1. #11241
    Click on thumbnails for fullsized image

    Old Horde by Fesbra

    Horde by Geraud Soulie

    Illidan and Kil'Jaeden by Delong Xu

    Worgen Death Knight. Artist unknown.

    The Wrathgate by Jasper Zhao

    Deathwing in Deepholm by linxz2010

    Garrosh and Varian by Robin Keijzer

    Pandaren mistweaver by linxz2010

    Grommash and Mannoroth by Happy Kwak

    Iron Horde by Xiaoyu Wang

    Pandaren Hunter and her Rylak pet. By howlite. (I hate furry art, but this is the only fanart of a Rylak that I have ever seen).

    Thrall vs Garrosh by Jasper Zhao

    The Broken Shore by Jasper Zhao

    by Yann Dalon

    Tauren hunter riding on an Enchanted Fey Dragon by Sa-Dui

    Feral Druid (with Legion artifact using the Nature's Fury skin) by Kenket

    Night Elf Demon Hunter by GothmarySkold

    Orc death knight by Robin Chuquital

    Human priest by Robin Chuquital
    Last edited by Val the Moofia Boss; 2023-03-17 at 03:48 AM. Reason: added thumbnails

  2. #11242

    higher definition:

    Last edited by Big Thanks; 2022-12-27 at 05:43 PM.

  3. #11243
    Click on thumbnails for fullsized image

    Ironforge by cutesexyrobutts

    Blood Elf on Dragonhawk over Silvermoon by LyanisArts

    Blood Elves by Dmitry Prozorov

    Night Elf and Mystic Runesaber by shellvi

    Night Elf druid by jimaoxiaodi

    Alexstraza by pixiv id 4196784

    Faerie Dragon by Aisulu Bozhakanova

    Illidan by grandia42783429

    Blood Elf Warlock by c_home

    Lich King by Bo Chen

    Lei Shen by Cole Eastburn

    Alexandros Mograine in Maldraxxus by Christopher Talbott

    Samwise Didier by Cole Eastburn

    Thrall and Durotan by Aisulu Bozhakanova

    Thrall and Aggra in Nagrand by Alex Horley

  4. #11244
    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post

    Old Horde by Fesbra
    This is the Horde i aspire for.
    *notice the Worgen there, too.

  5. #11245
    Bloodsail Admiral Plehnard's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by username993720 View Post
    This is the Horde i aspire for.
    *notice the Worgen there, too.
    That's a warg not a worgen. You can see the saddle on it's back.

  6. #11246
    Quote Originally Posted by Plehnard View Post
    That's a warg not a worgen. You can see the saddle on it's back.
    Oh, wow. Didn't notice it.

  7. #11247
    La la la la~ LemonDemonGirl's Avatar
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    I had this on a birthday cake once

    Very cute face!

    I kinda miss seeing more gritty art like this. Not sure how that mask is staying on his head though.
    Last edited by LemonDemonGirl; 2023-03-19 at 04:18 PM.
    I don't play WoW anymore smh.

  8. #11248
    Click on thumbnails for fullsized image

    by Roman Kenney and/or John Polidora

    Neltharion by Christine Graham

    Neltharion and Alexstraza by Christine Graham

    Deathwing by Christine Graham

    Genderbent Deathwing by LFF

    by Bo Chen

    Maraad by zippo

    by pixiv id 8889789

    by pixiv id 8889789

    by Dany Orizio

    Artist unknown

    by Yaorenwo

    by Dzikawa

    by Yaorenwo

    by FaroraSF

    by Dzikawa

    by Yaorenwo

    by Yaorenwo

    by Yaorenwo
    Last edited by Val the Moofia Boss; 2024-05-20 at 05:32 PM.

  9. #11249
    Click on thumbnails for fullsized image

    Arthas and Terenas by Dai Song

    The Fall of Quel'thelas by Yaorenwo

    Pamela in Darrowshire by Yaorenwo

    Forsaken by Yaorenwo

    The four founders of the Knights of the Silver Hand: Uther the Lightbringer, Tirion Fordring, Saidan Dathrohan, and Turalyon. by Jiangfeng Feng

    Darion Mograine by evanreichell

    The Battle of Mount Hyjal by Jiangfeng Feng

    Confrontation at Theramore. Artist unknown

    Broxigar wielding the axe gifted to him by Cenarius during the War of the Ancients. Artist unknown

    By Felsus. Alternate version with slightly desaturated colors.

