of this woman, but Kael'Dar assumed his natural form and sent them whimpering to their caves. Finding what he sought, he laid Gerta down on the alter at the precise center of a demonic leyline convergence. Reaching into the nether, he alerted Azgalor to his presence and waited for him to prepare. Once Azgalor was ready, he began to draw upon his power, funneling the essence of the Annihilan into the nearly formed soul of Gerta's unborn child. This process took many hours and drained a considerable amount of Kael'Dar's power to accomplish. He was nearing the completion of the ritual, where Azgalor would burst from the womb of this pathetic creature, in human form, to wreak havok upon Azeroth until he could gather his energy and assume full Annihilan form. Gerta awoke and screamed, untold agony pouring from her as the child within her grew at an astounding rate, crushing her internal organs and pressing her ribs and abdomen apart. Unbeknownst to Kael'Dar, the screams of agony drew a Paladin from the nearby area, where he had been attempting to cleanse the demonic taint from this place. As the ritual entered it's final stage, the child, now at the growth of a young adolescent, burst from the confines of Gerta's body, literally ripping her apart while at the same time, the Paladin's blade clove Kael'Dar from scalp to navel, killing him instantly, halting the ritual in it's final stage, trapping Azgalor between the Twisting Nether and the semi-formed soul of a young boy. The Paladin immediately attempted to cast an exorcism to expel Azgalor, but the Annihilan was to strong for him. What it did achieve, however, was to temporarily chain the demon apart from the boy's soul with bonds of the Light.

    The Paladin, by the name of Arnair, surveyed the alter and the young boy upon it. He could scarcely believe his eyes. This newborn was the size of a roughly thirteen year old child. Picking him up, he mounted his charger and took the boy away from the scene of the carnage. He knew he had not stopped the demon, merely made it pause in it's attempt to control the boy and go on a murderous rampage. He was aware of the child still growing as he rode. Soon he came upon his hut not far from the Tainted Scar and put the boy inside while he headed out to the forge. Pulling out some gold, he began to forge an amulet, calling upon the powers of the Light to help him form a seal to keep the demon from the young boy's soul. It took him a couple of hours but soon he was satisfied. When he returned to the hut the boy had grown to the size of a late teenager and though he wasn't moving, eyes of indescribable malevolance promised unending pain. Arnair quickly looped the amulet over the boys head and was gratified to see the hatred and anger recede from his eyes, leaving a blank stare. This was soon followed by a plaintative cry, much like a baby, sounding very strange from an large boys throat. He had no milk, but in short order Arnair had a weak beef broth and was feeding the boy. He noticed the unnatural growth had stopped also.

    Over the course of the next few years, Arnair experienced the feelings of fatherhood, but at an extremely accelerated rate. The boy developed mentally and physically in leaps and bounds, walking, running, talking and reading in the first year. He soon devoured Arnair's small library with the old paladin watching on proudly. Arnair taught him the basics of combat and horsemanship, exclaiming as the boy took to everything like a fish to water. In the back of his mind, he hoped that the boy was merely gifted, and that this wasn't a symptom of the ravenous intelligence lurking in the boys soul.

    Soon after, the young man asked the question he had been dreading. What happened to his mother? Arnair, honest to a fault, agreed to lead him to her resting place, filling him in on the little he knew as they rode on his charger. Soon they reached the place, the alter untouched after these last few years, like the demons of this region were afraid to merely come near. The young man looked upon the corpse of Kael'Dar without comment. Stepping up on to the alter, he went down on one knee before the remains of his mother and bowed his head. Arnair shouted out in alarm as the amulet slipped over the boys head and fell to clatter on the alter. Immediately Fel Flames burst around the young man, who threw out an arm, a massive warglaive materializing in his hand. With imcomparable strength he leapt on Arnair, roaring in a gutteral voice about unending pain and suffering. Arnair could barely fend off the blow and was loathe to strike back against the young man he felt for like a son. Quickly he tried to duck passed to grab the amulet. The Annihilan swung around and cleaved the warglaive into Arnair's back as he closed his hand over the amulet. While dying, Arnair was able to slip the amulet back over the young man's head. Arnair breathed a sigh of relief, lying back on the alter as his lifeblood spilled out. Meanwhile, the young man collapsed, eyes rolling back in his head.

    Inside his mind, the young man was confronted by a disquieting scene. Their was a young boy cowering in the corner of a small chamber, trying to hide from something outside the door. Looking out through the viewing panel in the door, the young man was confronted by a shocking sight. A massive demon was outside, a quadripedal beast of mammoth proportions. Massively muscled, Fel Flames all around his body, he was a fearsome sight. The demon lowered it's head, a terrible visage of demonic savagery, and rammed it into the door. The young man suddenly experienced a doubling of vision as his perspective changed to that of the boy on the floor, looking up terrified at the demon.

    "I am the Lord of the Annihilan, HUMAN!!!! You cannot hold me out forever! Shaza'Kiel!"

    Fel flames burned, yet the door of the chamber flashed a golden colour, light radiating from it. The demon roared, fel flames scorching the young boy, yet the door held, keeping the demon from ripping him apart.

    The man awoke. He was in a desolate place. There was a bloodstained alter nearby. A dead man rested upon it, lying on the remains of much older corpse. There was also a dead demon beside the alter. He knew none of these people. There was a horse with shining silver armor standing a little ways off. Picking himself up, he spied a double bladed sword on the baked earth. Picking it up, he mounted the horse and began to ride. He didn't know where he was going, or what he would do when he got there. But he had this itching sensation that he wanted to fight something. He couldn't remember his name, or if he had a name. He remembered one thing. "Shaza'Kiel". Whatever that meant. It will do for a name, he thought.

    He rode.

    ---------- Post added 2010-07-16 at 12:16 AM ----------

    Would appreciate some feedback. I'm aware it seems OP, but as the bio states, the precedent of Sargeras doing it is there.
    Last edited by Sora Dawnblade; 2010-08-06 at 11:44 AM.
    Death is the only true release, the only real freedom.

    Sora Dawnblade Bio. http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/...94#post8142294

    Shaza'Kiel Bio. http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/...69#post8342969

  2. #2
    I actually like this guy, just make sure he isn't too OP in any RPs. I won't check in on the lore for him as I don't think it's necessary : (though a date of birth would be appreciated)

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