1. #1161
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    Quote Originally Posted by Badpaladin View Post
    By that you mean falsely admitted back into the game despite being concussed, and later explaining how he had zero recollection of events surrounding the hit? Harrison's illegal hit put the guy in a state where he was physically and mentally unfit to play.

    I very much hope that Harrison get suspended and that the Browns organization is also under investigation.
    I agree on both points. There is no way he passed any concussion tests.

    ---------- Post added 2011-12-14 at 05:12 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Fengore View Post
    For some odd reason I don't feel like watching much football tonight...
    I don't feel like watching it much more the rest of the season... How many 4th quarter collapses for the Cowboys is that this season? It's unreal and disgusting. Could almost make a man cry.

    ---------- Post added 2011-12-14 at 05:28 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by highslime View Post
    Peyton Manning being out has nothing to do with Houston winning the division. The Colts' performance this season just shows that the entire team was built around one man, and cannot function without him. You know who the Texans have been missing, either for a few games or the entire season? RB Arian Foster was out for several games with an injury, WR Andre Johnson as well. Mario Williams is gone for the season. Oh wait, so is our STARTING and BACKUP QBs, in Matt Schaub and Matt Leinart respectively. Hell, I'm probably forgetting a few guys. Now who are we rolling with in week 14? A ROOKIE QB drafted in the FIFTH round named TJ Yates. The entire team has his back, and it shows. This guy is cool, calm, and poised. He's made a few mistakes, sure... but he's confident and gets it done. Sure last week vs ATL the home crowd certainly helped, but the entire city of Houston is behind TJ and the Texans. Today against the Bengals we showed how resilient a team we really are. We played pretty badly for 3 quarters, but managed to not give up and keep cool. The last 3 or 4 minutes of that game was amazing to watch. Two minutes left, no timeouts and TJ takes us 80 yds for a TD. The 17 yd QB rush on 3rd and 15 was awesome.

    As a Texans fan I'm elated that we finally have taken the next step and won the division, on our way to the playoffs for the first time. Hell, we still might be able to secure a first round bye. I believe the road to the Superbowl goes through either New England or Pittsburgh, and Houston will be there to meet them head on. The Steelers don't concern me, we beat them 17-10 in week 4.

    Why not the Houston Texans and TJ Yates?

    Fuck Tim Tebow.
    Since my Cowboys are unlikely to make the post season at this point , I'll be pulling for my fellow Texans down south to win it all. Take it! Bring the Lombardi Trophy back to Texas even if it is half a day south from me.

  2. #1162
    Brewmaster Disenchanted's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by conscript View Post
    Harrison got a one game suspension. More than I honestly thought he would get, but you can't help but be disappointed in the league for this. Suh gets two games for bruising a guys arm. Harrison gets one for being a repeat, repeat offender on a play where you can actually severely injure a guy.
    Suh is a problem child too. Don't pretend he isn't. And Suh's sin came after the whistle. Big no-no. He's LUCKY, the guy wasn't seriously hurt.

    You do realize Harrison hadn't been fined a nickel, nor so much as flagged since week 8 or 9 of LAST season right? (Which puts him at over a season's worth of games since he last got called out for a "bad" hit) He's been a good boy. That hit on McCoy was unfortunate. Nothing more. Sure, fine him. Had he gone lower, the heads wouldn't have touched. But you're not going to tell me he led with his head. Come on. He even had his arms up across his chest to brace for impact. It was a bang bang play that had a bad result. Move on.

    Meanwhile, in the same game, Ben Roethlisberger had a man dive at his knees (same play he got hurt), and later had a man give him a forearm against his head. Neither flagged, and so far, neither fined.

    And people wonder why folks in Pittsburgh think Goodell is unfairly targetting the Steelers...
    Last edited by Disenchanted; 2011-12-14 at 09:22 AM.

  3. #1163
    Strangest news of the day

    This could get really interesting for Cowboy(former team) and Bears players. What do you wanna bet his client list authorities found is loaded on NFL players, particularly current and former teammates?

  4. #1164
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    Quote Originally Posted by RollTide View Post
    Strangest news of the day

    This could get really interesting for Cowboy(former team) and Bears players. What do you wanna bet his client list authorities found is loaded on NFL players, particularly current and former teammates?
    Maybe Newman is on that list then Jerry would be forced to finally replace him.

  5. #1165

  6. #1166
    Old God conscript's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RollTide View Post
    Strangest news of the day

    This could get really interesting for Cowboy(former team) and Bears players. What do you wanna bet his client list authorities found is loaded on NFL players, particularly current and former teammates?
    I wouldn't be surprised at all. Guy dealing with that much cocaine must have a serious list of clients. Also, why the hell do these people always keep a client list? That ALWAYS goes wrong. If you have such a massive client list that you honestly need to have a book of their names, numbers, and addresses you should figure some sort of better system out. Like having a specific person in your ring keep all that info on an unconnected cell phone and then throw that shit in the river. The guys who keep receipt books of their deals and names of their clients always end up getting busted big time. Ask Balco and the Mitchell Report for the MLB how keeping client info for illegal substances works out.

