1. #10701
    High Overlord Lilena's Avatar
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    Cloquet, MN
    Saw that the other day via one of my various warcraft art groups I follow and it's very lovely!

  2. #10702

  3. #10703
    Quote Originally Posted by sajin0084 View Post
    You know I see this and all I can think is:

  4. #10704
    lol That is awesome sherrasama!!

  5. #10705
    looks great hambo

  6. #10706
    Quote Originally Posted by Hambo View Post
    New guild + new race + new faction = new forum avatar

    Too bad I can't use it on these boards, though :|
    Absolutely brilliant !! You are very talented Love it.

    Edit: Love to see someone from my realm and faction here Fantastic

  7. #10707
    My BF's Shammy:

    My Hunter:

    I have been doing a few WoW pieces in the style of my Sindi one. . . so mainly headshots with a lot of billowing hair ;-)
    Last edited by Kiera; 2012-01-16 at 08:47 PM.

    Gamer Girl since Vanilla- Pet and Mount Collector!!!

  8. #10708
    Decided to mess around with nouveau style, and now I'm addicted! It leaves so much room for creativity. This is the progress on a piece for my good friend .

    ---------- Post added 2012-01-18 at 08:50 PM ----------

    And finished product:

  9. #10709
    Awesome art work

  10. #10710

    Just gonna drop these off.
    I know...not really exciting. =P

    Decided to do more female Pandaren stuff since I’m seeing facial markings pop up. The red panda version was actually from Duskdaimond, but I think she was actually opposed to it. Personally I would be okay with red panda markings on the Pandaren (as long as they don’t go as far as making the female an actual red panda anthro). Variety is good.
    The bottom four are red panda, albino, melanistic, leucistic, and inverted.
    The second above melanistic was inspired by Chinese opera makeup, and the one above inverted is a simplified version of tanuki markings. :3

    Did some male faces to mirror a couple of the female ones I did.
    I also looked up more Chinese opera makeup and masks.
    One, two, and three at the bottom were ref'd from:
    And the last one was from google images.
    (PLEASE NOTE: The bottom ones also apply to the females)

  11. #10711
    Quote Originally Posted by Mowgles View Post
    Decided to mess around with nouveau style, and now I'm addicted! It leaves so much room for creativity. This is the progress on a piece for my good friend .

    ---------- Post added 2012-01-18 at 08:50 PM ----------

    And finished product:
    This is really awesome.
    Nice work, keep it going !

  12. #10712
    Thank you . I've just recently become active in art again, and I'm currently working on a League of Legends commission, but I'll be back to this thread in a week or two!

  13. #10713
    Damn this thread makes me happy and sad at the same time.
    Those are just incredibly awesome and pretty, I wish I could do something like that.

  14. #10714
    Field Marshal Ortheka's Avatar
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    Bastion of Twilight

  15. #10715
    Rachel, your faces look great!

    Gamer Girl since Vanilla- Pet and Mount Collector!!!

  16. #10716
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiera View Post
    Rachel, your faces look great!
    Thanks Kiera. :3

    Deviantart: http://hitsujifox.deviantart.com/gallery/

    More boring concept things. Hopefully when I'm done my pony adoptables I'll make more fun and colourful WoW things.

    Uh oh, more stuff for the ever-growing Pandaren pile.
    Anyways, just some examples of body types and and an overlap to show how the larger female fits the male.

    Some body type sketches I've been working on in bits.
    I'll hopefully have Honey done soon, but I have discovered that cute, chubby wrists and ankles are really hard to get right. :c
    Just so you can get an idea of their heights, Tully is about 5'2".

    You'll notice that even though Whinnie is larger than her daughter, Tully, her musculature isn't as defined as (older) Tully's. That's becauseWhinnie didn't have to work too hard to get that big, that's pretty well her normal figure.

    Please note: Tully's lack of horns was a conscious decision during her creation. So they're not cut off, and she's not deformed, she simply has no horns. However, she does have the usual forehead plates.
    Last edited by Rachel; 2012-01-25 at 04:14 AM.

  17. #10717
    High Overlord xeddin's Avatar
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    Jun 2011
    all of these are pretty impressive

  18. #10718

    Surturas rising.

  19. #10719
    Here's an animation, I made to test my Sylvanas-rig:

    My idea is to make a short movie, about her. This is going to be an enormous task and I'm not entirely sure, if I will ever finish it.
    Anyway, this will be something fun to keep me busy, til MoP goes live

  20. #10720
    Please do this for every model in the game, and then create a way to play with the models like action figures for me. Yep.

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