Females in Troll society are generally only seen as mates. Any who attempt to rise to positions of power are usually scrutinised, but if they do succeed they're greaty recognised (perhaps even more so than the males), be they casters, healers, or fighters. Any female witch doctor, shadow hunter, or shaman will be called 'zufli' (little witch) by the more conservative males. Some have taken to using this term as a honorific rather than an insult.
That seems to have changed a bit recently among the Darkspear though, or perhaps it's just that the abundance of 'workplaces' within the New Horde gave them all a chance to prove their mettle.
i've never liked that pic, and it's because she's a troll -.-'
now i don't think any race is "better" or "worse" than any other of course (since draenei are just not comparable to mere mortals anyway :x), but for me tusks, thick-3-fingered hands and that "lewd punk" look are just a huge turn off.
nah, they are both too big (for a realistic body shape) and not full enough (for an exaggerated body shape) :/
i agree that the expression is cute, but tusks.. eew..
looks good! =)
i could do that for you, if you like.Think i'm gonna have to open it on PS on this shitty laptop (laptop might crash), a bit low quality atm.
did you ever look carefully at the muscles of nightelf females' arms?
i don't want my 2h axes to be as "big" as an one handed dagger of human females![]()
done in about 15 minutes on photoshop with a mouse, so please, don't judge it too hard XD
I want to have daughters... but if I end up having sons I'll raise them like this X3