1. #9561

    Quote Originally Posted by Blazefrost View Post
    I dont know if this has been posted yet (549 pages of reading online = snoring on g button) but I want to see a collage of WoW, SC2, and diablo in on eimage... maybeh like a worgen hunter in SC marine armor with a zergling on lesh over swiss cheesed ody of diablo? :X
    I think I have something close to that if I can find it
    Last edited by ayako; 2011-04-07 at 06:35 PM.

  2. #9562
    Quote Originally Posted by Solfire View Post
    Laughs..? I'd be horrified. D: Did you verify if it was just a fan made idea or something that is actually going to happen? From what I know fighting someone over copywrite infringement is very costly and the money wouldn't mean anything to blizzard so you'd be the only one screwed. It's things like this that I'm too scared to post my artwork online.
    If they took it from deviantart it'll be watermarked afaik, so you should be able to win that pretty easily.

  3. #9563
    another place another host

    Last edited by ayako; 2011-04-07 at 06:36 PM.

  4. #9564
    Quote Originally Posted by Renagade Raven View Post
    My Granddad was a carpenter and my dad is an engineer, though used to do some drawing. My mum is a lawyer and her Dad was a Docter in the RAF, both Grandma's being housewives. I feel like I have less of a chance of being a good artist due to genetics =D
    Don't fret. As long as you like drawing and have the patience for practice you'll do great. It may take a long time, but you'll get there. Just remember that no matter what, you'll always be improving, and that no artist is perfect. Be proud of what you make, even if it doesn't seem like much to you (I can guarantee that there are people that love it. There's something for everyone ).

    Some 'battle-hardened' critics and art school graduates think that you must hate your art in order to improve. Don't listen to them, they're very jaded and can be quite boring. Also remember that not even the greatest artists make masterpieces each time they sit to draw. A lot of my time is spent doing countless sketches; some things from reality, others from my head.

    As an artist, one of the greatest powers you can have is the power of discernment. You must learn to use your gut instinct in order to judge your pieces yourself, and the instinct to realize what is a fair critique, and what are lies and jealousy. Even skilled artists can give nasty remarks, as I've learned from conceptart.org.*

    *I wouldn't recommend posting there. It looks nice on the outside, and there are many awesome people, but it's a nasty shit-dump once you lurk for a while. Too much politics and that sort of crap. I would recommend just staying a lurker and browsing the sketchbooks and tutorial/reference sections. They also do a challenge thing called 'Creature of the Week.' A fun exercise would be to take their challenge and do it yourself, privately, or just look at everyone's designs; it can get the creative juices flowin'.

    Quote Originally Posted by Renagade Raven View Post
    I ate a lava lamp. It wasn't lava.
    Ouch, stop hurting yourself =[
    And give me moar art =D
    Why did you eat a lava lamp? D: My mouth is burning just thinking about it.
    I'll try to stop hurting myself. :P
    I'm about to give you maor arts!

    Quote Originally Posted by Renagade Raven View Post
    Is she a southern Draenai?
    Maybe tomorrow I'll whip up a quick visual comparison to clarify and properly list my notes. Those are always fun.

    [QUOTE=Renagade Raven;10895511] Amazing =P
    Looks like a cross between a seal and a dog.
    And your concept art continues to be amazing =D

    Quote Originally Posted by Renagade Raven View Post
    Somehow this puts me in mind of Flashman novels. Amazingly drawn and coloured.
    I thank you verily!

    My DeviantArt: http://hitsujifox.deviantart.com/

    So, with all this 'My Little Pony' stuff floatin' around the internet I decided to explore what was so attractive about it. I came across a lot of humourous threads and the like, and decided to try out my cartooning skills, and sketched up a picture of my two Draenei, Ze'ev and Tullgin, in a 'My Little Pony' sort of style.
    I was overcome by the cuteness.

    Draenei lady enjoying a morning stretch.

    I decided to do a pregnant version because of all the backlash against pregnant women. I will never understand what drives people to rant about how "ugly" pregnant women are. And it's so silly what people find ugly about it. Apparently people will flip out if a woman has a few silvery stretch marks, treating it like it's the end of the fucking world. Personally, I think that stretch marks are pretty.
    I have also heard (from quite a lot of women, surprisingly) that pregnant women shouldn't be seen in public because of their "condition." Since when was pregnancy an illness? Oh, right, when shitty doctors started treating pregnant women like the mentally handicapped. >:/

    I wish that people would get over their silly religious beliefs or insecurities, and realize that just because a woman is pregnant, does not mean that she can't be fun, flirty, and sexy.

