I remember everyone used to say Demon Hunters were going to be a new Hero Class, when they first announced Death Knights. Strange thought...
Time for someone's Orc DeathKnight. Dwinbotp from Deviant Art, very nicely done!
Though the Right arm looks a little off, the elbow being upside down =P
might have been posted before but...
big image gonna link url cba to thumbnail
I want to have daughters... but if I end up having sons I'll raise them like this X3
I want to have daughters... but if I end up having sons I'll raise them like this X3
that bloodelf portrait looks great! very beautiful.
and nice animation
yeahevil artist!
oh yeah regarding that, Mortis showed a seemingly natural interest in labs and "meticulous genetic manipulation". he may be useful for our cause.
and yes, it's really sad :/
yes *sniff*
i still think/hope for the demon hunter hero class in the argus expansion.
imagine retaking argus as a draenei demon hunter!!
that would be awesome! *dreams*
I want to have daughters... but if I end up having sons I'll raise them like this X3
ok, so I'll tell you for short:
the eredar lived in a planet far away like hell from azeroth called argus about 25000 years ago... they had 3 leaders: archimonde, kil'jaeden and velen... they were very good at tapping on arcane magic...
sargeras (the crazy titan who decided to make an army of demons and break everything his fellow titans made) saw their potencial with all this "we good on arcane, dood" they had and decided to go there like a politician and try convincing them to become demons... they almost managed to do it with all of them, but velen had a vision that shit would happen if they were to do that...
velen tried arguing with his fellow eredar leaders, but they really liked all that immortality + power talk... so velen got people who thinked like him and ran way from argus in a ship made by some spacial made-of-light doods called the naaru... they also taught them about the light and stuff like that... these ran aways called themselves the draenei (which means "the exiled ones") and they kept running away from the legion for 25000 years hopping from planet to planet... the last one they were in they named draenor, though we now know it as the outlands...
so that's it... now you know what argus is X3
I want to have daughters... but if I end up having sons I'll raise them like this X3
On topic, this song is brilliant.
Off topic you say? Nonsense! It is art, and it is WoW related because... "Girl like you" could refer to... a Draenei. Or... Maiev! That's it, this is from Naisha's point of view... about Maiev. Makes sort of sense...
---------- Post added 2010-10-13 at 04:11 PM ----------
I knew about Archimonde and Sargeras, though not that Velen was such a famous leader with them. Cheers!
Sargeras wasn't a Titan, he was created by the Titans to be a warrior for Titans >_>
Oh and I know what the Naaru are =P
If we are to post songs i will post something that is a little more epic and WoW appropiate even if it does not have any connection to wow in any shape or form its just epic and fun to listen to
Last edited by Mortis Darkskull; 2010-10-13 at 03:19 PM.
I want to have daughters... but if I end up having sons I'll raise them like this X3