1. #11261
    Click on thumbnails for fullsized image

    Warcraft Orcs vs Warhammer Orks. by Bradwhitlam

    Dwarf paladin by hu-re

    Artist unknown

    Arthas and Muradin by Omar Atef

    Artist unknown

    Artist unknown

    Artist unknown

    Artist unknown

    Grommash. Artist unknown

    Horde invading Ashenvale by Omedon

    Forsaken Warlock. Artist unknown

    Horde vs Alliance by otherdane

    Muradin by Jay Zhao

    Stormpike clan Dwarf vs Frostwolf Orc. Artist unknown

    Artist unknown

    Artist unknown

    Artist unknown

    Night Elves by Jason Chan

    Malfurion and Illidan by Omar Atef

    Malfurion and Illidan by Omar Atef

    Tyrande by Haixiang mu

    Malfurion. Artist unknown.

    Artist unknown

    Night Elves by OliverFord

    Artist unknown

    by Kalnari

    Artist unknown

    Core Hound by Grimbro

    Artist unknown

    Artist unknown

    Artist unknown

    Adventurers in Nagrand. Artist unknown.

    Blood Elf by liuhao726

    Draenei by Song Qijin

    Orc Burning Blademaster by Li Kai

    Doomlord by VegasMike

    Artist unknown

    Illidan by Haixiang mu

    Kael'thas by breath-art

    Artist unknown

    Artist unknown

    Lich King by Cai Qiang

    Death Knight alt by Chen Jiansong

    Artist unknown

    Forsaken frost mage by liuhao726

    Garrosh by Song Qijin

    Garrosh vs Varian. artist unknown

    Human Warlock using Metamorphsis. Artist unknown.

    Lor'themar. Artist unknown.

    Chen Stormstout by agnidevi

    Pandaren monk vs Burning Blade clan Orc by Ilya Salnikov

    Pandaren by Muzhi

    Pandaren by Lizc

    Pandaren by TheFool432

    Pandaren by Kan Liu

    The Tavern in the Mists by ChaoyuanXu

    Li Li by Yaorenwo

  2. #11262
    Over 9000! Golden Yak's Avatar
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    Haven't done any 2D art in a while, but I did some lately for a thing.

    Playable qiraji character designs

    Old God 'visage' forms

  3. #11263
    La la la la~ LemonDemonGirl's Avatar
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    N'zoth's Visages make me think of a troll and elf hybrid. I like it!
    I don't play WoW anymore smh.

  4. #11264
    Quote Originally Posted by Golden Yak View Post

    Old God 'visage' forms
    Love the clear re-use of existing skeletons in ways that make these feel far more plausible. They are all pretty great, I love how C'Thun looks like a god or cult leader who needs to persuade people in contrast to Yogg just sitting there with the vibe of "We both know I'm evil, you're cool with that or dead anyways." Only weird decision is the Titties of Y'Shaarj but that title is too fun to say to be too weirded out.
    One day I look forward to seeing full grown adults realize that their averse reactions to levity and positive/contemplative expressions of emotion are a cry for therapy.

  5. #11265
    Over 9000! Golden Yak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Faerillis View Post
    Love the clear re-use of existing skeletons in ways that make these feel far more plausible. They are all pretty great, I love how C'Thun looks like a god or cult leader who needs to persuade people in contrast to Yogg just sitting there with the vibe of "We both know I'm evil, you're cool with that or dead anyways." Only weird decision is the Titties of Y'Shaarj but that title is too fun to say to be too weirded out.
    Y'Shaarj is a beautiful lady.

  6. #11266
    Over 9000! Golden Yak's Avatar
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    Additional stuff for aforementioned thing:

    Demon Ogres (Demogres)

    Ogun the Worldhunter - Demigod of Life
    Variants are channeling the powers of Life, demons, and the Old Gods

  7. #11267
    Over 9000! Golden Yak's Avatar
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    Last thing (for now):

    Denathrius, demonized.

