I want to have daughters... but if I end up having sons I'll raise them like this X3
Life's tough.
If it helps any, it's just Kanni who would have done that. Lokann definitely wouldn't. I think Azraella might, if it weren't for everyone and everything reminding her of her sister.
Anyhow, just focus on Hani who's a friendly and non-violent type.
It is, if you're Chaotic. Because in that case, you're quite prepared to do some gruesome things others wouldn't contemplate due to morals/laws/whatever, even though they must be done.
Also, I'm pretty certain Maiev is Lawful Neutral.![]()
mortis would be chaotic good... if he actually cared about anything more than children and his friends... seriously... many times he behaves as a good character... but it's all for the sake of his children... saving the world cause his children need a world... fighting the scourge cause they would make his children lose their individuality... doing good things to people to give his children a good example... et cetera...
he also blackmails a lot... and that's not something a good character would do lol
I want to have daughters... but if I end up having sons I'll raise them like this X3
i guess Lilyria is the only one of my characters that could be labeled chaotic neutral, although she holds a lot of respect for both the ebon blade and the dark lady.
most of my characters are (or would be) neutral good or chaotic good, and one, a forsaken rogue, lawfull neutral.
btw: http://darklegacycomics.com/ "I like food." = win.
i wouldn't say that, it just needs more background to become interesting.Neutrality isn't half as interesting as good and evil.
although i have to admit, my character with the most thought-out background story is a chaotic good human girl (i hope i get to finish her bio one day -.-').
I find Chaotic Good to be way too easy. "I'm doing the right thing, look at me, the law's bad so I IGNORE IT! Hahaha! In your face!"
Evil... well, evil's not that complicated either. Lawful Evil for the upper echalons of the Scourge/Legion/whatever, Chaotic Evil for pretty much everything else.
So yeah, neutral can be fun, especially because it's harder to stay consistent.
my main action characters are basically like this:
Mortis - hangs between chaotic neutral (when by himself) to lawful neutral (when with his children)... I guess this would make him true neutral... don't know for sure though...
K - lawful neutral... he's a pro assassin lol
Onnaaran - lawful good...
Necros - chaotic neutral...
Landryll - he's a goblin lol
I want to have daughters... but if I end up having sons I'll raise them like this X3
Well, Lokann is basically Neutral Good, with Chaotic moments. Like when he's screwed over by his commander, he takes matters into his own hands.
Kanni... well, for one she's half a beast. And as such she's very pragmatic. See an enemy? Easy, kill 'em. Wanna get somewhere? Well, better start walking then. So while she does have some semblance of morals, she'll first look at what she's trying to achieve. That's why she saw getting rid of Xana (the child) as a priority throughout the RP, while some others were focused on getting the shinies. Her character traits are totally not based off my observations of cats.
Azraella's complicated. On the one hand, she's cold, efficient, even cruel. So that would put her somewhere in the range of Lawful Neutral (even swinging towards evil sometimes). But when it's about her sister, she'll go Chaotic. Any law can be broken, any ideal set aside if Anarys is in trouble.
I am at heart, but that's not my job here =)
I'm not so sure. The problem in defining this comes from the inherent reasons behind doing things, which are often hard to interpret when you aren't the person who created the characters in the first place. A character like Byakuya can appear lawful good, chaotic good, lawful neutral (I guess...) depending on how you look at him and the reasons behind his actions, I think.
Last edited by Lysah; 2010-11-18 at 10:13 PM.
I've been quiet about my eyes lately since they were causing such a comotion... but people just seem to want me to go back at finding every single bit of perversity on everything lol
---------- Post added 2010-11-18 at 08:33 PM ----------
I wish I had that force choking power X3
I want to have daughters... but if I end up having sons I'll raise them like this X3