1. #10621
    The Hedgehog Elementium's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immamoonkin View Post
    A quick post:

    I did some custom made ornaments for Tony Washington (the colorist for the WoW comics), and he offered to color one of my pieces as a payment. However, a lot of my stuff recently has been already colored by me, or crap.

    I was thinking of drawing a piece just for this. My first thought was something Pandas. I'd like to know what everyone would like to see in a panda picture. Should I attempt a female design or keep it male? Monk or something different? Let me know, I'll be drawing the image hopefully the end of this week if not sooner.

    Male probably, if it were me I'd try and make it as badass and un-adorable as possible lol. Crushing a goblin/gnome with a keg is a plus!

  2. #10622
    Quote Originally Posted by Elementium View Post
    Male probably, if it were me I'd try and make it as badass and un-adorable as possible lol. Crushing a goblin/gnome with a keg is a plus!
    But that could ruin a pefrfectly good keg :P

    and @Immamoonkin: congratulations

  3. #10623
    I found this blog today:

    It's not WoW related, but it's art related, and it's an excellent resource for character and creature design.

  4. #10624
    I need help!

    Does anyone know who this artist is? I'd love to find more of his/her work, love their style!!!

    Last edited by Kiera; 2011-12-16 at 01:31 AM.

    Gamer Girl since Vanilla- Pet and Mount Collector!!!

  5. #10625

    If you google "nal's pudding" you'll probably find more of his/her work. Serious NSFW issues with some of the websites the stuff is posted on, though.

  6. #10626
    @Rachel: Just looking through the last few pages, I ADORE your work. I still struggle to make my dry art ideas into digital pieces, and I'm always amazed at how some people just manage to "paint" digitally. I hope to learn that technique one day.

    I'm currently working on this, just a lineart at the moment of me and my two best buddies on this game.

  7. #10627
    Female Goblin being cocky... Female Tauren being silly ... Female Blood Elf flipping somebody off....

    Last edited by Astralli; 2011-12-16 at 07:10 AM.

  8. #10628

  9. #10629
    The Patient Dawnseeker's Avatar
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    Love it!
    Wish I could draw even half that well.

  10. #10630
    Quote Originally Posted by Mowgles View Post
    I'm currently working on this, just a lineart at the moment of me and my two best buddies on this game.
    It is swelling with attitude, very cool.
    Quote Originally Posted by blizzardcashshop
    tree druids do about 50-60% overhealing. divide their HPS by half.

  11. #10631
    Warchief Serenais's Avatar
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    Seeing all this, I'm starting to feel bad to post mine... >_>

    (Do tell me what I'm doing wrong, you can reach my DA page through clicking on the pictures)

  12. #10632
    Quote Originally Posted by Serenais View Post
    Seeing all this, I'm starting to feel bad to post mine... >_>
    (Do tell me what I'm doing wrong, you can reach my DA page through clicking on the pictures)
    Never feel bad about your art. I know it's hard not to, and we all have our bad days where all we can think is "oh god, I'm horrible compared to so and so." Resist it, remember that all of those great artists used to be beginners as well, and they probably had the same feelings. It's okay to compare yourself, and you should always critique your own work, but don't get sucked in to feeling bad about it. Just remember, an artist never stops learning and improving. Even when you're a professional, there's always something else new to know.

    The best thing you can do right now is to observe and practice. Lots and lots of practice.
    Use references, study the body, learn how it's constructed.
    Using yourself as a reference is also good, since it's in 3D! Feel your muscles, flex them. What kind of lines beneath your skin do you see? Look at your hands, study the joints and lines. So on and so forth.

  13. #10633
    Thank you for the lovely feedback <3.

    Resist it, remember that all of those great artists used to be beginners as well, and they probably had the same feelings.
    This hold SO MUCH TRUTH. I started doodling in 5th grade, that was about 11 or 12 years ago. I drew nonstop until a few years ago and now art is just a side hobby that I try to constantly improve on and learn new techniques in. Keep practicing and cherish everything that you make. No one is born with the ability to paint masterpieces, it's a long practiced ordeal. Remember that there are people out there that can't move past stick figures, and would love to have the talent that you do.

  14. #10634
    The Hedgehog Elementium's Avatar
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    looks good to me! or at the very least you're above my level of artistic skill.

  15. #10635
    Field Marshal Ortheka's Avatar
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    Worgen Ascendant, after and before turning into a half-elemental. I'm kind of into that elemental stuff lately...

    Some random Night-elf-like eye...

  16. #10636
    Stood in the Fire Teramelle's Avatar
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    Just encountered, well..I'll just call them an art thief.

    They took a professional photograph, edited the eye colour, then claimed it as their FIRST digital painting.
    I made so many points and proved them so wrong that eventually they ignored me completely.

    It's not even FUNNY how angry I am right now.

    And the best thing is, they got pissed off at me for pointing this out - I said that if they truly did paint it, they should provide proof, because I would certainly be very, very sorry and shocked then.
    But, funnily enough, they provided no proof. (':

    And for your own opinion, here is the photograph they apparently 'painted':

  17. #10637
    That's a colorization. I got paid to do them while working for Candid Color as a digital retoucher for Glamour Shots and Party Pics. It takes about 30 seconds at most to do a standard eye colorization.

  18. #10638
    Stood in the Fire Teramelle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yig View Post
    That's a colorization. I got paid to do them while working for Candid Color as a digital retoucher for Glamour Shots and Party Pics. It takes about 30 seconds at most to do a standard eye colorization.
    Ah, my apologies.
    But just to clarify, the girl claimed she had painted the entire photo, not just coloured the eyes.

  19. #10639
    Quote Originally Posted by Dryad View Post
    Ah, my apologies.
    But just to clarify, the girl claimed she had painted the entire photo, not just coloured the eyes.
    I didn't mean to imply you were in error. Just agreeing it's not a painting, other than you use a wacom to either select the eyes or erase them with a black and white layer over a color layer, or using channels.

  20. #10640
    If the guy took the piece without permission, it's theft, plain and simple.

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