    Comes in Sargeras Red and Felfire Green flavors.

  8. #11268
    Over 9000! Golden Yak's Avatar
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    Additional things

    Arator Windrunner, the Dawnfire Redeemer

    Illidan Stormrage, post-Sargeras subdual

    Illidan Stormrage, Chosen by the Light

    Mala'deva, Queen of the Shivarra (she's queen because she has twice as many arms)

  9. #11269
    My Rogue from SOD Classic...in my style

  10. #11270

    by BalintCservenyi

    by Sofia Barinova

    by MavenMello
    Last edited by Val the Moofia Boss; 2024-04-20 at 07:07 PM.

  11. #11271
    Click on thumbnails for fullsized image

    Tauren wielding Tunderfury by Kimoss

    Artist unknown.

    Artist unknown.

    Death Knight Blood Elf wielding Shadowmourne by artofcarmen

    Adventurers by Kimoss

    Deathwing by breath-art

    Night Elf by Kimoss

    Druid by Kimoss

    Adventurers by Kimoss

    Troll Death Knight by WeaSeLsDrawing

    Alleria and Turalyon vs Pitlord by Jarreau Wimberly

    Forsaken priest by Kimoss

    Adventurers by Kimoss

    Gnome and Pepe by pixiv id 23159655

    Tauren Sunwalker by Kimoss

    Chromie and Pepe by pixiv id 19635793

    Adventurers by pixiv id 19635793

    Xal'atath by pixiv id 19904580

  12. #11272
    Over 9000! Golden Yak's Avatar
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    Some renditions of ladies I made for a thing.

    Eonar the Lifebinder, Elune of the Moon, and the constellar Seraphone.

  13. #11273
    I was hoping that by the time MoP remix launched, I would post a huge post of the hundreds of fanarts I've found by scouring 4chan archives, Russian websites, and now Chinese WoW fan forums, but I was lazy and didn't reverse image search those images as I downloaded them to find the author and the original, highest resolution version I could find, so that megapost was not ready. I have been defeated by the Sha!

    artist unknown

    Do not fear. It will come. Soon™

  14. #11274
    It's that time again when a new WoW expansion is coming out. Do you know what that means? Yup! It's time for another WARCRAFT FANART MEGA POST! KEEPING AZEROTH ALIVE IN 2024! FOR THE HORDE!

    *While typing up this post, I realized I had 200 fanarts total to post. I will spread them across the next four weeks until TWW's launch*

    Click on thumbnails for fullsized image

    Horde vs Alliance Grommash by Timur Dairbayev

    Thrall and Grommash by whiteraven017

    Grommash. Artist unknown

    Thrall and Grommash vs Mannoroth. Artist unknown

    Arthas paladin by Tooth-W

    Scourge invasion of Quel'thelas by -MJ-

    Illidan, Malfurion, and Tyrande by Noodle L

    Arthas vs Illidan by ShowCat

    Arthas vs Illidan by Yunchan Chao

    artist unknown

    Thrall overlooking the Horde at Orgrimmar by triumviratusok

    Stormwind by 永远的k

    Gnome Warlock by OrcOYoyo

    Darkshire by 猫伊necoe

    Night Elf by Roman Guro

    Night Elf druid by Yaorenwo

    Night Elf by Yaorenwo

    Tauren by linxz

    Human by Yaorenwo

    Forsaken by HS

    Nefarian and Onyxia by Breath-Art

    Nefarian vs Paladin and Mage

    Gates of Ahn'Qiraj by Tim Guo

    Draenei by boozits

    Blood Elves in Zangarmash by Sam Hogg

    Blood Elf warlock by LiberLibelula

    Draenei vs Fel Orcs by triumviratusok

    Burning Legion vs Horde Pit Lord by xu deng

    Nagrand by 永远的k

    Broken vs Orc by Aegolist

    Maiev by Koni-art

    Paladins by Chenart12

    Kil'Jaeden by Noodle L

    Forsaken warlock. artist unknown

    Forsaken Warlock by HS

    Sylvanas. Artist unknown.

