I want to have daughters... but if I end up having sons I'll raise them like this X3
don't know why but it reminds me of southpark...
and at least you get to LK... my guild doesn't have enough people to raid so all we can do is to chat... there are some nice people so I can't bring myself to leave it, but raiding on pugs mean I can never go past rotface and festergut... ever...
I want to have daughters... but if I end up having sons I'll raise them like this X3
Trying to draw myself a (new) avatar, if I ever bring myself to finish it, and I suppose it's as much fanart as anything else here.
Yes, it's bulky (Drawing with my mouse,) but the canvas I'm using is 500x500 px, so I'm hoping it won't be so bulky when I scale it down.
img163.imageshack. us/img163/739/fullmoonnightelf.jpg
Not nearly as good as a lot of the pictures posted here (probably since I don't know squat about Photoshop, other than how to ruin pictures with it) and what with cell phone camera, the quality is also fail. Oh well.
The lack of night elves dissapoints me.
Because a night elf appreciation thread was never created it is time to admire the elegant warriors of the night!
This was only the first strike!
/casts shadowmeld
I'd like to join the fun with some old draws I have...
Here's Floral and Hummer, my Night elf huntress and her little pet Pridelord
Here's a spider from the human starting zone, if you have gone through the zone a couple of times, you'd know who she is:
Here's a picture I had made for an RP that never happened:
And here's Ralbelt Morx, The Fierce. An RP character of mine:
Elizabeth, Paladin of Stormwind, read the story of A Paladin in the Making.
Featuring now: Agent Vanseph, human Rogue agent of SI: 7, and Floral, the mysterious night elf Huntress
accompanied by Hummer, ex-lion Pridelord!
The Dog sheds its fur! It's actually a chick?!
I'm trying to make 2D sprites from my characters... you know, like these in this sprite sheet... I've already finished mortis' head and started doing his body and melissa's head (though I can't make her hair look natural T_T)
here's how they're looking right now... I suggest you copy it, open it on MS PAINT and zoom it x8... this is because the best program to admire 2D sprites IMO is MS paint... photoshop and similars try to smooth the pixel's transition and that kinda ruins them cause the greatest art on them is trying to make cool looking stuff with those pixel squares...
---------- Post added 2010-09-25 at 10:34 PM ----------
ok... let's start commenting...
PIC 1 - zoo detected... just kidding X3
PIC 2 - REAL cool...
PIC 3 - REAL perverted pic... it looks like something is gonna start soon with those naked demons there...
PIC 4 - cool...
I want to have daughters... but if I end up having sons I'll raise them like this X3