I quickly checked out his youtube and watched the first video, "MMORPA." Really cool and cute. I love how the picture kept evolving into different styles.
With regards to the pictures you couldn't see, I went back to check on them. They're there, which is good. For a second I thought that maybe a mod took them down, but I couldn't remember doing anything naughty. D:
Here's the exact page that they're on, hopefully :http://hitsujifox.deviantart.com/gallery/?offset=24
Hey, where I come from, the boys don't mind it and understand that it's natural. They're also quite fine talking about it. It's the girls that are the problem. You should've seen my grade 8 and 9 health classes; girls and their endless screams. Argh.
I also talk about it more freely than the average girl 'cause it helps other girls/women to realize that they don't have to be so secretive and ashamed of a normal bodily function.
The way I see it: If a guy can talk in public about the multitude of x-rated things he did to a girl, without anyone batting an eyelash no less, then girls should be able to talk about what makes them female without worrying about being bullied.
That really sucks, luckily he made it through.
I've actually been discovering some crazy things about my family over the years. Some things I wish I never heard. Ugh.
But hey, everyone's gotta dysfunctional family, right?
Man, I wish, but one of their pre-requisites is to move to Irvine. I don't want to go to the states. D:
My family is Canadian, but my dad loves America and its Republicans. :/
I didn't even start the argument. He just forced me to sit there at the dinner table an listen to his rant. I wasn't allowed to say anything.
It was quite dehumanizing, especially when my mom asked me why I cried at such 'minor' comments. She didn't seem to give a shit that my dad was bullying me. :/
Oh, I didn't mean silly as in 'frivolous,' or 'childish' I meant it more as 'light-hearted pillow talk that lead very quickly into sexual pillow talk.'
It got really kinky, really fast. It was quite a fun and enjoyable conversation with my boy. He really knows how to make me laugh. XD
Anyways, thanks so much for your kindness! You're so sweet.