just.. lol xD
great art... as always ;]
you can't move while beeing a peacebloom though :P
your class sounds somewhat.. relaxing :P
and nice pic! he looks a little too bulky for a worgen imo, but great "coming at you!"-feeling o.o
sneaksy little movement lines..
"And Who Is Laughing Now?" :I
by Elunea
err.. i did not actually chose that pic for a specific reason -.-'
i just noticed it may give that impression after i already posted xD
here, have a "Draenei Cookie"!
by xXxAyukyoxXx
lol, i didn't even notice..
but it's only a setback anyway, as we all know!
that loss of head means NOTHING!!
"Taime Draenei Chibi"
by ashril
I hope this thread will be open forever
Thank you all so much for sharing this beautiful art.
Don't tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon.
Thanks ^^ I haven't really taken a good look at worgen males yet, but everyone's saying they're 'too big' and 'haunched over', so I just took a guess at it :s
As for the lack of exhilaration of my class... It was during mathematics, discussing algebra formulas... There's a couple of students in my class that are always eager to discuss mathematics with the teacher, who gets carried away. And while they do that, the rest of us go into a severe state of sleep inducing derp