I wish I had this talent. I'm impressed!
I love Scunosi's moonkin ceramic figure, that's pure talent right there friend.
I wish I had this talent. I'm impressed!
I love Scunosi's moonkin ceramic figure, that's pure talent right there friend.
Lukou, Loa of healing
What BE should look like in-game. Quite faithful to the original concept art from TFT too.
Last edited by Zathrendar; 2011-02-25 at 11:01 PM.
Start trying to work out who deserves what, and before long you’ll spend the rest of your days weeping for each and every person in the world.
Got lots of Noxy goodness in there :-)
I forgot this thread existed. Thank god for subscribing to it...
Paladin T2<3
Last edited by mmocced9c7d33d; 2011-02-22 at 10:49 PM.
Looks like your average rock celebrity couple.
Start trying to work out who deserves what, and before long you’ll spend the rest of your days weeping for each and every person in the world.
Have you ever wondered what it would look like if someone mixed Spyro and Deathwing? Well wonder no more!
There is no Logic in WoW, only Blizzlogic.
Thanks. The reason I left off shaggy fur was to stay close as possible to the original model, and to keep things clean. It's hard for me to do concept art for models because I always want to draw them more realistically, so for these I just tried to stay smooth.
It's okay, I'll get through the family stuff. It's just sometimes I go through a bit of a breaking point. I just wish I had enough gall to stand up to them properly and just say what I need to.
I think I was 14 when I finally stood up to my parents and told them enough was enough with regards to church. When they stopped making me go, I thought that was that, and there would be no more crap. I was so wrong. It's almost like they're compensating; "okay, you don't have to go to church anymore, but we'll pester you and make you feel wrong about everything." My mom doesn't really say anything, it's my grandmother I'm having trouble with. And because she's older I'm not allowed to argue or talk back, etc. Oh well. My dad pesters me more about college/university, being a 'lady,' just nitpicky things that have built up over the years.
Don't worry, you're not being condescending at all.![]()
Thanks...whenever I feel down I try to remember that I have my art. That,my boyfriend, and you guys are keeping me sane.
D'aww thanks for the song.![]()
Thanks Lysah.
What I mean more by 'female figure' is a woman who will be with me during female stuff, like comforting me on my period, supporting me when I have my child, teaching me how to nurse, so on and so forth. Even though I pretty much know how to do those things, it would be really nice having a woman who's close to me pass down her knowledge. I want my mom to be my female figure in my life, but we have too many things not in common, and there's contention. I have a friend who's willing to be with me for these things but our relationship has become really strained over the past 3 years and sometimes I feel as though I don't even know her. At least my boyfriend is wholeheartedly supportive of these things (he's not squeamish at all, I love him so much for that), but it would be nice to have some female support, since it's sort of different, or traditional in a sense.
Anyways, I was going to finish up some art and post it today, but about a half-hour ago I started getting an aura and now my migraine is settling in. I'll hopefully be feeling better by the end of the day. I shall now leave and go 'give my offering to the porcelain god.'
Awesome work! *thumbs up*
Well, since the EU servers are down, I might as well post those sketches I was gonna post more than a week ago... <_< Once again, lined paper...
This first is pretty much just a quick sketch with a slightly off facial expression. Semi-based on the Night Elf in the classic WoW opening cinematic.
And a random draenei portrait. Need to open up her lips a bit more though (they were originally closed completely, but damned lines make it look like her mouth is slightly open in an 'Ahh' expression thing, so I had to change it)...
All criticism appreciated!
Last edited by Telanore; 2011-02-22 at 09:42 PM.
Last edited by mmocced9c7d33d; 2011-02-23 at 06:47 PM.
Not to be a downer.. but it might be time to start using thumbnails guys :P
Whiptail pic is nice lol