1. #941
    The Lightbringer trulte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mortis Darkskull View Post
    from WoWwiki...

    I get what you mean... but maybe they are on a triangular relationship... just kidding X3

    ---------- Post added 2010-09-29 at 11:35 AM ----------

    I'm not!!! T_T

    T_T_T (3 eyed and 2 mouthed mutant crying)
    And i thought you were an undead... now you say your an abomination huh xD you learn something new every day i suppose

  2. #942
    Epic! phai's Avatar
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    Mortis is, indeed, WEIRD. :/
    Atleast from what I've read. And that were the last 100 pages

  3. #943
    The Lightbringer trulte's Avatar
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    Damn, i can't see the art... probably my pc that wont show it for some reason ;(

  4. #944
    Quote Originally Posted by phai View Post
    Mortis is, indeed, WEIRD. :/
    Atleast from what I've read. And that were the last 100 pages
    I'm not weird T_T

    what's it about me you guys think it's so weird???
    I want to have daughters... but if I end up having sons I'll raise them like this X3

  5. #945
    Warchief Millhi's Avatar
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    somewhere in this world
    Quote Originally Posted by trulte View Post
    Damn, i can't see the art... probably my pc that wont show it for some reason ;(
    ye but if you click on them you can see them, might be because it are tumbnails

  6. #946
    Dalliah. Upload to Imageshack. Copy the "Thumbnail for Forum", and paste it here.

  7. #947
    Dreadlord Areto's Avatar
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    The links are fine, you can click them and open them in a new window ^^ They're beautiful *-*

    So.. right now I'm bored and need things to scribble, and I feel like I'm on a warcraft kick. Any ideas on what I should be scribbling? Insparations, I can has?

    On a side note, Lokann, I read your story about Kanni. I really want to give a shot and make a sort of fanart for her. Would you mind if I do? ^^

  8. #948
    The Lightbringer trulte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by -Dalliah- View Post
    Can you still click on them? :x
    No can only see the text, but its probably my pc that does not want it to be shown :/

  9. #949
    there's nothing to click on that post... I can only read the pic's description...
    I want to have daughters... but if I end up having sons I'll raise them like this X3

  10. #950
    Don't know that this picture was posted before.

    paladinillumination.files.wordpress (dot) com/2010/05/hail__king_arthas_menethil_by_pulyx (dot) jpg

    Quote from the Painter:

    Arthas, is the guy who spread my art around the world.
    And after he finally passed on, i felt like i should pay him my respects.

    And i did it, by thinking ...What if he had made the right choices ?

    And instantly that image came to to my mind.

    In my version....Arthas, realized what everyone expected from him.
    And became, the greatest paladin and Weilder of the Holy Light in the whole planet.
    Grand Crusader of the Silver Hand King Arthas Menethil.
    After a life of hard fighting and piety, Arthas grew ever more stern, caring, but a hard man.
    No Queen, no Children.
    His devotion is for the Light, and the Light only.
    He fought the undead scourge and made the right choices.
    He listened to Jaina, Uther and Muradin.
    He purged Mal'ganis.
    And after he learned where the real threat emanated from, he wen't there himself.

    With his specially crafted hammer, The Holy Throne Sunderer, he obliterated the Frozen Throne and every bit of energy it contained.

    The Undead never disappeared. Just grew wilder. And uncontrolled.

    So King Arthas led a life of Fighting and protecting his people.

    So without further adue,

    All Hail,
    King Arthas Menethil, the Throne Sunderer, Hero of the Eastern Kingdoms.

    Leader and Teacher to All Paladins.

  11. #951
    Quote Originally Posted by Waschtl135 View Post
    Don't know that this picture was posted before.

    paladinillumination.files.wordpress (dot) com/2010/05/hail__king_arthas_menethil_by_pulyx (dot) jpg

    Quote from the Painter:

    Arthas, is the guy who spread my art around the world.
    And after he finally passed on, i felt like i should pay him my respects.

    And i did it, by thinking ...What if he had made the right choices ?

    And instantly that image came to to my mind.

    In my version....Arthas, realized what everyone expected from him.
    And became, the greatest paladin and Weilder of the Holy Light in the whole planet.
    Grand Crusader of the Silver Hand King Arthas Menethil.
    After a life of hard fighting and piety, Arthas grew ever more stern, caring, but a hard man.
    No Queen, no Children.
    His devotion is for the Light, and the Light only.
    He fought the undead scourge and made the right choices.
    He listened to Jaina, Uther and Muradin.
    He purged Mal'ganis.
    And after he learned where the real threat emanated from, he wen't there himself.

    With his specially crafted hammer, The Holy Throne Sunderer, he obliterated the Frozen Throne and every bit of energy it contained.

    The Undead never disappeared. Just grew wilder. And uncontrolled.

    So King Arthas led a life of Fighting and protecting his people.

    So without further adue,

    All Hail,
    King Arthas Menethil, the Throne Sunderer, Hero of the Eastern Kingdoms.

    Leader and Teacher to All Paladins.
    would be cool if it weren't for a small detail...

    No Queen, no Children.
    boring... specially the later part...
    I want to have daughters... but if I end up having sons I'll raise them like this X3

  12. #952

    -"The black blood of Yogg-Saron courses through me! I. AM. UNSTOPPABLE!"-
    -"You thought to stand before the legions of death... and survive?"-

    Blizzard really did a number on the Battered Hilt and you have higher chance of being eaten by a shark inside your own home then finding one drop and winning it.

  13. #953
    Quote Originally Posted by Arstik View Post
    -"The black blood of Yogg-Sharon *slurp* courshesh through me! *slurp* I. *slurp* AM. *gulp* UNSHTOPPABULL!"-

    Quote Originally Posted by Mortis Darkskull View Post
    here's some honey... isn't it beautyful and tasty looking??? X3

    This is relevant.

  14. #954
    I'm amazed this rather moving piece of fanart was never posted. Sylvanas before going bad.

  15. #955
    Quote Originally Posted by Herecius View Post
    I'm amazed this rather moving piece of fanart was never posted. Sylvanas before going bad.
    Is it just me or does that Arthas really look like Alan Rickman?

  16. #956
    Quote Originally Posted by Lokann View Post
    Is it just me or does that Arthas really look like Alan Rickman?
    Just a teensy bit.

  17. #957
    Dreadlord Areto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lokann View Post
    Is it just me or does that Arthas really look like Alan Rickman?

    Now I can't get it out of my head.


  18. #958
    Yippe Kayei.

    And argh, messed up my draenei sketch now so close to the end, the body, from under the breasts to the waist is way too long =[

    Have to compensate by making her thighs / arse a bit more generous 0.o
    Last edited by Renagade Raven; 2010-09-29 at 03:43 PM.

  19. #959
    Quote Originally Posted by Areto View Post
    Now I can't get it out of my head.

    I totally hear Snape saying "Frostmourne hungers!" now...

    Outta my head! GEDDOUDE!

    (Partially related, but Rickman would make an amazing Aedelas Blackmoore.)

  20. #960
    Dreadlord Areto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lokann View Post
    I totally hear Snape saying "Frostmourne hungers!" now...

    Outta my head! GEDDOUDE!

    (Partially related, but Rickman would make an amazing Aedelas Blackmoore.)
    Oyes he would. Then again, Rickman would make amazing anything else. He's just good. <_<

    EXPELLIARMUS. Drop the frostmourne NOW. BAD SNAPE. No stealing souls!

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