    Orgrimmar by poedateldivanov

    Orc warrior by Jiangfeng Feng

    Night Elf sentinels by Yaorenwo

    Night Elf by Dreamyyn

    Sylvanas by *猫

    Tauren Druid by Jiangfeng Feng

    Vol'jin by HeeWonLee

    Forsaken warlock by Yaorenwo

    Forsaken warlock by Yaorenwo

    Forsaken by Yaorenwo

    Forsaken priest by Yaorenwo

    Forsaken priest by Yaorenwo

    Onyxia by Yaowenro

    by Yaorenwo

    Night Elf warrior at Teldrassil by Yaorenwo

    Gnome priest by muju

    Tauren shaman by Yaorenwo

    Tauren in Orgrimmar by Yaorenwo

    Tauren by Hikaru Yagi

    Tauren by Yaorenwo

    Tauren by Yaorenwo

    by Yaorenwo

    Thousand Needles by Yaorenwo

    by Yaorenwo

    by Yaorenwo

    War of the Shifting Sands and C'thun by Yaorenwo

    Horde vs Alliance by Yaorenwo

    Forsaken by Yaorenwo

    Orc warrior wielding Ashkandi, Greatsword of the Brotherhood. by Thomas Karlsson

    More fanart to be posted over the next two weeks!

  10. #11250
    The Lightbringer Ardenaso's Avatar
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    Jan 2020
    those nelves be high as fuck if they're going to use hood from the rain but still let the rest of their body get wet
    The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!

    I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.

  11. #11251
    Click on thumbnails for fullsized image

    Illidan and Kael'thas by byramklc

    Blood Elf by Dahuang

    Blood elf paladins by Yaorenwo

    Blood Elf paladin by Windforcelan

    Paladin. Artist unknown.

    Blood Elf by pixiv id 142027

    Blood Elves riding mechano hogs by x-Celebril-x

    TBC by Yaorenwo

    Human warlock by Yaorenwo

    Forsaken priest wearing tier 6 tier set. By Yaorenwo

    Tauren warrior in Tempest Keep by Yaowenro

    Tauren warrior in Shadowmoon Valley by Yaorenwo

    Forsaken wielding the warglavies of Azzinoth by Yaorenwo

    Kil'Jaeden and Anveena Teague at the Sunwell. Artist unknown.

    Tauren warrior in Orgrimmar by Yaorenwo

    Tauren and Forsaken in Orgrimmar by AdrienGonzalez

    Night Elf mage by AdrienGonzalez

    Forsaken by Yaorenwo

    Forsaken by Yaorenwo

    by jianing hu

    Chromie by Yaorenwo

    Chromie by Yaorenwo

    Kira Songshine by Yaowenro

    Human paladin by Yaorenwo

    Alliance by Yaorenwo

    by Yaorenwo

    believed to be by Geraud Soulie

    Broxigar, believed to be by Yudis

    by swordsman 北

    Artist unknown

    Villains by PolarisStormrage

    Tuskarr and Draenei by Yaorenwo

    Putress at the Wrathgate by xXDeviantXxRage

    Trolls hunter and Skoll at Ulduar in the Storm Peaks. by Yaorenwo

    Yogg Saron and Ulduar by Jorge Jacinto

    Orc Death Knight by Chain Jane

    Forsaken warrior in Icecrown. By Yaorenwo

    Orc death knight wielding Armageddon and riding Invincible by VanHarmontt

    Death Knights vs Burning Legion by skaiChu

    Jaina by Haixiang mu

    Thrall and Jaina genderbent by Yaorenwo

    Gnome by Yaorenwo

    Gnome by Yaorenwo

    Mimiron's Head. Artist unknown

    Forsaken mage wearing Wrath heroic tier set. By Yaorenwo

    Orc x Draenei by Emily Enshuh

    Blood Elf by Yaorenwo

    by Nicolasaviori

    One more post coming!

  12. #11252
    Click on thumbnails for fullsized image

    Deathwing. Artist unknown.