    Horde by Fenghao Liu

    Draenei in a gyrocopter by Drkav

    Horde adventurers by Qiu yuwei

    More to come in the following weeks!

  15. #11275
    Click on thumbnails for fullsized image

    Zangarmarsh by Maria Pechenkina

    Lich King by Noodle L

    Tirion Fordring by Chenart12

    Lich King by Anton Zemskov

    Arthas and Sindragosa by CiPi82

    Adventurers in Northrend by 6kart

    Tauren Druid. Artist unknown

    Utgarde Keep by 永远的k

    Adventurers by 猫伊necoe

    Human hunter. Artist unknown.

    The Art of Persuasion quest in Borean Tundra. Artist unknown

    Storm Giant by Breath-Art

    Dwarf paladin vs Blood Elf Death Knight. Artist unknown

    Gnome mage by Breath-Art

    Jaina by Maria Pechenkina

    Tauren Death Knight model by *출하*밀크

    Death Knight wielding Shadowmourne by pixiv id 251730

    Yogg-Saron by Ann Marie Cochran

    Yogg-Saron by Slartibartghast_II

    Yogg Saron by Maria Pechenkina

    Death Knight by Serathus

    Human, artist unknown

    San'layn Blood Prince Valanar by Breath-Art

    Sindragosa by Chenart12

    Jaina the Lich Queen by GothmarySkold

    Blood Elf death knight wielding Shadowmourne by DigiFlohw

    Ysera by hikari-chan

    Baine by Anastasia Balashova

    Deathwing. Artist unknown

    Deathwing. Artist unknown

    Deathwing. Artist unknown.

    The Elemental Lords. Artist unknown

    Orgrimmar and Stormwind by ken3056822

    Orgrimmar by breath-art

    Troll hunter by Yaorenwo

    Hunter taming Damaged Purple Silithid Colossus by Yaorenwo

    Gilneas by 猫伊necoe

    Adventurers in Uldum by Yaorenwo

    Troll by Yaorenwo

    Night Elf by Šárka Claina Š

    Horde vs Alliance by ShadowPriest

    Goblins vs Gnomes by breath-art

    Goblin by Breath-Art

    Tauren Paladin by Paul Mafayon

    Uther wearing tier 12 paladin armor by Matthew McKeown

    Human warrior in the Firelands by hikari-chan

    Azshara by Tatiana Hordiienko

    Deathwing and the Skyfire by 小狐白

    Deathwing and the Skyfire over the Maelstorm by 永远的k

    Deathwing. Artist unknown

    Varian and Garrosh vs Deathwing by 6kart

    Stormwind by Gio Gio

    Varian and Thrall by Morry23

  16. #11276
    Over 9000! Golden Yak's Avatar
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    Some arts:

    The big man himself, Sargeras

    G'hunn, visage form

  17. #11277
    Quote Originally Posted by Golden Yak View Post
    Getting Sword of the Stars: The Pit vibes from this one. Like a cross between a Protean and... some other creature whose name I forgot. Maybe a Kaiju?

    This is your own art, right? It has a nice, distinct look and feel.

  18. #11278
    Over 9000! Golden Yak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hotmail View Post
    Getting Sword of the Stars: The Pit vibes from this one. Like a cross between a Protean and... some other creature whose name I forgot. Maybe a Kaiju?

    This is your own art, right? It has a nice, distinct look and feel.
    Yep, it's my stuff. And since I worked on both The Pit and a kaiju-themed game maybe the influences flowed together for the G'hunn one?

    I didn't spend much time designing him compared to the other Old God visages - it's really just G'hunn if he was vaguely humanoid, because his character design was already pretty much perfect.

