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  1. #1

    [Spoiler]Stratholme and Dreadlords

    So seeing as they implemented new quests into the old world dungeons I decided to see just how much they've changed and I must say I was very impressed with the story behind some of them and how they explain the reasoning for some bosses not being dead(i.e. Balnazzar). So I decided to head into Stratholme(being a W3 fan) and see what was done. For now I only took screenshots of the RP after you kill Balnazzar but I'll take some of the dead side as well afterwords.

    Storyline: After the events in Northrend and Undercity, Balnazzar goes crazy and sheds his disguise. He kills the remaining Scarlet Crusaders and uses his necromantic powers to resurrect them. On live side story is pretty much the same except that Aurius has been resurrected to replace Baron Rivendare(It's not really explained in the quest text so this one is up in the air).

    After you kill Balnazzar a bunch of Argent Dawn guards roam the halls and such. Overall I was impressed some actual depth and story is being added to these dungeons. I mean they already had it but not as much as now.


    Only boss that's changed was Rivendare unfortunately. Same deal afterwords. When you kill Aurius Rivendare Argent Dawn NPCs appear all over the city.
    Last edited by Varicose; 2010-07-16 at 09:21 AM.

  2. #2
    Nice, its good to see they're putting some thought into the new dungeon changes and not simply changing the level and ignoring obvious lore problems.

    Did you notice new loot while you were there? Are the items the same name, just only lower level, or is it all completely redone?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Ib View Post
    Nice, its good to see they're putting some thought into the new dungeon changes and not simply changing the level and ignoring obvious lore problems.

    Did you notice new loot while you were there? Are the items the same name, just only lower level, or is it all completely redone?
    The loot hasn't been changed yet sadly. Level 44 bosses dropping level 58 required loot :P

  4. #4
    I like, I like. The Argent Crusade actually intends to retake Stratholme once and for all. They should make a phased version for the city if you finish the quests for the instance, I think.

  5. #5
    wtb more!

    I take it that after the original Baron Rivendare encounter in Stratholme where Aurius was wounded, he finally succumbed to the scourge and is now the new boss?

    I don't understand why he would have taken the name of Rivendare though...

  6. #6
    I can only hope Stratholme will become a Sanctuary, not another human city

  7. #7
    Brewmaster Voidgazer's Avatar
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    I wonder if we ever travel to Xoroth to actually kill at least one nathrezim.
    That's why you need me.... Need someone to punish you for your sins.

  8. #8
    We will, in 2020.

  9. #9
    im not sure how theyre going to deal with it being open topped, and flying mounts. any ideas anyone ?
    Quote Originally Posted by Indiglo View Post
    How did you manage to tame a Troll as a Seagull?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by UnholyGuardian View Post
    im not sure how theyre going to deal with it being open topped, and flying mounts. any ideas anyone ?
    Easy, they'll make a lower non-elite zone with some mobs etc and some active dialogs etc to keep people busy and entertained. And if you zone in the instance, everything will be elite and bosses will spawn.

    That's how I see it anyways :P and looks to me like a nice solution.

  11. #11
    Posted the Dead side stuff. Dead side story hasn't changed much. Just no Baron Rivendare. Living side though, and I should have taken screenshots of it, Balnazzar went bat shit crazy and killed all the Scarlet Crusade only to resurrect them. So all the NPCs are Risen "insert Strat live mob name." using the Forsaken model with what ever armor they wore when alive

  12. #12
    I guess there must always be a Rivendare!

  13. #13
    Only boss that's changed was Rivendare unfortunately. Same deal afterwords. When you kill Aurius Rivendare Argent Dawn NPCs appear all over the city.
    So what exactly has changed with Rivendare? He looks the same. Only this i see that has changed is it shows his first name. Aurius. We previously assumed his name was Titus as The Model Viewer has him listed on one model as Baron Titus Rivendare

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Cernunnos View Post
    So what exactly has changed with Rivendare? He looks the same. Only this i see that has changed is it shows his first name. Aurius. We previously assumed his name was Titus as The Model Viewer has him listed on one model as Baron Titus Rivendare
    Remember the Paladin you could get to help you if you brought some trinket from Live Side? His name was Aurius. He is the new Rivendare, it seems.

  15. #15
    Where is Rivendares sword? Why does he have mace???
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarragon
    Casuals don't read mmo-champion, because they're too busy being bad in heroics.

  16. #16
    will the new rivendare still drop the mount? thats the more important question here
    Quote Originally Posted by Scimitar View Post
    Someone believes the earth is flat, call them stupid.
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    Someone believes you can go make coffee in the back of your car because it's set on "autopilot", call them retarded.
    But if someone believes a magical bearded man rewards you with eternal life in the clouds as long as you drink the magical whine-blood of a long dead carpenter in church, don't you dare argue with his beliefs.

  17. #17
    He uses a mace? Thats so lame...
    Nobody is perfect. I am nobody. I am perfect.

  18. #18

    Aurius is part of the Scourge now! God damnit, Blizzard!

    He was one of my favorite Paladins...
    By Blood and Honor We Serve!

  19. #19
    Scarab Lord Alraml's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dad View Post
    Where is Rivendares sword? Why does he have mace???
    Placeholder maybe?

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by UnholyGuardian View Post
    im not sure how theyre going to deal with it being open topped, and flying mounts. any ideas anyone ?
    The same way that they deal with that problem with Hellfire Ramparts and DTK probably. They'll just ignore it. They'll have the same problem with a few other original instances as well - Shadowfang Keep, Scarlet Monastery, Zul'Gurub, Zul'Aman, MGT, Zul'Farrak, Dire Maul and the 2 AHQ raids all have large outdoor sections.

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