It's stupid that knowing quantum mechanics makes you insane.
if you leave all the ansers on "no" then you do get a 0%, wich is od because the first question is " do you consider yourself sane?"
according to this test, considering yourself sane, being willing to take the test, and wearing a hat make you .56% insane each, what if the hat is part of a uniform like...you're in the military... ok nvm, they got a point on the hats. everyone in my unit is bonkers
Last edited by Starscythe; 2010-11-21 at 11:47 PM.
Last edited by Sunshine; 2010-11-22 at 07:46 AM.
Not to be a pain, but please, please do not even mention the word Fanboy (or troll) in this thread. Aside from a couple of conflicts *Cough* MortisLysahTrulteandsomeotherpeople *Cough* it has been kept free of name calling, arguing, etc, and this would be a bad time for anything like that to start!
Horde and Alliance are equally <3 and lovely and wonderful and Harmony Harmony Oh Love >^.^><^.^><^.^< And all that.
Kyun-Kun on DeviantArt
You assume they dream...
Anyways, back on subject:
Sure, it's pissed waggle, but waggle none the less.
You may notice I changed my avatar. Was getting a little annoying seeing 3+ messages in my inbox each day asking, "Where's your avatar from?, so it's gone.
Besides, having an "Alliance" avatar won't work out for me if I'm switching over to the Horde in a couple days...
Last edited by Tikaru; 2010-11-22 at 02:16 AM.
Cool pics. Love the Draenei and the Orc Blademaster.
Just saw this pic on deviantart and I think it's awesome.
What the:
Signature made by -Dalliah-
[waggle prot warrior]
dammit why cant dranei look that good wearing plate in game? (sorry but their legs+ tiny weapons look silly as tanks)
also: WTB plate eyepatches
[preist in a staring contest with a flower]
um... what happened to your right horn?
how many posts do you have to have until you can link stuff?
Last edited by Starscythe; 2010-11-22 at 07:13 AM.
Hey there, thanks for posting all this great art! Its been a blast working through this thread and seeing a lot of images I hadn't seen before. Some excellent artists in here too! I thought I'd contribute with a picture of mine, but I doubt I'll have the post count to show it, so I'll leave a link here for those interested:
I'm no good at PC colouring, I'm afraid (also having to use a mouse for it makes me want to cry).
well... I think I'm done. I can't do no more! lol
Last edited by bahumut5; 2010-11-23 at 10:27 AM.
All hail Garrosh Hellscream!Originally Posted by Daxxarri
I've fallen for a woman... without a pulse. -- Forsaken afficionado. <3
More art from Altana at Deviant art:
That's beautiful. Someone should remind her that Blood Elves have green eyes though. :P![]()
Well it's all black and mean looking, they used unicorns before becoming BE's. Seriously...
But squirrels match? ;]
That link didn't work for me, if you send me in a PM I can link it for you!
It turned out well =D
Especially the shading.
Though I still think there's something about the face shape...
But overall really really great piece ^_^
All other races wearing Judgement (since Belves weren't even in game) say hai!
I have one on my Dwarf ;]