I want to have daughters... but if I end up having sons I'll raise them like this X3
I want to have daughters... but if I end up having sons I'll raise them like this X3
I want to have daughters... but if I end up having sons I'll raise them like this X3
Demo is orange and red because that's the colors of the fel guard, the most important thing that separates them from the other two specs. Speaking of which blizzard needs to get off their asses and make it so we can change our demons weapon, it's just a coding thing I want to give it a bigger weapon, or an addon that changes it every time I zone into a place.
I want to have daughters... but if I end up having sons I'll raise them like this X3
I'm too use to warlocks before meta I guess. Actually his armory is redish-orange and tan. But the purple from demon form is no diff then the other specs they all use shadow so they all have purple the form is special but the colors are not.
And speaking of warlocks..
I somehow feel like this will hurt warlocks and or druids getting into runs now, mainly warlocks, since we do have to pick who we give it to.The design for combat resurrection effects has changed a good deal for Cataclysm, and we want to make sure players are clear on how spells like Rebirth and Create Soulstone now function. Rebirth has a 10-minute cooldown and Create Soulstone has a 15-minute cooldown. On raid boss encounters, you can only use one of these combat resurrection spells (so one Rebirth or one Soulstone) per attempt for 10-player raids. For 25-player raids you can use three forms of combat resurrection per raid boss attempt (so three of any combination of Rebirth and Soulstone). The count is incremented as soon as a player accepts a resurrection, so one can always choose not to accept if he or she wants someone else to get the resurrection instead. There is no equivalent of the Sated debuff (which tracks Bloodlust/Heroism usage), but you will get an error message if you try to resurrect too many players, and we might add tracking to our raid interface if there is demand for it. Outside of raid content, you can use as many battle resurrections as you have available.
Last edited by Ant Man; 2010-11-05 at 03:08 PM.
Hey, I know I may be in the wrong place, but... Artwork!
From Sleepingfox on DeviantArt.
I want to have daughters... but if I end up having sons I'll raise them like this X3
not really... once (or 3 times) per boss fight and limitless out of boss fights... not that ZAMAGAWD!!1!... that's just blizzard telling us things will be harder than on WotLK...
anyway, a warlock should be in the party for his DPS (and bonus spellpower X3), not because of battle ress... that's why they're giving bloodlust to mages and hunters... because up till now some people took shamans to fights just because they needed someone to bloodlust them...
I want to have daughters... but if I end up having sons I'll raise them like this X3
Fan Art Thread
For posting Fan art...
Mortis, hurry up and draw some cute little girls.
Dalliah, go back to spamming your infinite fount of Artworks.
From numac on DeviantArt
This one is fantastic!
I want to have daughters... but if I end up having sons I'll raise them like this X3