  19. #11279
    Click on thumbnails for fullsized image

    Blizzard crossover by Liang Xing

    Blizzard crossover by BaiToo

    Pandaren Jedi space marine vs Kerrigan by Zeta “z” Wei

    Jaina x Kalecgos by Mayk0rs

    Pandaren by lowly-owly

    Pandaren. Artist unknown

    Horde vs Alliance Ji and Aysa by MrColin1212

    Pandaren death knight by triumviratusok

    Pandaren by triumviratusok

    Pandaren paladin vs Sha by triumviratusok

    Temple of the Jade Serpent by 永远的k

    Pandaren monk by Maria Pechenkina

    Pandaren and Cloud Serpent by Maria Pechenkina

    Jade Forest by Maria Pechenkina

    Lili and Chen Stormstout by Zhang Qipeng

    Chen Stormstout, Li li, and Mudmug by DigiFlohw

    Pandaren vs Hozen by Breath-Art

    Pandaren by Arthur Bozonnet

    Horde vs Alliance Pandaren warriors by Chenart12

    Pandaren swordsman by Howlite

    Pandaren samurai in Kun-Lai by Anthony Avon

    Grand Expedition Yak by 본**즈

    Pandaren ninja/monk/swordsman by Howlite

    Pandaren by Dan Scott

    Wrathion by Yaorenwo

    Lei Shen 1 by Justin Bechtold

    Norushen. Artist unknown.

    Garrosh and the Horde by Yaorenwo

    Adventurers by Liang Xing

    Adventurers at the Siege of Orgrimmar by artofcarmen

    The Underhold and the Heart of Y'shaarj by Yaorenwo

    Vol'jin by adrhaze

    Horde adventurers in Orgrimmar by ShawnFox

    Motorbike Alliance by LIN .

    Jaina by 江畔寂寥人

    Expansion villains by Nathan Xianliang Kong

    Kargath by Aleksey Grechenyuk

    Iron Horde Dark Portal by Gio Gio

    Frostfire Ridge by Anthony Avon

    Frostwall Garrison by 永远的k

    Pandaren hunter and Rylak by Howlite

    Shadowmoon Valley by Sammy Hancock

    Adventurers by Yang Zhang

    Pandaren monk and Xuen by J.B. Van Harmontt

  20. #11280
    Click on thumbnails for fullsized image

    Varian vs Legion by jung minkyo

    Mekkatorque by 본**즈

    Horde and Allinace gunships vs Burning Legion by Crazy Earl

    Varian by Lee hyunwoo

    Adventurers vs Legion also featuring Illidan by cider Wrath

    Illidan 24 by Dai Song

    Demon Hunter by Peng Yue

    Illidan, Anduin, Sylvanas, Gul'dan, and Xavius by Jang Ju Hyeon

    Night Elf Demon Hunter elf by 魔剑 太阳 剑

    Malfurion and druid forms. Artist unknown.

    Malfurion by Mayk0rs

    Night Elf hunter by Lee hyunwoo

    Talonclaw by Mitamisu

    Felo'melorn by Mitamisu

    Faminebearer by Deeedge

    Xala'tath by Deeedge

    Blood Elf 63 Monk Mistweaver wielding Sheilun, Staff of the Mists by Lee hyunwoo

    Worgen priest by Ann Marie Cochran

    Blood Elf 58 paladin and hunter by pixiv id 735596

    Mi'qote from FF14 wearing WoW tier 6 warrior armor by pixiv id 735596

    Blood Elf paladin by pixiv id 735596

    Paladin in Stormheim by 猫伊necoe

    Suramar by 永远的k

    Tauren Death Knight vs Legion Tomb of Sargeras by J.B. Van Harmontt

    Worgen priest by Howlite

    Gnome death knight by littlemer

    Death Knight and Elegon Cloud Serpent by MiraSand

    Alleria and Turalyon by 〇己ㄥ己〇ㄥ

    Khadgar and Turalyon. Artist unknown

    Velen on Argus by Maria Pechenkina

    Lightforged Illidan by ShadowPriest

    Illidan, Khadgar, Velen, Turalyon, and Alleria vs Burning Legion by Tim Guo

    Troll wielding the Underlight Angler by by Joseph Weston

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