All hail Garrosh Hellscream!Originally Posted by Daxxarri
I've fallen for a woman... without a pulse. -- Forsaken afficionado. <3
@ jinvol well he wants a new world record quoting then
a girl? *gasp*
how did it go?!
informing transfernal?
me likey ^_^
nah, not enough draenei imo.
(great art!)
looks cool!
very animalistic face with very human expression.
the eyes make like one third of the whole body xD
i think it wasn't that bad, given the uhm.. circumstances. i guess it helped to have three mods posting there frequently.
i still do get pms from people with 0 posts though.....
uhmkay.. did i miss something? :x
looks like he's yawning imo.
that last one is beautiful!
you're right o.O
amigawd, what if he wants to eat her?! :O
like.. you know.. with teeth. and chewing.
err, nevermind >.<
i wonder if that apple is there for a reason.
i guess it should actually remind you of matrix.Reminds me of Saw for some reason
and face tentacles! <3
female or male gnome? :/
i wholeheartedly agree!!
because angel wings look cute and pretty
t5 would actually have needed the t6 hood, imo.
like this.
t7 is not even comparable to t3 -.-
(on bloodelf girls at least)
i love you guys
Lucine ftw!
it's always good to.. know.. stuff.
speak for yourself :P
i do have my flaws, but those sure are none of them.
i know that makes me uncool, right? because not beeing an asshole is girly! xD
yeah.. because that's the only reason you don't "make" one :xsince I can't have a younger sister and I'm too cowardly to make a daughter for myself (what if a boy is born instead of a girl???)
somehow, i get the feeling you don't really like Rhonin.
*pat pat*
i already knew them, but.. does it get better than draenei girls in priest t5?!?
aaw *pats*
great artwork again!
agreed :/
the first beta model looked fine.
i don't know (or remember) the first one, but i know this one^^
didn't we already agree that Mortis wearing a miniskirt wouldn't be appropriate? -.-^^
...or don't want to spend 2h a day on mmoc anymore^^
<-- has started watching animes again!
if you're talking about the artist that i think you're talking off, i feel sorry for youOne experience of innocently googleing a hinted artist's name has left me with enough scars to prevent me looking for more -.-
i agree.
i think we had the actual artist posting this one alreadyfemale worgen face
are you sure she's supposed to be a nightelf? the skintone looks more like a highelf and she doesn't have a tattoo, which is also uncommon for night elves.
cos her babies would be :P (worgen are still counted as humans yeah?)there was a thread on this.i wonder if when worgens breed if they pass on the curse...
i guess most babies would be worgen, since it's the blood that has been cursed, and baby & mother share their blood.
so it may not be the case if only the father is worgen.
it's funny to see the pic processing while browsing through all the pages i missed in the last few days^^
i was thinking the same.Ohhh. Was it that she was afflicted with the Worgen curse but her significant other wasn't and now he can't accept what she's become? Am I still close? X3
again? xD
looks cute
sexy <3
also funny ravager in the back xD
wow! looks good.
i love the colors^^
<3Love it =]
Atmosphere is brilliant, as is the colour.
i think so too.
i guess we all know what he thinks...
and while we're at it:
You Blood Elves Be So Tiny
by yapi/redstash
don't you know them? o.O
funny reading that at this point.
i guess that probably answers my "how did it go?" xD
grats and welcome
very nice!
it still doesn't match the draenei appreciation thread though..
but it will, soon (like in a non-blizzard way of "soon")!
you have a female draenei avatar, so it obviously can't be that bad.
(i love my logic <3)
me neither.
i'm busy watching Kanon a 2nd time =)
i would be happy if i were him..
are you sure she is undead?^^
i actually thought that too when i first looked at it, but she doesn't show any signs of undead actually (other than looking gothy)..
but it's cute either way!
you don't even know the gender of the person you're talking about, do you?^^
animes are to addicting and this thread is moving to fast. i don't have the patience to read and quote all the pages anymore :/now one question...
where in the world is SY???
well, at least not every day.
aaaawwithout him here there's nobody to defend me when elyaan starts bullying me T, T
*hugs Mortis*
you know Elyaan is just jealous because you can draw so many adorable girls!
i don't think that's what he was asking for^^
i'm never bullying anyone.
i just like to make fun of everyone, including myself
hehe, true.
