---------- Post added 2010-11-06 at 12:45 AM ----------
---------- Post added 2010-11-06 at 12:48 AM ----------
last art for today
---------- Post added 2010-11-06 at 12:51 AM ----------
this will be the last one
url (incase image doesn't show: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/commu...llery.html#348
i know this is a strange thing to ask but is there any fan art of azeroth in scale. and by that i mean locations in azeroth but in the size they would be in in the actual wow universe.
Last edited by Cathaenia; 2010-11-06 at 01:19 AM.
All hail Garrosh Hellscream!Originally Posted by Daxxarri
I've fallen for a woman... without a pulse. -- Forsaken afficionado. <3
Some by me.
Ooooh. boo-urns. i wanted to post something i did myself but it won't let me. How many posts do i have to put before it will let me?
All hail Garrosh Hellscream!Originally Posted by Daxxarri
I've fallen for a woman... without a pulse. -- Forsaken afficionado. <3
looks great!
i'm looking forward to seeing more of it
isn't that just her armor?
imo, she looks good.
slender, but looks like she actually is able to use that sword of hers^^
no, sadly that's not true, since many of the guys here didn't join the draenei appreciation thread or joined too late (Mortis, Elyaan, Dalliah, Raven, Sya,..).
that avatar is not what Dark was talking about
it's not that bad imo.
aaw *pats*
like i said, you're not the only one who didn't receive the gift.
you didn't know it?
wow, very nice artwork.
Alex looks a bit strange on this one imo and Ysera should have a more nightelfish skin tone, but other than that it's awesome!
i didn't read it until you mentioned it^^
nice work!
i love the talbuk
just write the link and put some spaces in it ("www . mywork.com / pic"), we will post it for you.
i believe 20 for links and 30 for posting pictures^^
and since you people were talking about my avatar and it's original version, it reminded me of some other artworks by the same artist: hopeless-breakdown! i totally love her draenei, they are just too adorable <3
"sparkle pony"
"fireball" (aaaw)
"draenei mage"
"please..." (*cough* :x)
"wow junkie" (that's her. and i love the background xD)
"frostbolt" (even more aaaaaw!)
"burning crusade" (simply beautiful..)
Last edited by Sy; 2010-11-06 at 02:58 AM.
head and neck seem too small"draenei mage"
and i am almost certian I had less then 20 posts before it let me