I want some Kurdran Wildhammer fan art. Man I love that dwarf. I also like Vandar Stormpike but that's a topic for another day.
Malygos art...
Malygos the... Hula Girl?
Hate posting stuff that isn't mine, no matter how much better it is >_<
the first one is nice, the second one is.. what? o.O
maybe because it's better? :PHate posting stuff that isn't mine, no matter how much better it is >_<
of course people notice you. you are "the person with the strange pics" to most
and i don't even know what you did, so no weath here.
nordormu already knows when and how he's gonna die... so I guess all the aspects will die somewhen... DW will probably die on cata... nozdormu will also probably become a raid boss... don't know about alextrasza or ysera, but probably someone will kill them too... this would be to make azeroth more vulnerable to an attack from the brning legion... so as we happy faceless people could have our chance at stopping them from killing everybody X3
I want to have daughters... but if I end up having sons I'll raise them like this X3
Yay Maylgos, my favorite dragon! Though the hula dancer version is...odd
Pic from Wowwiki that I find funny for no reason: smiling halion
No no no no no! No, Nozdormu will need to stay alive to fend of the infinite. Alextrasza is the most powerful being on Azeroth. Ysera hasn't had enough time in the spotlight so she wont be going anywhere. If the Burning Legion attack and we have no Aspects you better hope that Brann finds the Bloody Titans or we are screwed.
I mean the the other Arts are better than mine, not that mine are better so I want to post them =P
Badly phrased sorry!
You were missed! I had no idea why the only two people back then I recognised the names of (You and Genn) were gone =[
Yeah I am quite interested in the Mountain Kings.
>Edit< I forgot to add an on topic thing.
I got nothing this time, sorry guiyze!
Last edited by Renagade Raven; 2010-10-08 at 03:02 AM.
Nozdormu exists in all timeways at once, so even if his body dies, he isn't really gone.
Sunwell gear is amazing, this is blasphemy!
/runs off and hugs the Golden Bow
dunno, the bow for example was nice and a few other weapons too. but i prefer long, slim swords, not those broad ones that look like a giant axe..
and the "hunter" set looked totally to shamanish, imo (nothing wrong with shamans, but a hunter shouldn't look like he/she's going to shoot a chain lightning every second..).
oh, i mean, if the great overlord says it is great, then it is!
Sunwell had some of the best looking gear in game =O
http://www.wowhead.com/item=34334 <3 <3 <3
I liked the cloth set, I used the shoulders from sunwell on my mage until Ulduar came out >.>
And I liked the weapon designs, especially TGBoQT, which is the best looking ranged weapon in the game, imo
The ammo, it's like FUC*ING MAGIC!