1. #10801
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Burning Orcs in Kalimdor
    Quote Originally Posted by Vaanel View Post
    This is my way of WoW Fan Art:

    Btw, I would find it so awesome if I could find some good artist who could make 2D art based on my designs. I have special purposes for that.
    Anyway here are my renditions of how I picture the Night Elf Highborne:

    Your night elf models are better than Blizzard's!

  2. #10802

    My pride and joy, loved making this so much! All the Aspects were done separately and then I just turned it into a big group pic of em all.

    All the separate Aspects can be found in my DeviantART gallery.

  3. #10803
    Pretty nice arts made by this guy... especially blood elves


  4. #10804
    The last one is awesome !

  5. #10805
    Warchief Tydrane's Avatar
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    In all fairness and in defiance of the groupthink, Watchtel didn't criticise Rachel's ability to draw. He/she just said that the results aren't visually pleasing to him/her, and made it pretty clear that it was only his/her opinion. If it doesn't belong here, I'd expect you'd be all for deleting every post that doesn't contain any critical appraisal, which would mean deleting every post that reads "Oh my gosh I love your art!", etc.

    Personally, I do agree somewhat in that what she draws is unappealing - I'm not a chubby chaser. But it's still well-drawn.

  6. #10806
    Quote Originally Posted by Muzual View Post
    It's not the view I have an issue with, it's the way it was worded. Unappealing and "ugly as fk" are two different things, one is generally being honest and the other is far more of an insult.

    I see where you're coming from, I just didn't think it was necessary for it to be posted in the way it was.

    Now - Back to posting art We've derailed this enough
    Good idea. Not exactly posting art but I want to mention two of my favourite WoW related artists on dA. Both of them are pretty good in what they're doing, IMO


  7. #10807
    Some more machinima experimentation that I recently finished. Asinine visual humour and senseless violence, do not watch if you love your Blood Elf. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goqFm-PHnK0

  8. #10808

    Red face

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelfatron View Post
    Some more machinima experimentation that I recently finished. Asinine visual humour and senseless violence, do not watch if you love your Blood Elf. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goqFm-PHnK0
    This is not a fan art. It‘s just some really amateur animation of violence. You should consider reading the topic name before you post, and think about that maybe not everyone finds this as much incredibly funny as you do.

    But your drainei woman made me remember to this pic:

    Last edited by James618; 2012-06-14 at 10:30 AM.

  9. #10809
    Quote Originally Posted by James618 View Post
    This is not a fan art. It‘s just some really amateur animation of violence. You should consider reading the topic name before you post, and think about that maybe not everyone finds this as much incredibly funny as you do.
    Art has no limits, and I find it funny.

    Why are you mad?

  10. #10810
    This isnt arty animation

    But it is very funny DDDD

    And this one is even more funny xD you like it dont you?

    Last edited by James618; 2012-06-14 at 10:41 AM.

  11. #10811
    Yo, da trollz are much better mon

    (thou some of the cutest WoW player and artist girls have drainei rolls)
    Last edited by James618; 2012-06-14 at 10:51 AM.

  12. #10812
    Quote Originally Posted by Nelfatron View Post
    Some more machinima experimentation that I recently finished. Asinine visual humour and senseless violence, do not watch if you love your Blood Elf. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goqFm-PHnK0
    Even if I don't dislike blood elves, I still find that kind of cool. It's nice, reminds me of that movie on youtube, living amongst blood elves or something similar

  13. #10813
    If we're talking about WoW movies, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNP9YaHTH3Y is probably one of the greatest I've seen. Quite as good as some of Blizzard's, better even.

  14. #10814
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow-cleave View Post
    If we're talking about WoW movies, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNP9YaHTH3Y is probably one of the greatest I've seen. Quite as good as some of Blizzard's, better even.
    That's some excellent animation and exactly the reason I decided to give it a go myself. It's quite visible though that the animator had limited time though, animation doesn't have a lot of breakowns.

  15. #10815
    This is a long shot.. but I figured someone in here might know.

    I'm looking for a piece of art depicting some sort of bright skinned female elf. It's a fairly dark indoors setting, and I think she was standing by a grand piano. There was no one else in the picture, and she was just standing there, in some casual pose. I also think she was wearing a black dress. It's been years since I saw it, but I think these details are correct. I believe it might be the work of Keora. The style of this picture is very similar as far as I remember, but I couldn't find it in her gallery. I first saw it on the WoW Model Viewer forums, but that's been wiped since, and I've looked through galleries of several WoW artists on DeviantArt. Any help appreciated!

    Edit: Don't know all the artistic terms, but I also believe it was a rendered artwork, rather than painted or drawn.
    Last edited by mmocac610ba31b; 2012-06-19 at 03:28 PM.

  16. #10816
    this thread makes me wish i had any artistic ability at all

  17. #10817

  18. #10818
    Immortal Luko's Avatar
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    Oh shit, a freaking fan art, and in this thread no less! Seems like forever....


    Really though, this is good. Love the colors and shader tones. Well done.
    Mountains rise in the distance stalwart as the stars, fading forever.
    Roads ever weaving, soul ever seeking the hunter's mark.

  19. #10819
    Warlocks are awesome. FACT !

  20. #10820
    Yeah. Warlock is a class which is even more OP than my pally :3

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