    Deathwing genderbent by pixiv id 142027

    Hunter taming Chromaggus in Blackwing Lair. by Yaorenwo

    Jaina and Kalecgos by YeastSoldier

    Pandaren and Cloud Serpent by Chao Yuan Xu

    The statue of Liu Lang and Shen-zin Su inside the Temple of Five Dawns on the Wandering Isle. by JMXD

    by Ziom05

    Pandaren monk by Valentina-Remenar

    Pandaren warrior by JMXD

    Pandaren mage by YanmoZhang

    Pandaren by Ben Thompson

    by livroeternia

    Pandaren by pixiv id 3512411

    Unreleased Hearthstone art by Paul Mafayon

    Pandaren vs Mogu by fenrysk-art

    by Pagodon

    by Pagodon

    Pandaren (Uncle Gao?) and Alementals by Nepharus

    Orc vs Sha by kylin li

    Temple of the Jade Serpent by Yaowenro

    Shrine of Two Moons by Yaorenwo

    Oondasta by Yaorenwo

    Shrine of Seven Stars by Yaorenwo

    Warlock metamorphosis (RIP) by Omar-Atef

    Warlocks by MiraSand

    Orc warlock by MiraSand

    Artist unknown

    Khadgar and the Burning Legion by Genesisnx

    by Ywtsmq

    Thrall, Tirion, Maiev, and Illidan vs the Burning Legion by Zhadnost

    Illidan by ma xingbo

    Demon Hunter by KylePunkArt

    Demon Hunters vs Legion by Lie Setiawan.

    Ursoc by Maria Pechenkina

    Xavius by Nikolay Maslakov

    Ysera by JMXD

    Xavius vs Draenei paladin by Tyler James

    Night Elf Druid by J.B. Van Harmontt

    Gul'dan by Lion Crowe

    Artist unknown

    Demon Hunter by Szabados Zsolt

    Demon Hunter by reau

    Adventurers by OscarShadowPriest

    by Adam-Scythe

    by Jiangfeng Feng

    War of Thorns by sandara

    Anduin by Andonagaa

    Sylvanas by Jiangfeng Feng

    by Mikiart_

    Vulpera monk by by Zaelii Art

    Alexstraza by pixiv id 3365272

    by FaroraSF

    Raszageth visage by Cince_Arts

    Horde adventurers at Thunder Bluff by Yaorenwo

  13. #11253
    Click on thumbnails for fullsized image

    Arthas vs Anasterian by MY NAME IS ZG

    Kael'thas and his father, Anasterian. by MY NAME IS ZG

    Thrall by pixiv id 13806379

    Darkspear Troll by Matt Forsyth

    Human priest by pixiv id 723846

    The Four Horsemen by pixiv id 3422649

    Kargath vs Terok. by pixiv id 7579790

    Draenei and her Elekk by pixiv id 20801015

    Human Death Knight by pixiv id 178320

    Blood Elf hunter by pixiv id 723846

    Blood Elf paladin by Yaorenwo

    Blood Elf paladin by pixiv id 723846

    Adventurers by Chenart12

    Jaina by pixiv id 3568955

    Tirion Fordring by pixiv id 1582380

    Adventurers by pixiv id 3624219

    Sargeras by pixiv id 3568955

    Adventurers by pixiv id 2963912

    by pixiv id 59426

    Varian and Anduin by pixiv id 478329

    Human on the Angler's Fishing Raft. by pixiv id 3568955

    Sylvanas and Varian by pixiv id 782435

    Varian and Gul'dan by pixiv id 2598156

  14. #11254
    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmicpreds View Post
    Is there any cool Progenitor fan art?
    Do you mean the First Ones? No. Of the First One's creations/servants, I've seen a decent fanart for Sire Denathrius, and one for the Halondrus boss from Sepulcher. I've seen a few Winter Queen fanarts but I didn't like them so I didn't save them. Haven't seen any other fanart for the newly introduced Shadowlands characters/lore.

