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  1. #201

    The differences between normal vs. heroic seems sort of asinine for me, but I won't pretend to have any semblance of knowledge about high-end raiding that might tell me what the intention is there.

  2. #202
    If for instance a guild completed 4 bosses on heroic, but can't do Putricide, they then decide to stick it on normal mode to kill him. Can they then, in the same raid straight after killing Putricide, put it BACK to Heroic mode for Princes and the rest of the raid, just like today?

    Hungover brain + lazy me = confuzzled.

  3. #203
    Field Marshal
    10+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    I don't like it because I'm of the group of people who have to work off-hours and thus usually can only raid on the weekends.

    Well, I used to be able to do this. Now come Tuesday, 99% of the people will raid and get as far as they can, locking themselves to various levels of the raid(s).

    Come Saturday and Sunday when I log in... I'll be looking to hit the raids for a fresh run.


    I won't even be able to make a pug raid for you to join because you are *gasp* locked from your guilds 10 person.

  4. #204
    Quote Originally Posted by TowerTom View Post
    If for instance a guild completed 4 bosses on heroic, but can't do Putricide, they then decide to stick it on normal mode to kill him. Can they then, in the same raid straight after killing Putricide, put it BACK to Heroic mode for Princes and the rest of the raid, just like today?

    Hungover brain + lazy me = confuzzled.
    Should be able to.

    Basically, killing a Boss on Heroic locks you to doing further Heroics with THAT raid ID on THAT size setting.

  5. #205
    ICC loot is not being fucking changed!

    This same god damn question is asked like 5 times on every page. A blue confirmed it, you can find the quote somewhere in the middle of the replies. Its game over for ICC and RS, it's old content! Blizz doesn't give a shit anymore, you've had a year. Move on with your lives. Jesus, lvl 82 greens are better than 25 heroic gear.....

  6. #206
    So are monthly fees going to be reduced to reflect the content that's being restricted from us?
    Not being able to do both 10 and 25 is just retarded. It's not my fault that Whiney McBitchalot doesn't have enough time in the week to do both, so why am I being punished for it?

  7. #207
    Quote Originally Posted by bigfoot1291 View Post
    So are monthly fees going to be reduced to reflect the content that's being restricted from us?
    Not being able to do both 10 and 25 is just retarded. It's not my fault that Whiney McBitchalot doesn't have enough time in the week to do both, so why am I being punished for it?
    You obviously just started playing in WotLK.

  8. #208
    i m an adult player and i want to have the ability to raid as much as i want into both 25 and 10 man raids.Why teh hell must i have some1 dictate me on how much should i raid or not...This is just retarded on blizzard's part and the reasons they give are just lame..I want to raid as much as i want and i enjoy both 10 and 25 man raids..Why should i have restrictions on what raids i can attend,since i pay good money to do so...PLAIN F@CKING LAME

  9. #209
    Quote Originally Posted by sidebar View Post
    You may also not join someone else's raid if they have defeated a Heroic encounter.

    We have about 30 people in our raid group. We have a few extra to buffer for people not being able to make it, or to optimize the group for a fight, etc.

    So if I'm sitting out the first 3 bosses to give a new recruit some loot, will I be able to come in for Saurfang and beyond?

    I imagine this just means that once you have a heroic kill for the week, you can't join any other raid id with a heroic kill in it (and probably can't do any other heroic kills if you join a raid id that hasn't yet done a heroic kill?). But it's not really worded that way, and it's a little troubling.

  10. #210
    My only complaint is that my guild is not much of a hard mode guild (or many achievements). We clear content but the majority of us are older with spouses and families. "Hard Core" raiding isn't a priority for half of the guild. We are 7/12 in ICC and unlikely to bust our butts trying the last few harder fights. We never finished TOGC or did more than 6 or 7 HM's in Uld. 18 of the regular raiders have been together since Vanilla. We enjoy our guild and have a great time.

    Now the part where is bites us in the butt is that there is a regular group of 10 of us that LOVE doing hardmodes and achievements. We have been running a 10 man group since Naxx working on hardmodes, achievements and satisfying our need for tons of raiding. Now I feel like I am forced to choose between "just doing content" or finding a new guild (which I truly would never, ever want to do) that does hardmode content.

    I am a fairly relaxed player. I don't get bent out of shape about changes to the game. It necessary to keep the game fresh and people adjust. I am an original player and I can't even remember half of the things that have been changed. This change however makes me very irritated.

  11. #211
    Quote Originally Posted by dek View Post
    We have about 30 people in our raid group. We have a few extra to buffer for people not being able to make it, or to optimize the group for a fight, etc.

    So if I'm sitting out the first 3 bosses to give a new recruit some loot, will I be able to come in for Saurfang and beyond?

    I imagine this just means that once you have a heroic kill for the week, you can't join any other raid id with a heroic kill in it (and probably can't do any other heroic kills if you join a raid id that hasn't yet done a heroic kill?). But it's not really worded that way, and it's a little troubling.
    If you haven't done anything that week than you can get into pretty much anything at whatever point the group is at, you just can't go back to the first bosses til next week.

  12. #212
    To be honest, this is the kinda shit they should limit to PTRs. I'm wholly on board with this change for cataclysm as all loot tables will be the same, but they're not the same in ICC, so you're kinda forcing people to raid one way or the other for the time being.

  13. #213
    The amount of QQ about the 1 lockout per instance geez, you guys are aware you can level alts, right? Level another of the same toon you are, play one in 10, onr in 25.. problem solved.

  14. #214
    Also, it very short sighted of Blizz not to allow you into a group that's done some heroic content. What if you need to replace a guild member in your raid?

  15. #215
    I don t get if 10 and 25 are still 2 different lockout, sry really lenguage issue here

  16. #216
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowdream View Post
    To be honest, this is the kinda shit they should limit to PTRs. I'm wholly on board with this change for cataclysm as all loot tables will be the same, but they're not the same in ICC, so you're kinda forcing people to raid one way or the other for the time being.
    Its for what? Like the next month or two? It's obsolete content/gear at this point anyways.

  17. #217
    Quote Originally Posted by Explosion_Rex View Post
    Its for what? Like the next month or two? It's obsolete content/gear at this point anyways.
    Nice for you, we're still working on LK heroic here.

  18. #218
    Quote Originally Posted by Dela View Post
    I don't know what's the biggest failure of blizzard... Naxxramas 2.0 or this
    *hardcore raider* qq?

  19. #219
    Quote Originally Posted by Skulver View Post
    Somebody didn't get enough love as a child. Don't worry, nobody can tell how scared you are deep down inside.
    Actually I got a lot of love, my username is the childhood nick name my mom had for me, except for the x's of course.

    But hey, if we are on the subject of making assumptions of our childhood, let me take a stab at yours. Spoiled entitled brat, who's parents gave him what he wanted when he wanted or he'd cry and throw a fit because you can never see past your own nose. And you're probably a fatass too. Probably had rootbeer in your baby bottle. Im gonna guess you still shit your pants even to this day too.

    I will give you a gold star for the scared remark though, because Im still scratching my head about what the hell you are talking about. That's some good trollin in my book.

  20. #220
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowdream View Post
    Nice for you, we're still working on LK heroic here.
    Oh I'm not a hardcore raider or anything, I'm just saying, it's been around for a year, the new expansion is right around the corner and if you haven't got what you wanted out of ICC by now you're pretty much SOL. Everyone has had more than enough time. All good things (or bad thing, depeding on who you ask) must come to an end.

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