Thread: Dale Timberlain

  1. #1

    Dale Timberlain

    Hi all RPers, been thinking about joining you here on the forums for some time an finally wipped up a character last night.

    Name: Dale Timberlain

    Race: Human

    Age: 19

    Class: Unknown (He hasn't really chosen yet)

    Personality: Dale is rash and unpredictable, he tends to always do and say what comes to his mind only realising his mistakes a good while after they are committed. He is somewhat of a dimwit but he always tries his hardest to solve whatever problem he has put himself or his allies in. He is fascinated by strength and power and always judges people after their looks often this leads him to be shy in front of people he finds stronger than himself. Being young and stubborn and from growing up with three older sisters, he has learned that women only bring problems misfortune and therefore always sees them as problem makers. His thirst for wealth is huge and sometimes gets him in a lot of trouble. Even though most people come to see him as an annoyance he can be a great ally in adventures and he is eager to learn from his comrades especially since he hasn't chosen a class whose teachings to follow.

    Appearance: Dale is an average looking human with neck long chestnut hair. He is about 5' 9" tall with muscular arms, a trait from growing up at a logging camp. He tends to avoid clothing with the colour red as he grew sick of it growing up.


    Dale was born during the conclusion of the second war. He grew up with his family in the quiet eastern regions of Elwynn forest near the Redridge mountains. Dale was the forth and last child of Sara and James Timberlain. His three elder sisters grew up playing and bullying Dale to the point that he's trust in women are nearly non-existent making him clear masochist.
    Growing up, Dale nearly never saw his father. James, who was one of Stormwinds finest, patrolled the streets of the nearby city and only came home for holidays. But still Dale admired his father and loved listening to his stories of the great metropolis which he guarded. Dales mother was a seamstress renown for her tailoring abilities, folk would wander great lengths to get to wear one of her red linen clothing. Dale didn't care much for tailoring himself, and neither did his sisters for that part, instead he wanted to bark in on his mothers brothers trade. Terry Palin was a lumberjack. Growing up in Eastvale, Dale witnessed all the greatness of the lumberjacks. All day they would cut down huge trees and hack them into small pieces which would later be traded for gold. Now, if you want to know Dale, you have to know of his love for gold. He'll do almost anything to get his hands on wealth, limited to his abilities and comprehension of course, and in Eastvale, gold came from trees. At the early age of five, Dale set out on his first quest for wealth, sneaking out with his uncles axe, he cut down a juvenile oak, hoarded it to the entrance to the logging camp and waited. Eventually a traveler from Stormwind saw Dales log and was impressed. He gave Dale 25 pieces of copper for it and then traveled on, Dale was awestruck and used the rest of the day to brag to everyone about the easy money he had made, not realising that the traveler was one of his mothers customers and she had asked him to give the payment for the shirt he bought to her son instead.

    As Dale grew, he dreamt of adventures. He know that his father had went on many travels around the Eastern Kingdoms in his youth and he had heard many stories of the greatness of adventurers. At the age of eight, he packed a bag and decided to set of towards the Redridge mountains and wander north. As he began to walk he was stopped by his sisters who mocked him and explained that every great adventurer had to have a class. Dale felt furious that he hadn't realised this earlier and he quickly found himself looking for a way to become a true adventurer, with a class that is. As he admired his father, he went to his mother to ask what class he was, but she wouldn't answer saying that he was too young to be thinking about classes. He then went to his uncle, but he was busy with logging trees. Dales impatience grew and he decided that he should just train by himself and by doing so, he should get a class on the way. There where three great dangers around Eastvale that Dale know would put up a valid challenge towards him, the timberwolves, the mountain bears and the river Murlocs. He decided he would try and counter the wolves first. A wooden sword in hand he set out to face the wolves. After hours walking through the forest, he finally found what he had been looking for. A pack of wolves where playing in a glade, happily gnawing and barking at each other. Dale watched them for a few minutes to decide who to beat first. When he had made his choice he strode forward screaming and charging at the same time. The wolves looked at the raging child, confused at what was disturbing their play and then charged at him. His wooden sword was broken in the jaw of one of the wolves at the blink of a second and Dales confidence faded. Still screaming, he began to run. After a few steps he stumbled on a log and fell. He lay there on the ground, scared to tatters, as the wolves closed in one after another. Suddenly an old man appeared, with a swing of a sword the wolves scattered and left Dale unhurt on the ground. The man turned to Dale and basked on his stupidity but was amazed at Dales curiosity. Dale wanted to know everything about the man that had saved him and after learning that he had been a Marshal, a Royal guard of Stormwind and a renown warrior he begged the man to train him. After some thinking the man decided that should he not train Dale, he would probably do something as rash again, and this time no one might come to the rescue, so the training started.

    For the next couple of weeks Dale practised combat with the sword. He learned how to parry blows, how to move accordingly to your opponent and most importantly, how to strike. But in the shadows of night, he also did some training that the old Marshal did not know about. Every night Dale ventured out in the forest to the wolves he fought before and challenged one of them to a duel. The wolves grew accustomed to him showing up every night and got tired of chasing him away every time, so in the end, they let him fight one of them just to make him leave. Dale used all his might in the fights utilizing all he had learned. He would parry their paws, dodge their mighty jaws and hit them with heroic strikes but each and every night he was beaten. After a month or two he had had enough. Throwing his sword at the ground he renounced his apprenticeship to the old man and left the path of the warrior.