  15. #11255
    Click on thumbnails for fullsized image

    Night Elf Druid by The-SixthLeafClover

    Night Elves vs Legion by Sergey Avtushenko

    Illidan from TFT by Sergey Avtushenko

    Onyxia in Stormwind by The-SixthLeafClover

    Blood Elf fire mage by pixiv id 71184181

    Orcs warlock by Sergey Avtushenko

    Paladin on Voidtalon by Darkenaz

    Draenei hunter by Bradwhitlam

    Arthas and Invincible by breath-art
    Night elf druid vs Amani troll 1 by Sergey Avtushenko

    Dwarf shaman by Veli Nyström

    Deathwing by li fengyang

    Horde vs Alliance Gnome vs Pandaren by Kala Austin

    Pandaren by Anthony Avon

    Temple of the White Tiger by pixiv id 71184181

    Wrathion by TenNineKS

    Orcs 76 Timewalker warrior by ericbraddock

    Naga by Sergey Avtushenko

    by su jian

    Night Elf hunter by Iromonik

    Thrall in Nagrand by Maria Pechenkina

    Hoshigumafrom Ark Knights as a Human warrior, and Renewed Proto-Drake by pixiv id 69142760

    Veritistrasz by Maria Pechenkina

    Khadgar, Grommash, Chromie, Nozdormu, and Chrono Lord Deios by Dmitry Bolotov
    Last edited by Val the Moofia Boss; 2023-11-05 at 05:47 AM.

  16. #11256
    Click on thumbnails for fullsized image

    Arthas vs Illidan by Magiclefty

    Illidan. Artist unknown.

    Crossover by Magiclefty

    Illidan, Kael'thas and Vashj. Artist unknown.

    Night Elf hunter. Artist unknown.

    Elf by Windforcelan

    Gnome vs Orc warrior. Artist unknown.

    Blood Elf and Night Elf priest by koloromuj

    Blood Elf paladin by Windforcelan

    Blood Elf by Windforcelan

    Kael'Thas in Tempest Keep. By Sandara.

    Arthas by Deadman

    Adventurers by Deadman.

    Ulduar and Time Lost Proto-Drake by rakshaza-art

    Ulduar by Julian Bauer

    Blood Elf paladin by pixiv id 723846

    Sylvanas Jaina and Saurfang on Icecrown Citadel. by DRACREN

    Dragons Aspects by pixiv id 1430914

    Tirion vs Deathwing. Artist unknown.

    Deathwing. Artist unknown.

    Liulang on Shen-zin Su. by Magiclefty

    Khadgar, Yrel, Thrall, Maiev, Liadrin, and Maraad by Lia Booysen

    The second generation of the Four Horsemen, featuring Darion Mograine, Nazgrim, Sally Whiteman, and Thoras Trollbane. by Kirill Stepanov

    Night Elf hunter by Bo Chen

    Night Elf mage by Astri-Lohne

    Khadgar by gabrieldacosta
    Last edited by Val the Moofia Boss; 2023-11-07 at 11:01 PM.

  17. #11257

    by doomed dreamer-d2ocw29

    by baltarouzz

    by Jesterbrand

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Hawkknight97 View Post
    Is Links to like websites like Artstation, Deviantart, Tumblr, and etc allowed or No? Curious about the Strict Rules.
    If you want to add a link then you could add it below the image.

    by Chocolerian

  18. #11258
    Bloodsail Admiral Plehnard's Avatar
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    Amazing Xal'atath picture by Kresto:


  19. #11259
    Click on thumbnails for fullsized image

    Horde by ManuDGI

    Dwarf hunter by Miao Zi

    Bronzebeard Dwarves vs Frostmanes Trolls by HjalmarRambles

    Stratholme by x-Celebril-x

    Great Father Winter by Dmitry Prozorov

    Kael'thas and Alar by rtZ-OPE

    Orcs hunter by Dmitry Prozorov

    Dwarf Death Knight by Radoartcraft

  20. #11260
    Edit 1-13-2025: Darn, I screwed up. I opened the editor for this post to check the formatting for a new TWW art post, and wound up saving the TWW art post here and overwriting whatever was here. I have dug through my imgur trying to find images uploaded in between the last post and the next one, so hopefully these are all of the arts that were supposed to have been here.

    Click on thumbnails for fullsized image

    Titans by liuhao726

    Dragons Aspects by liuhao726

    Horde vs Alliance by Todd Lockwood

    Orgrimmar by liuhao726

    Lich King vs Diablo by Hai Hoang

    Scourge by Todd Lockwood

    Varian vs Vol'jin and Li Li by liuhao726

    Dragons by liuhao726
    Last edited by Val the Moofia Boss; 2025-01-13 at 08:21 PM.

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