Thank you Lokann so much for the Sig.
I want to have daughters... but if I end up having sons I'll raise them like this X3
I just spent 30 minutes flipping through this thread starting at page 1 and initially I was going to create a list of my favorites but there are just too many!
The female Tirion ( is my favourite fan art / character and the Uldum concept is my favourite scenery art
Sanctity, level 110 Blood elf protection Paladin of <Fallout> on Tarren Mill EU
Love it love it love it love it love it.
And I'm still staring daggers into your back.
Lucky Git.
Fable III.
Halo: Reach (Which I BETA tested.)
Metroid: Other M.
All games I have missed out on so far this year =[
But everytime I do it throws me off with a cryptic comment =/
It is a misspelling of Dora. Defence of the Realm act. Duh.
I posted a few, but...
Wynahiros on DeviantArt
Hellraptor on DeviantArt
Shivita on DeviantArt
Another by Hellraptor
Hmm what have I watched. Pokemon, since I was a kid. Full Metal Alchemist, was good. Something called Claymore, which was a little over the top in violence but was pretty entertaining. Some good characters. I think that is it...
You can thank me for making the thread this amazing.
Or, the Artists, but meh =]
Lucky git.
And a lot of...
I can honestly say I have never killed a female Draenei. I don't play Horde...
I'm posting that for you because it is fantastic, and I have no idea why I didn't see it before.
From cc4l Ladies and Gentlemen! (And Mortis...)
There have been many...
Savagedryad on DeviantArt
Hikari-chan on DeviantArt
Actually difficult to find a female Draenei that hasn't already been posted but here you go...
Skepsisfox on DeviantArt
Send me the URL or image and I will post it for you ^_^
Or wait till you have... 30 or 50 posts I think.
Either way, looking forward to them.
Safesearch? On. Netherdrake, searching for no dirty words? Check. Google. Done. Ohh nice pastel-y colour detailed drawing of a Netherwing with crystals around it. Post. Great!
Second look...
Bad memories. Awful, awful memories. Never have I seen a Dragon I disliked. Anyway...
Your art continues to impress, Blizzard would be mad not to hire you, thank you so much for posting them ^_^
He is a sub-standard donkey?
People refer to donkeys a lot, it confuses me...
Moar praise!
*Heaps praise upon her.*
Brilliant =]
How long have you been a serious Artist?
Don't lets go into another one of these conversations guys ='[
It's like opening the racist door for Frankie Boyle...
Opening the Porn door for any number of you lot.
We try =P
Even if you start off with stick figures we will want to see it, to give you points, to help you learn to draw...
It's so much fun sketching, even when you do it wrong. Just start, and when you have something WoW related put it up here =D
Only I question Mortis!
And Sy...
That was probably longer...
But mine had more words.
I think...
Either way, if anyone gets a more epic post I would be glad for it to be you ^_^
Have some of my work at:
More Alex:
And a hawt night elf:
*pats* wb!
great artworks again!My huntress with her little newborn orc/worgen, Kieran.
i love the expressions of this one. even the hyena looks exactly like you describe her^^
*whispers* be careful, appreciation may cause unfun attention of some mods on these forums :x
well, who doesn't?^^
aaw, don't worry, me and my avatar take good care of all the souls we, uhm, gather
so you indirectly have to sacrfice a bowl (!!) every now and then in order to live in a happy relationship?
i feel with you :P
oh look who's trying desperately to get his post count up xD
you can just pm the links to one of us (*cough* Renagade Raven *cough*) and we will post it for you
so.. your main's a chibi troll priest?!
that's pretty awesome!
yeah, well, i didn't exactly talk about pokemon and the like -.-^^Hmm what have I watched. Pokemon, since I was a kid. Full Metal Alchemist, was good. Something called Claymore, which was a little over the top in violence but was pretty entertaining. Some good characters. I think that is it...
and Claymore is good, but the anime only tells about the actual beginning of the manga :/
i doubt it :PAnd Sy...
That was probably longer...
But mine had more words.
I think...
aaaw :xEither way, if anyone gets a more epic post I would be glad for it to be you ^_^
*huggles Raven*
while "forever" is probably a bit too long, i think someone said it took about 7h from page 1 to 350, or something like that
the first one looks good!
there aren't many poses for Alex in which she doesn't just look like a bikini model of some random magazine, after all..
I think I've seen this in here before and it's on the front page but damn that, it's awesome! (And some of that scenery art I was after too)
EDIT: Oh noes, I totally didn't mean to get sucked into contributing to this thread but after almost 400 pages you got me >.<
This one is awesome too, again, I think it's a repost though:
An excellent annotated world map (alliance biased but hey, nothing's perfect). Links only due to it being huge:
(3000 pixels across HUGE)
The Emerald Dream concept art:
Random holiday fun:
A sweet looking gate that came up:
This one is of Sindragosa apparently
Right, that's enough for one post but I found a load of arts for later
Last edited by Sanctity; 2010-11-12 at 11:59 AM. Reason: Moar Artz
Sanctity, level 110 Blood elf protection Paladin of <Fallout> on Tarren Mill EU
---------- Post added 2010-11-12 at 12:37 PM ----------
I want to have daughters... but if I end up having sons I'll raise them like this X3