End of Arena Season
The only information that we have to share with you right now is that we will announce the end of the arena season when it is almost over, just like in every previous season. We don't provide date estimates on anything and this is no exception. Several other people understood what I was saying and the end result is that you will have to wait. (
Hunter (
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Survival "Melee Attack Speed" buff in Raid Buffs List
The "20% melee attack speed" is in fact melee and ranged attack speed. That was just developer shorthand on my part.
The effect for Survival will probably get tied into Hunting Party since Replenishment alone doesn't do anything for hunters and longer. (
Mage (
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Water Elemental Cooldown
The post-death cooldown will definitely be lowered to around 2 min, the intent is definitely that after it dies you're waiting a somewhat similar amount of time before it's up again as you would have under the old scheme. (
Shattered Barrier proc while silenced, stunned, etc
...worth noting that the same is true of Reactive Barrier. (
Reactive Barrier
There's a reasonable chance a talent like this ends up being better in practical use than in theorycraft. It could end up needing a little something extra, or a redesign, but I'm willing to let it ride for a while to see how it actually plays out. (
Paladin (
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Spell hit
We'd like to give Prot paladins (Ret too) passive spell hit somewhere. (
We'd also like to find a way to bring Shield of Righteousness back, but only if we can find an actual niche for it -- not just "here's another attack." Something like it consuming Holy Power but refreshing Holy Shield. (
Priest (
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We haven't worked on the Shadow tree much after out initial pass (that brought Shadowy Apparition et al.). We're working on it now. Please don't expect a total overhaul where every talent is redesigned, but we are taking a hard look at all of the damage talents and trying to make the talent choices more compelling (which often means harder). (
Rogue (
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Elusiveness / Dirty Tricks
Elusiveness being too deep was considered a grave injustice. So we moved it up and switched it with Dirty Tricks, causing a new injustice. We'll try and find room in tier 2 for both. (
Shaman (
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We're fine with totem health given how easy totems are to replace. We also think it's fine to have to (sometimes) choose between a buff totem and a non-buff totem given how many different things a shaman can do.
However, we are going to increase buff totem range (and possibly other totem range) and we have figured out a way to make Searing Totem attack your target, instead of a random and probably inappropriate target. (
Warrior (
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Slam usable while moving
It is. (
Protection changes in Build 12664
We buffed Thunder Clap to make up for the loss of the Imp TClap talent. We buffed Shockwave just because it got caught up in the big AE nerf, but it's really not an AE on the level of Hurricane / Blizzard. We buffed Devastate because we realized we had forgotten to compensate it for reducing the number of Sunder stacks.
All of those changes should bring Prot warrior abilities back to something that feels more normal to a current warrior.
Currently we are looking really hard at AE damage abilities by all tanks. We tried Thunder Clap with no cooldown and didn't like it. We also tried Thunder Clap with a Consecrate-like talent, but I'm not sure we like that either. At the moment we are thinking of nerfing any of the really passive AEs, including Swipe, Death and Decay, Damage Shield and Consecrate. All of those abilities (well, maybe not Damage Shield) would still be usable, but they would be more situational.
The bottom line is that we think all tanks need to be able to trivially handle the massive adds or straggling adds situations easily, or none of them should be able to. (