1. #4061
    Brewmaster Jekyll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DionLight7 View Post
    Yo Pandas look like anime characters :3

    ty for the feedback, I try to tone down it next time. I'm so used to see such arts that I don't know how to differentiate between anime arts and non-anime arts.

  2. #4062
    Quote Originally Posted by -Dalliah- View Post
    Time for some nerdy biology explenation.

    Every Female have 1 extra layer of fat. It's brown.
    brown fat is most abundant in young women and least frequent in older, overweight men. In fact, women were more than twice as likely as men to have substantial amounts of brown fat.
    So they have more fat than males and since we all know fat = frost resistance (look at whales or bears).

    The more you know...
    Combined with your friendly personality, intelligence, cute avatar and your boyish/girlish( whatever your gender is) nature you deserve a jar full of soft chocolate chip cookies.

  3. #4063
    Quote Originally Posted by Jekyll View Post
    ty for the feedback, I try to tone down it next time. I'm so used to see such arts that I don't know how to differentiate between anime arts and non-anime arts.
    Well it doesnt matter to me if they look anime like or not. It's a personal rendition. Nobody has a gun to your head to tell you how to draw( well nobody in this thread). Plus it's hard to actually draw certain lines/curves to obtain what you want.

    For example, I'm working in FL studios right now. Having an idea is easy, finding the right music samples is a PITA.

  4. #4064
    Quote Originally Posted by DionLight7 View Post
    Combined with your friendly personality, intelligence, cute avatar and your boyish/girlish( whatever your gender is) nature you deserve a jar full of soft chocolate chip cookies.
    Girls do not exist on the internet. Assume everyone is a guy and you will only be wrong 1% of the time.

  5. #4065
    Quote Originally Posted by -Dalliah- View Post
    I'm male... but i've been mistaken for a female a couple of times since I don't write in the same way they do... you know "OMFG did u c wat i did to de dr00d?"
    I'll admit your name threw me off to. "Dalliah" sounds feminine.

  6. #4066
    Brewmaster Jekyll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DionLight7 View Post
    Well it doesnt matter to me if they look anime like or not. It's a personal rendition. Nobody has a gun to your head to tell you how to draw( well nobody in this thread). Plus it's hard to actually draw certain lines/curves to obtain what you want.

    For example, I'm working in FL studios right now. Having an idea is easy, finding the right music samples is a PITA.
    I don;t know. From my observation I found a lot of westerners has this stigma of anime as horrible art and writing. But then again a lot of what I notice that a lot of Asiatic influenced artwork; costumes, weapons etc., they automatically stamp it as anime, when actually Asia consist not only Japan but a lot other countries too.

  7. #4067
    Quote Originally Posted by -Dalliah- View Post
    Tell me about it.
    I thought it was just a good name for my characters and then later on I found out a female mob in WoW was called Dalliah and it's also a name for a flower >.>
    Well then....yeah.

    I don;t know. From my observation I found a lot of westerners has this stigma of anime as horrible art and writing. But then again a lot of what I notice that a lot of Asiatic influenced artwork; costumes, weapons etc., they automatically stamp it as anime, when actually Asia consist not only Japan but a lot other countries too.
    I compare styles of art to the shows on Toonami( which got me into anime in the first place)

    ---------- Post added 2010-10-26 at 03:25 PM ----------


    This look screams: " You're dead"


    High heels!


    What the hell.

  8. #4068
    The Patient Gamerloin's Avatar
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    Ugh, i hate coloring. so, thats it im done for now, i might continue if i ever feel like it.
    Tilted her head a bit since last update, looks a lot better. added more color and then /ragequit

    BE Rogue by me

  9. #4069

  10. #4070
    She jumped in front of the rock that was going to hit him. Must be a shammy thing?

  11. #4071
    Quote Originally Posted by -Dalliah- View Post
    That's what she said.


    ---------- Post added 2010-10-26 at 05:38 PM ----------

    So it looks like she's in love with the Troll and sacrificed herself to save him.

    I knew that was going to happen.

    And there are too many Draenei dying for everyones cause
    Note: I hate seeing women die

  12. #4072
    Quote Originally Posted by -Dalliah- View Post
    I prefer seeing men die.

    Wow if I said it out loud right now people would think i'm a lunatic.

    Well uhh. I was just sayin that I prefer to see women not fight and die....and stuff

  13. #4073

    Yay! It's a......an anchorite?

    ---------- Post added 2010-10-26 at 03:49 PM ----------

    Right, i'll have to stop spamming this thread for a couple of hours or else I will start talking about... other...stuff.
    What other stuff? >.>

  14. #4074

  15. #4075
    Quote Originally Posted by -Dalliah- View Post
    Stuff that would probably get me backtraced.

    AFK :3

    http://yfrog.com/ea26102010020j tho' it's my first drawing XD
    Nice, looks like an actual Draenei in game!

    Something I found blizzard related
    Last edited by DionLight7; 2010-10-26 at 03:57 PM.

  16. #4076
    Quote Originally Posted by -Dalliah- View Post

    Awkward moment.

    Right, i'll have to stop spamming this thread for a couple of hours or else I will start talking about... other...stuff.
    I think I know where you are going with this. I will just add it's male nature to want to protect them, from the days of us living in caves, with out them we couldn't survive or breed and they didn't have the muscle to really defend themselves. But now we have the training to make up for any disadvantages they have.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shonubi View Post
    http://yfrog.com/ea26102010020j tho' it's my first drawing XD
    That's a great start, way better then anything I could ever do.

    oh hey about that oh so cute stuff...

    This is bad ass..
    Undead_Warriors_Wrath by Vsions
    Last edited by Ant Man; 2010-10-26 at 04:11 PM.

  17. #4077
    I think I know where you are going with this. I will just add it's male nature to want to protect them, from the days of us living in caves, with out them we couldn't survive or breed and they didn't have the muscle to really defend themselves. But now we have the training to make up for any disadvantages they have.
    Interesting.......this just raises questions for me about this!
    Last edited by DionLight7; 2010-10-26 at 04:20 PM.

  18. #4078
    Kel'Thuzad and Teron Gorefiend art from few pages back looks great , want more of them
    Quote Originally Posted by Daralii View Post
    An orc named after Jesus firing a kamehameha at a tentacle dragon and making it explode into fairy dust before a group of dragons don't lament the loss of their once-friend or the now inevitable extinction of their species due to their newfound sterility and mortality but instead congratulate him on knocking up his wife was pretty fucking insane even by this series' standards.

  19. #4079
    Thanks XD. I wish I had any knowledge about pc drawing. It would have been great to get it colored and stuff :3 S2 = sausage!( awesome!)

  20. #4080
    1) So what if it's a guys nature to protect them, and yet he cant due to his subconcious?
    2) So the only thing that makes us unique is protection? We're expendable?
    3) Why doesnt love work the other way around?
    4) If a woman saves you from getting your ass kicked does that make you obsolete as a species?

    And to stay on topic:



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