  7. #1167
    Quote Originally Posted by conscript View Post
    I wouldn't be surprised at all. Guy dealing with that much cocaine must have a serious list of clients. Also, why the hell do these people always keep a client list? That ALWAYS goes wrong. If you have such a massive client list that you honestly need to have a book of their names, numbers, and addresses you should figure some sort of better system out. Like having a specific person in your ring keep all that info on an unconnected cell phone and then throw that shit in the river. The guys who keep receipt books of their deals and names of their clients always end up getting busted big time. Ask Balco and the Mitchell Report for the MLB how keeping client info for illegal substances works out.
    Lol the number of NFL players are in the double digits

    Can't wait till some names leak. This fool wanted a Mexican cell phone because he didn't think the Feds could tap it.
    Last edited by RollTide; 2011-12-15 at 11:18 PM.

  8. #1168
    Sounds like Sam Hurd watched Scarface one too many times.

  9. #1169
    Old God conscript's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RollTide View Post
    Lol the number of NFL players are in the double digits

    Can't wait till some names leak. This fool wanted a Mexican cell phone because he didn't think the Feds could tap it.
    I read the Mexican cell phone part this afternoon and laughed my ass off. Can't wait to see how this ends u playing out. Got to give props to Hurd though. He was never that good of a NFL player so he turned his connections into a means to make money. Dude must have a massive operation going if he needs half a ton of pot per week though. Is he the only supplier for Northwestern and DePaul? That is a whole hell of a lot of weed.

  10. #1170
    Quote Originally Posted by RollTide View Post
    Oh hey Chiefs fans, if part of the headline for this doesn't make you sick, find yourselves a Bronco fan and ask them for an opinion on it.

  11. #1171
    So. The Jaguars are really bad. I don't know what to make of Blaine Gabbert. He's throwing to CFL caliber receivers I know, but damn.

  12. #1172
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    The wife and baby are finally home from the hospital and doing well, so I might actually be able to post regularly again. lol

    I found this amusing. Apparently, this guy would rather sit on Green Bay's practice squad than actually play for the Vikings. That has to hurt if you're the Vikings. lol
    Elbren (Paladin) - Priam (Warlock) - Pompeymagnus (Hunter) - Rahab (Shaman) - Ithillian (Druid) - Licinius (Mage) - Romulus (Warrior)

  13. #1173
    Fluffy Kitten Pendulous's Avatar
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    Shit just doesn't end for Dallas: http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shu...rn=nfl-wp14022

    I'm guessing this kind of stuff happens more often than they talk about though. Jay Radliff went off on a reporter after he asked about Sam Hurd.

    Also, lol at the fact the writer of the article even assumes for half a second that Demarcus Ware isn't their best defensive player.

  14. #1174
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    Ford and Mcfadden still out. Wonder if we'll actually see them again now this season.
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  15. #1175
    Herald of the Titans Skarsguard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elbren View Post
    The wife and baby are finally home from the hospital and doing well, so I might actually be able to post regularly again. lol

    I found this amusing. Apparently, this guy would rather sit on Green Bay's practice squad than actually play for the Vikings. That has to hurt if you're the Vikings. lol
    Because if he sits for the packers there's a good chance he will get a Super Bowl ring even if he didn't earn it.

  16. #1176
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    Just got home from the pub, looked at the Green Bay score...

    How much did I drink!?
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  17. #1177

  18. #1178
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    Quote Originally Posted by srockkiller View Post
    Not enough
    Clearly more than enough if I'm hallucinating the Chiefs leading the Packers in the 4th.

    Been out at work's Christmas meal, anyone who's been watching the game want to offer up a short version? GB playing poor or KC having one of those odd weeks where suddenly they field a team of supermen?
    Ex-Mod. Technically retired, they just won't let me quit.

  19. #1179
    Packers lose
    Colts win
    Tebow shows up in the first quarter
    Ocho Cinco scores a TD
    Skins beat the Giants

    ...Weirdest day ever. And it's not over.

  20. #1180
    Quote Originally Posted by RollTide View Post
    Packers lose
    Colts win
    Tebow shows up in the first quarter
    Ocho Cinco scores a TD
    Skins beat the Giants

    ...Weirdest day ever. And it's not over.
    Man oh man all this stuff today. I was with some family that came to town today and I don't have a fancy phone. It's actually barely internet capable lol. But when I turned on the TV near the end of the Packers game and saw all the mayhem my jaw just dropped. I just hope this doesn't break the Packs morale. And good for Tebow finally learning how to play an early quarter, hopefully it gives people a reason to watch and see how bad he degrades in the game and we don't have to hear so much praise.

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