    One more thing. I really hate it when women accuse men, who have a 'thing' for pregnant women, of being pedophiles. I can guarantee that only a tiny, tiny minority of those guys are pedophiles. Most guys and girls that have an attraction to pregnant women usually admire them for their fertility, overall curviness and cuddliness.

    A sketch of Goldrinn coloured in two different styles.
    The first one is a sort of Terryl Whitlatch ink/watercolour style, and the second is, I believe, called Sfumato.
    He does indeed have two other legs, but I didn't draw them. I sort of got wrapped up in other things, so these will probably stay as W.I.P.'s.

    My orc/worgen Kieran just fit this kinda 'My Little Pony' style a little too well. ;P
    Last edited by Rachel; 2011-04-08 at 02:01 PM. Reason: Forgot deviant art link. D'oh

  5. #9565

    Last edited by ayako; 2011-04-08 at 02:49 AM.

  6. #9566

  7. #9567
    Why hasnt this thread been stickied?

  8. #9568
    The Patient
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    Ok, so at the beginning of this week, I fell asleep in class, and woke when I dreamed a worgen coming at me. After the rough awakening, I figured I'd might as well do something constructive since I was already awake, and started drawing this

    If not for the fact that the skin on my fingertips were starting to burn off after all that gray shading, I'd shade it a bit more on the walls and maybe redo the hands, but I reckon it's alright ^^
    All criticism welcome!

    (Also, I've finally learned *something* about using Photoshop; watermarks! Yay for dummie guides!)

  9. #9569
    Malfurion Stormrage

  10. #9570
    Quote Originally Posted by Summerdrake View Post
    Malfurion Stormrage
    And I find myself thinking of the scene in Shrek 3 when Snow White summons all the birds...

  11. #9571

    Last edited by ayako; 2011-04-08 at 10:08 PM.

  12. #9572
    Lightforged Draenei Glaziola's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merany View Post
    Ok, so at the beginning of this week, I fell asleep in class, and woke when I dreamed a worgen coming at me. After the rough awakening, I figured I'd might as well do something constructive since I was already awake, and started drawing this

    If not for the fact that the skin on my fingertips were starting to burn off after all that gray shading, I'd shade it a bit more on the walls and maybe redo the hands, but I reckon it's alright ^^
    All criticism welcome!

    (Also, I've finally learned *something* about using Photoshop; watermarks! Yay for dummie guides!)
    Can't quote pictures yet -.- but the drawing looks awesome gj!

  13. #9573
    The Patient
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    Quote Originally Posted by taurenguard View Post
    Can't quote pictures yet -.- but the drawing looks awesome gj!
    Thanks ^^ And don't worry about not being able to quote images, the mods roaming these lands favour links or thumbnails

  14. #9574

    Last edited by ayako; 2011-04-08 at 10:08 PM.

  15. #9575
    Quote Originally Posted by Summerdrake View Post
    Malfurion Stormrage
    That's damn awesome, are you the artist, or did you find it? I'd love to make it my wallpaper

    Edit: OR I could be smart and see the Deviantart name in the image info. >>

  16. #9576

    Last edited by ayako; 2011-04-08 at 10:09 PM.

  17. #9577
    Quote Originally Posted by ayako View Post
    Another [place]


  18. #9578

  19. #9579
    High Overlord Whitestrake's Avatar
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    Not standing right behind you....dont look....I SAID DON'T LOOK
    Quote Originally Posted by ayako View Post
    [IMG]Lady Herod[/img]
    For some reason, I keep going "Really internet. REALLY? when I see stuff like that. I really should stop being surprised. Other than that though, it's pretty cute looking.

    Quote Originally Posted by ayako View Post
    [IMG]Human form aspects[img]
    My reaction in order of seeing them.

    Ysera: 'Dawwwwwwwww
    Malygos: ....why does he make me think of a goat?
    Nozdormu: He should look like any one of the followng:

    My GF would have a nerdgasm if they did something like that though....
    I'm totally not jealous....>_> <_<

    also: Ayako, who is the artist of those pictures you keep posting?
    There is no Logic in WoW, only Blizzlogic.

  20. #9580
    You'll have to be specific.

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