Lilith is cool^^
me too!
Cain slays Abel. Cain is cursed by God. Cain meets Lilith. Cain spurnes Lilith.
at least that's how the kindreds in Vampire - Bloodlines tell the story^^
[QUOTE=Synaia;9383036][sleeping goblin girl]
i'm not really into goblins, but she just looks adorable..
evil Elyaan!
no feeding on Dornaa's tears!!
what if they all crash on the hidden island where i work on my own little version of the project in my own little lab and get killed by the automatic defense systems?
*cough* eerr.. theroretically. there is no such island. i am totally just watching anime all the time.
i think it still looks pretty good!
exactly. but no strange automatic defense lasers. nooope.
reminds me of Shina's work..
although his is actually drawn with both real people and wow models just as reference, as far as i know.
don't be that modest, it looks good, even if it didn't exactly work out the way you intended
poor overlord
coincidence..? :x
hmm, i think i got used to it pretty quick.
good point.
agreedMortis is a nice guy, he just can be a little odd or intolerant ;]
*Ruffles his hair*
*ruffles Mortis' hair too*
there can never be enough waggle!
i think it looks awesome so far!
hmm, but she looks a bit too smiley, imo. maybe you could change that by editing the tip of her mouth, right below the nose.
female draenei!
go on!^^
aaaaw =(
beautiful and sad..
stupid dps shamans need to learn to cast a heal every now and then.. especially when the priest is clearly oom -.-^^
i don't really know which were the 3-4 you've seen, of all that have been posted.
here are four by Peter Lee
dalaran crater
dark portal
ruins of lordaeron
because we all love you that much :P
peaceful and quiet <3
that one was actually pretty funny imo!
don't be that melodramatic <3
i feel honored though
everyone loves cherry pie, after all!don't you guys find it rather anticlimatic that mobs in scholomance (such a dark, evil place) drop homemade cherry pie???
damn, i was too slow^^
pah, i'd never make huge is just waiting till he can do a very huge quote
it's only a huge post with many tiny quotes :P
and no, that wasn't actually the reason^^
sadly, pages are always 20 posts long, regardless of post size^^
and every one of your posts let's me quote even more!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAR!!!11one *evil laughter*
err, i mean.. i don't care about that at all.
*looks at post*
*looks at Raven*
honestly though, my posts have grown bigger and bigger every time over the last few weeks.. i guess i have to cut it down again or else it might become a problem for some people here -.-'
oh and Synaia, please don't quote my whole post again xD
That Dark Portal is <3, and welcome back!
nah i won't sy
incase your wondering she's offline again (the gf is) she has alot of hw to do
and wb
on topic
We haven't seen the real Lysah, so I would assume that it would look like that in real life.
See that? I'm still hiding its gender.
I want to have daughters... but if I end up having sons I'll raise them like this X3
Last edited by Cathaenia; 2010-11-11 at 07:27 PM.
All hail Garrosh Hellscream!Originally Posted by Daxxarri
I've fallen for a woman... without a pulse. -- Forsaken afficionado. <3
I hate you Mortis.
guess i won't quote that much in the future.
so you've seen the great white one irl? :PAnd I don't recall Lysah looking like this.
well, i'm happy for you anyway =)incase your wondering she's offline again (the gf is) she has alot of hw to do
thanks again.and wb
you're hiding it? or you don't know it?^^
for mortis
i didn't even get to see it! :O
well, i think Raven has "figured out (actual) it's gender" about 2378 times by now xD
you don't have to call me god, just Sy is enough :x
of course! i made a list with many of my favorite animes for Ant Man a few days ago, i'll just edit that one a bit and send it to you in a few minutes.Offtopic - @Sy: Heh. You've been sucked into an anime too, eh? Can you recommend anything good? I'm nearly done with my current anime (9 episodes left T.T) and can't think of anything else to watch atm.
well, i love Mortis.
since when?
Last edited by Cathaenia; 2010-11-11 at 07:33 PM.
All hail Garrosh Hellscream!Originally Posted by Daxxarri
I've fallen for a woman... without a pulse. -- Forsaken afficionado. <3
I want to have daughters... but if I end up having sons I'll raise them like this X3