    His uncle had watched much of his training and was relieved when he quit, what he didn't realise was that Dale would bark on yet another path to glory. Walking away from the old man Dale caught a glimpse of a ranger practising his skill with the bow. He stood and watched the ranger fire arrow after arrow at the target hitting with precise skill. Then when the ranger decided to take a break and went inside, Dale snuck up and took the bow. The proceeded to fire at the target and actually hit it twice, now seeing that he had fired about forty arrows and only stood about ten yards away from the target it wasn't really that impressive. As he went to pick up the arrows he heard a laugh. The ranger had watched him practise and found himself teaching Dale how to do it right. Days went on and Dale was thought how to make an Aimed shot, how track beasts in the forest and how to spring powerful traps. Now confident in his skills, Dale decided that he would capture an animal companion so that he would get more powerful. He once again ventured out in the forest to the region of the wolves and prepared a trap. With a shovel he began to dig a hole in the ground. He dug until his head was far under the surface knowing that at this length no one would be able to get out of the hole on their own, and this is where it all backfired. He began screaming for help but tired and exhausted from all the digging, he fell to the ground, he woke up only to see the pack of wolves at the top of the hole all looking at him and chuckling. After a few hours he was found by his uncle and the ranger who had searched the woods from him, lead to the hole by the packs of wolves, they lifted him up and scolded him. But Dale hadn't had enough, he went to the forest once more, this time with a simple leash, he figured that if he managed put it on one of the wolves then perhaps it would show him some obedience. Laying under a bush next to a tree he waited. Finally he heard something come closer, quickly he snared the unknowing creature and pulled the leash only to get thrown to the ground. The creature wasn't one of the wolves, it was a gigantic mountain bear. The bear looked at Dale and measured him, after some consideration it decided that he did in fact not look tasty and began to walk away. Dale, still holding the leash was caught unprepared and was dragged along with the bear. Refusing o let go of his pray Dale held on to the leash for a good couple of hours. In the end the bear went to it's cave and began to sleep. After pulling the leash with all his might and seeing that the bear continued to sleep without even noticing him, Dale gave in.

    With two roads to adventure abandoned Dale decided that he now had to find power on his own. He had hear many stories about the mages of Dalaran and their mighty powers, how they could create ice in thin air and control fire. Staring at the fireplace during dinner, he began his training. Thinking and wishing with all his might that the fire should form a ball and fly to his hand, he sat at the table, not touching his own food until his mother finally snapped at him. Continuing his training outside he now began to try to form ice. He had an splendid idea of how to start. Ice was the same thing as water, only colder. So he would train at the river where there were plenty of water and then start to blow as hard as he could since when you blew hard, cold air came out of your mouth. He figured that the cold air would intense through his magic powers and freeze the water in the river. Standing there he huff and he puff and he blew until his entire face turned red. Once again he found a man standing and laughing at his expense. This time it was a shady man with a red piece of cloth covering half of his face. The man asked the boy what he was trying to accomplice and as Dale explained his search for a class the man laughed even harder. "I'll show you true power" the man said and vanished from sight, Dale watched back and forth looking for where the man disappeared to only to have a hand lain on his shoulder. Screaming Dale began to run. The next day he found himself at the same place at the river as the day before and once again the shady man appeared. He began teaching Dale about the way of the rogue teaching him how to use daggers, how to walk unseen and how to pilfer coins from unsuspecting victims without them noticing to his sisters great disdain. Dale finally found a road that he thought would bring him to glory.

    Eastvale had been a peaceful place ever since the second war but now it was plagued. Villagers where robbed, caravans utterly destroyed and travelers lost every dime. A brotherhood of thieves had appeared in the vicinity and their leader in Eastvale was fearsome. Dale didn't notice much of this since he was busy with his training but his uncle and mother where greatly affected. One day after dinner, Dales mother witnessed her son sneak up on one of his sisters and with a sleight of hand grasp her bag of coins and walk of. She followed him curious as to where he had learned something like that, when she saw that he was associated with James Clark she acted quickly. The day after Dale was surprised to find that his master was gone. Furious that he had been left alone he threw his daggers to the ground and went home.

    Years went by and Dale grew up, still classless but with his thirst for adventures unquenched. As he turned nineteen he gathered his belongings and packed his bag once more finally setting out on the road.

    Skills: Dale know a mixed number of skills raging from the different classes he has trained as, but he is proficient with none. Meaning he knows about every basic skill from all physical classes (excluding feral druids and enhancement shamans) but is unable to perform them correctly. But growing up at an logging camp left him with a mean axe swing which he often uses in combat.

    Some feedback would be nice before I proceed to send in my application.


  2. #2
    Very tied down to the game world in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, it's a brilliant history, but it's kid of limited by using the "classes" expression. I hope you shortly find either a mentor or you follow someone in the RP world to learn a few skills.

    Then again, it's not necessary. Criticizing done, it's a wonderful story and I would love to have you amongst us.

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