I want to have daughters... but if I end up having sons I'll raise them like this X3
A guildy of mine wanted to duo ragnaros, with me healing on my 63 priest, and him on his fresh 80 death knight.
This picture about represents our success.
That orc and dwarf pic is great, I love how the dwarf is using the axe reverse grip. I really hope they give dwarves a mohawk hairstyle this expansion and bring out the ability to get tattoo's. I want my dwarf warrior to look like that.
Something I drew a while back (patch 3.2), of my warlock at the time. The actual image looks much better than the scan, as is always the case. A lot of detail was lost in the robe that I couldn't really bring out in photoshop.
Last edited by tuckels; 2010-10-17 at 08:40 AM.
YOU ARE FOOLS TO HAVE not recognized how good looking I was
nice one
and incase the pic doesn't show up this is the link
That picture gives a whole new meaning to Rag's "TOO SOON!!"
On the subject of rule 63, a nice picture of Kil'jaeden. Keeping it in link form though, it's not 18A material, but it's not exactly PG either.
Jaina as a man... dislike...
Good pictures though everyone! Welcome back Elyaan!
Tuckels yours is fantastic.