YAY im a crappy photoshop goblin :P
Finally finished this today.. ;o; Kind of rushed the rest of it because I have no patience... might add a background later. we'll see.
Well i'm not 100% sure if it still counts as Fan art but with the current Elemental invasion going on i just couldn't resist making the pic. I decided to post it here figuring it does count in some way but i figured it would be seen for a bit if it wasn't.
All hail Garrosh Hellscream!Originally Posted by Daxxarri
I've fallen for a woman... without a pulse. -- Forsaken afficionado. <3
I Like this thread
Quick Sketch I decided to do of my Ret paladin.Grand marshal armor and Sulfuras. Feedback Appreciated :P
I never said that it is easy to draw something that is actually cute and/or sexy, i know for a fact that it isn't. Just drawing a character with big boobs doesn't make it look sexy (just an example), but thats a different story
What i wanted to say was, that it would be refreshing to see less Pictures with Bikini Armor, regardless of the Quality, because we've seen it a hundred of times and it's not that creative anymore.
Maybe you could draw his right Arm holding the weapon, because it looks a little bit off with the Cape in front of it.
How are you going to color it?
Sooo, i've been messing around with CopperBot lineart... Colored in about an hour with GIMP...
What do you guys think?
Last edited by mmocc33a037dee; 2010-11-16 at 02:13 PM.
Ah man, I'm working on a fan art of my main now and it's going surprisingly well. We'll see how it ends up, and by that I mean I will actually upload it so you can see!
In the meantime here is some more from the guy who did the outstanding "Captive Night Elf" piece. He's called Jarett Walen, I figure I should drop that in here, and this art is from his personnal site which I will selfishly withhold so I can continue to post his art .
These two are a progression and, again, I love the art!
Level 20 Shaman:
Level 80 Shaman, Hand of A'dal, Death's Demise,The Light of Dawn et cetera.
Last edited by Sanctity; 2010-11-16 at 02:26 PM.
Sanctity, level 110 Blood elf protection Paladin of <Fallout> on Tarren Mill EU
I'm sure its been posted before, but it still a good picture.
Last edited by Zoma; 2010-11-16 at 04:49 PM. Reason: forgot to add picture /facepalm
Ok, thats good to hear, that you have an idea.I have an idea of how to make it into a nice signature but sadly I won't be able to do it until 17 pm tomorrow :<
I gave it a try, but it's not that good.
Can't post images yet...
I'm going to post that for you, it looks brilliant ^_^
By Strawberry-cyanide
And I'm leaving this picture in the quote because I think I'm in love 0.o
Very good, though the Eagle's head on the shoulder looks too... round. Needs to be streamlined.
Ahh nice sketchy style, and done well =]
You can tell they aren't trying to kill the elemental, they are just trying to get round it to kill each other =P
The elemental thing is actually a peace keeper who is trying to get them to behave ;]
Nice coloring job Hasgart. I'm so stoked to get some new artwork up in a few months. I have another pressing art project in the works right now but I need to do an image of my old guildmates.