1. #2161
    Tebow gets boo'd by the crowd in NY. I have a feeling the NY crowd won't be a warm to him as Denver was. Perhaps he should have chosen Jacksonville?


  2. #2162
    Herald of the Titans Skarsguard's Avatar
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    Could you link the story all I see is the NFL site with like 5 Tebow stories and nothing about being boo'd.

  3. #2163
    Quote Originally Posted by Badpaladin View Post
    Tebow gets boo'd by the crowd in NY. I have a feeling the NY crowd won't be a warm to him as Denver was. Perhaps he should have chosen Jacksonville?

    They were boo'ing Dwayne Wade, then they cheered him when he put on his yankees hat. He was sitting behind tebow at the game. then they sat next to each other. ESPN made a big hoopla about it, all game.

    edit: the reason they were booing Wade was because they just beat the Knicks earlier that day. And that link is shotty reporting.

  4. #2164
    Quote Originally Posted by skarsguard View Post
    Could you link the story all I see is the NFL site with like 5 Tebow stories and nothing about being boo'd.

    I derped.

    ---------- Post added 2012-04-15 at 09:00 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by stopbeingdumb View Post
    They were boo'ing Dwayne Wade, then they cheered him when he put on his yankees hat. He was sitting behind tebow at the game. then they sat next to each other. ESPN made a big hoopla about it, all game.

    edit: the reason they were booing Wade was because they just beat the Knicks earlier that day. And that link is shotty reporting.
    According to the article there were different instances of "showing the stars", one for Wade and another for Tebow.

  5. #2165
    Herald of the Titans Skarsguard's Avatar
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    IDK New York does have two teams they could have been Giant's fans that were booing him who knows with New Yorkers.

  6. #2166
    Quote Originally Posted by skarsguard View Post
    IDK New York does have two teams they could have been Giant's fans that were booing him who knows with New Yorkers.
    Most Giants fans I know are Mets fans, and Jets fans are Yanks fans... but that could just be the people I know, meh.

    Most likely people in New York know what Tebow is/was, simply a media attention signing designed to bring in more revenue... and it'll work.

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  7. #2167

  8. #2168
    Quote Originally Posted by Badpaladin View Post

    I derped.

    ---------- Post added 2012-04-15 at 09:00 PM ----------

    According to the article there were different instances of "showing the stars", one for Wade and another for Tebow.

    I dunno, i was watching the game, and when they showed tebow, you heard appluase, and then showing d-wade you hear the boos bellow, then he put on his yankees hat, and they sorta cheered. I don't care either way, dislike both the atheletes and the yankees.

  9. #2169
    Brewmaster Robbyjawz's Avatar
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    I had told one of my coworkers that I give Sanchez until week six to pull it together and show he can start right when the Jets traded for Tebow, now it appears like he is royally screwed with that schedule. Steelers, 49ers and Texans in that stretch? No way Sanchize makes it.
    VanCleef wants you! Join the Defias Brotherhood and hang out on a yacht all day!

  10. #2170
    Great thing they signed him a humongous contract, right?

    As far as schedules go, I'm afraid for my Broncos. Jesus, those first six games are absolutely brutal.
    Last edited by Badpaladin; 2012-04-18 at 09:25 AM.

  11. #2171
    Stood in the Fire Rivenda's Avatar
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    I would have loved to see the Bye week for Bears a bit later, but when that said I kinda like those monday games, it means they'll be broadcasted on telly hurra!
    Anyway I think the Bears will go 12-4, and if Rodgers get the madden curse, I think it might be 14-2, Bears where strong last year untill Hanie came, and this year we're stronger, without Mike Martz, and with Marshall.. The draft can only be good.
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  12. #2172
    Old God conscript's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Badpaladin View Post
    Great thing they signed him a humongous contract, right?

    As far as schedules go, I'm afraid for my Broncos. Jesus, those first six games are absolutely brutal.
    As far as I know almost all the guaranteed money in Sanchez contract is front loaded into the first two years. The length and overall number fo the contract is mostly just lip service. If they want they can cut him in two years with no repercussions at all which is basically the same situation they were already in with his contract before extending it.

  13. #2173
    Stood in the Fire Rivenda's Avatar
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    #Bears signed former #49ers OG Chilo Rachal to a 1-year deal.

    Wait.. Who is that?
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  14. #2174
    Moderator Northern Goblin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Badpaladin View Post
    As far as schedules go, I'm afraid for my Broncos. Jesus, those first six games are absolutely brutal.
    I thought our trip to Baltimore would suck, you get New England.. suddenly I feel better.
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  15. #2175
    Mechagnome Elbren's Avatar
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    Bengal's LB Nate Webster is on trial for (essentially) statutory rape and Ray Lewis has been subpoenaed by the defense. No idea why ... Webster has never played for the Ravens and, as far as I know, has no connection to any of our players.
    Last edited by Elbren; 2012-04-18 at 06:03 PM.
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  16. #2176
    Old God conscript's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elbren View Post
    NFL.com Link

    Bengal's LB Nate Webster is on trial for (essentially) statutory rage and Ray Lewis has been subpoenaed by the defense. No idea why ... Webster has never played for the Ravens and, as far as I know, has no connection to any of our players.
    Could the Bengals seriously just stop employing felons already? How many guys do they need to have on their team that have been involved in major crimes? Webster is accused of rape, they had the guy running a drug operation last year, they employ 5-6 guys that have had major legal trouble when on other teams in the past. It is crazy.

    Wow just read that story. He is accused of raping an assistant coach's daughter. That is just an extra layer of scum bag right there. Ray was called as a defense witness so maybe it is just a character witness type thing. He didn't get called as a witness for the prosecution so it is unlikely he was in any way involved in the act or where the act took place.
    Last edited by conscript; 2012-04-18 at 05:59 PM.

  17. #2177
    Quote Originally Posted by conscript View Post
    Could the Bengals seriously just stop employing felons already? How many guys do they need to have on their team that have been involved in major crimes? Webster is accused of rape, they had the guy running a drug operation last year, they employ 5-6 guys that have had major legal trouble when on other teams in the past. It is crazy.

    Wow just read that story. He is accused of raping an assistant coach's daughter. That is just an extra layer of scum bag right there. Ray was called as a defense witness so maybe it is just a character witness type thing. He didn't get called as a witness for the prosecution so it is unlikely he was in any way involved in the act or where the act took place.
    Calling in ray lewis for a character reference when he has a.....questionable history himself(though admittedly not recent) doesnt seem like best choice for someone to call on.
    Quote Originally Posted by ccsabathia View Post
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  18. #2178
    Mechagnome Elbren's Avatar
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    Tomorrow, the Ravens are planning to work out QB's Dennis Dickson and .... Kyle Boller.

    No, that's not a typo. I think I need to change my underwear.
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  19. #2179
    Moderator Northern Goblin's Avatar
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    Suddenly I feel MUCH better about our trip to the Ravens.
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  20. #2180
    I do feel pretty good about Bears chances this year especially after seeing that schedule. Playing the AFC South and the NFC West which are I would say the worst 2 divisions in all of football, as they only have 2 solid teams Houston and San Fran. Everybody else is pretty bad. At least on paper so far. NFL always changes though.

    We get to be the 1st team to "welcome" Andrew Luck into the NFL which should be fun to watch

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