I personally like lucine and melissa more... I don't know exactly why the 2 of them, since they're kinda like opposites... lucine is a very good girl while melissa is a prime example of a spoiled brat... though I like to draw lucine more because she is easier... melissa's hair is just too hard... if I mess up it looks like a plastic helmet lol
though Mortis (the character, not me) loves all of them equally X3
I want to have daughters... but if I end up having sons I'll raise them like this X3
Last edited by Cathaenia; 2010-11-01 at 06:28 PM.
All hail Garrosh Hellscream!Originally Posted by Daxxarri
I've fallen for a woman... without a pulse. -- Forsaken afficionado. <3
Hey guys.
Some impressive work here.
I would like to ask for advice, since I've started to paint not too long ago. I've bought a Intuos, and have some problems when definig forms and so, since everything I try to draw.. ends up to be too sketchy, due to its looks. So that's it, I would like to have some tips with detailing and so, for example.. when I try to connect two curves, making short traces, they won't fit perfectly, and when I try to erase some of the extra trace, I end up messing it up a lot more.
I would also like to have some advices on how to color properly, if you have any handy tutorial or so, it would be much appreciated.
I've tried to color on my own with no bad results, but I'm sure there are many other ways to do what I do, and easier.
Thanks in advanced, and keep up with the good work.
I dont know what programs you use, but you may wanna check this site out
it got tons of tutorials and tips about lineart, coloring, shading, highlighting etc.
hope that helps a bit.
Also, the best way to learn to draw is by drawing, so dont give up, keep practising =D
I want to have daughters... but if I end up having sons I'll raise them like this X3
I'm actually using Photoshop, for both drawing and coloring. I've tried Illustrator for inking too, which seems to help a lot due to the automatic curves soften :P
I know about deviantart, in fact, I've been reading tons of info there, that's why I was asking for some particular tutorials you've used in your beginning or whatever, and you know are really helpful.
last picture for now time to raid
okay, did some research on deviantart, since im still learning myself, and found some useful stuff for photoshop.
first of all, make a sketch. u done? good.
new layer! grab the pen tool and trace every curve as accurate as you can. this takes forever, but its the best way to do it. done? finally
okay on to coloring, youll want a seperate layer for each color, so make a new layer.
go back to your lineart layer (the pen tool tracing) and grab you magic wand tool. make sure the "Add to selection" option is on, it can be found somewhere at the top. now, select the areas you all want to have the same color. got it? perfect.
Now with your selection up, go to Select > Modify > Expand and set it to 1 pixel. this will make sure you dont have ugly gaps between the lines and the colors.
Go to your color layer and use you Bucket tool to fill in the selected fields. tadaa coloring.
make additional layers for additional colors.
Now for shading, select your brush, get a dark color and go apeshit on your drawing (i still suck at this, so i wouldnt really know xD)
cute, too^^
ecchi =/= porn.
and ecchi can look very good artistically, while that's definitely rare for porn.
oh yeah, guess i'll have to read it too.
and bye bye Cairne :/
you will be missed.
why doesn't somebody think about gnomes sapping tauren? seems a bit weird too.
yeah.. and high heels!
like you said, she is one of the "good girls" and she looks very cute with her biiig eyes, her shy expression, her dress and her doll. but she's undead and the doll has a slightly creepy - in a positive way! - story too (if i remember correctly), which makes her interesting and unique.
although i also like Leara for example, just not the "mean" girls (they are all great in your drawings nonetheless).
Last edited by Sy; 2010-11-01 at 07:34 PM.
hey i watched that vid and thought it was prry cool so i made
+ an icc trash pull=
now do u understand?
my new sig i think its pretty cool but ide like some opinions too every1 always asks me wtf my name means, i always thought it was clever, but heres the explanation for the simpler ones
not saw my text under my sig yet dalls?![]()
totempulls, that sig is waaaaay too big and the "animation" kinda gives me a headache, sorry![]()
Yes, I didn't mean to say that, I just meant that some people do draw eechi and even porn of wow races/characters.. But the line between the two is getting closer, some anime labeled as ecchi, is probably as close as you can get without crossing the line into porn.
That's a-freaking-mazing..
Was listening to http://www.yourepeat.com/watch/?v=lP...eature=related as I drew this
I think you like leara cause she's a draenei X3
about "mean" girls, I think you may have misunderstood some of them...
melissa isn't mean... well... she's mean to her father, but she's pretty nice with other people... though she's sort of mischievous... and she hates alexis...
salania isn't mean either... she's just too energetic and wants to play all the time, which can be somehow bothersome to some people... specially since she's undead and don't sleep lol
the worgen girl is also not mean... she's just energetic too... though at least she's obedient, which makes her easier to deal with...
the dryad girl just loves to have fun... playing, joking, riding with her friends on her back, whatever... she's also very kind so I'd classify her as one of the "good girls"...
the harpy girl is almost as good of a child as lucine... almost...
archimilli and the succy are the ones who are really "mean"... but they are demons so... whatever...
---------- Post added 2010-11-01 at 06:24 PM ----------
ecchi can have nudity... the thumb rule is: as long as there isn't splicit sex or genitalia showing, it's ecchi...
I want to have daughters... but if I end up having sons I'll raise them like this X3