Aye, aye. A Broken. And there -should- be in-game models!
And thanks. =)
It's not bad Kalyyn!
Hahah, what no muscle definition?
I like it, it has charm <3
And hey, it has the mask.
with the red defias mask it makes it awesome![]()
Something silly i made before i saw the animation for camouflage.
another masq art
You can tell the Troll is saying "She's clean, honest! No disease here *Cough* otherthantheplagueofundeath *Cough*"
Trulte, if you want that sword in game... I don't know anything that is an exact look alike but you have a few similar options...
1) Doesn't look the same, but is a large impressive 1hander. http://www.wowhead.com/item=49495#.
2) Same as the above, large 1hander, not the same look. http://www.wowhead.com/item=12584
3) Large 1hander with a similar look, but always glows. http://www.wowhead.com/item=29156
4) Looks much more evil, but similar shape and large. http://www.wowhead.com/item=39291
5) And the one that is probably closest... large 1handed sword, Golden Hilt, normal blade, no automatic glowy stuff, http://www.wowhead.com/item=39291 It just isn't quite as big as the one in the intro =[