View Poll Results: Who would win?

192. This poll is closed
  • Grom Hellscream

    61 31.77%
  • Undead on Raptor on Shark with Freaking Lazer Beams

    131 68.23%
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  1. #1

    Grom Hellscream Vs. Undead on Raptor on Shark with Freaking Lazer Beams

    Grom Hellscream


    Undead on Raptor on Shark with Freaking Lazer Beams

  2. #2
    Stood in the Fire foofymoonkin's Avatar
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    The second one

  3. #3
    I just noticed the shrunken heads on Grom's belt.
    Now I don't like Grom!
    Must destroy all orcs!

    Anyway on topic. Undead on raptor on shard with rocket shooting lazer beams for sure!

  4. #4
    It's frickin', not freaking

  5. #5
    Undeadraptorsharklaz0rbeams ofc.
    Oh hi

  6. #6
    Whats the Gs of each?

  7. #7
    It's name is Epicus Maximus, the Paragon of Epicosity.

  8. #8
    It's Grom, not Garrosh he is mentioning. Grom <3

  9. #9
    Last edited by Roflpotamus; 2010-10-18 at 02:35 AM.

  10. #10
    the public has spoken. I blame the flyingness and the supreme freaking lazorbeamness of Epicus. You just can't compete with that on a mortal level.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aucald View Post
    Having the authority to do a thing doesn't make it just, moral, or even correct.

  11. #11
    This poll was just for fun really (no sh*t).

    However, the fact that Grom got 34% of the votes is really ridiculous. The fanboyism has to stop somewhere, and if not a flying shark with a laser on its head and an Undead rocking out on top of it all, then where?


  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Roflpotamus View Post
    This poll was just for fun really (no sh*t).

    However, the fact that Grom got 34% of the votes is really ridiculous. The fanboyism has to stop somewhere, and if not a flying shark with a laser on its head and an Undead rocking out on top of it all, then where?

    you bump a 4 day old thread to have some qq about horde fanboy. your butt hurt more then jeina spreadmoore

    also this post remind of a ending of a 50's PSA about rock and roll.

    "the rock music got to stop! and if not at the prom, or the soda stand but where, WHERE!"
    Last edited by vissi the cruel; 2010-10-22 at 06:40 AM.

  13. #13
    I think Grom would be overcome with the sheer epicness of what he's seeing. He wouldn't even realise he's been laz0rd in half.

  14. #14
    Banned Haven's Avatar
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    I'm sorry, mr. Mellscream, but this one goes to an infinity of kickass, which rider a devilsaur riding a shark with laz0rs while playing a guitar made of Arcanite Reaper. It's just too awesome.

  15. #15
    Second pic, because it makes nosense just like 90% of the internet.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by criticism View Post
    Whats the Gs of each?
    OVER 9000!!! what did you think?!
    Quote Originally Posted by ita View Post
    I saw a tauren rolling on mail gear once and when I asked him, he said it was better than what he was wearing.
    Can you believe that? A cow wearing clothes? Ridiculous..

  17. #17
    Pandaren Monk Solzan Nemesis's Avatar
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    High Overlord Surfang would win. He would then meet up with Genn Graymane(who is the most interesting man on Azeroth) for a drink.

  18. #18
    Bloodsail Admiral Ken_Silver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Solzan Bloodfire View Post
    High Overlord Surfang in a tag team with Darius Crowley would win. They would then meet up with Genn Graymane(who is the most interesting man on Azeroth) for a drink
    Fixed, because Saurfang will need cover from those Lazers. You can't cleave what you can't reach.

    Crowley charges in first, then blocks the lazers with his Worgen Teeth, while Saurfang cleaves the Undead, the Shark and the Raptor all at once as the reflected lazer takes out Grom.

    So shall it be written, so shall it be done.

    "With King's Light and Lion's Roar, By kingdom's pact, our spirits soar, Against the Darkness, we stand in defiance, Even in death, Glory to the Alliance!" - Ken Silver, Human Hunter

  19. #19
    Banned Haven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ken_Silver View Post
    You can't cleave what you can't reach.
    There is no "can't" when you're speaking about High Overlord Motherfuckin' Saurfang

  20. #20
    Cept Blizzard already took it out of the game, so of course Grom.

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