Grom Hellscream
Undead on Raptor on Shark with Freaking Lazer Beams
Grom Hellscream
Undead on Raptor on Shark with Freaking Lazer Beams
Grom Hellscream
Undead on Raptor on Shark with Freaking Lazer Beams
I just noticed the shrunken heads on Grom's belt.
Now I don't like Grom!
Must destroy all orcs!
Anyway on topic. Undead on raptor on shard with rocket shooting lazer beams for sure!
It's frickin', not freaking
It's name is Epicus Maximus, the Paragon of Epicosity.
Last edited by Roflpotamus; 2010-10-18 at 02:35 AM.
This poll was just for fun really (no sh*t).
However, the fact that Grom got 34% of the votes is really ridiculous. The fanboyism has to stop somewhere, and if not a flying shark with a laser on its head and an Undead rocking out on top of it all, then where?
Last edited by vissi the cruel; 2010-10-22 at 06:40 AM.
I think Grom would be overcome with the sheer epicness of what he's seeing. He wouldn't even realise he's been laz0rd in half.
I'm sorry, mr. Mellscream, but this one goes to an infinity of kickass, which rider a devilsaur riding a shark with laz0rs while playing a guitar made of Arcanite Reaper. It's just too awesome.
Second pic, because it makes nosense just like 90% of the internet.
High Overlord Surfang would win. He would then meet up with Genn Graymane(who is the most interesting man on Azeroth) for a drink.
Fixed, because Saurfang will need cover from those Lazers. You can't cleave what you can't reach.
Crowley charges in first, then blocks the lazers with his Worgen Teeth, while Saurfang cleaves the Undead, the Shark and the Raptor all at once as the reflected lazer takes out Grom.
So shall it be written, so shall it be done.
Cept Blizzard already took it out of the game, so of course Grom.