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  1. #21
    Stood in the Fire snodeath's Avatar
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    At work, not working.
    About 4 minutes (I have 310 plus a paladin friend who will do this with me) for 500k xp seems worth it to me.

    Edit - Can we get an answer on if you can do this or not for XP?

  2. #22
    what if you saved up the 5man group quests from Icecrown instead of dailies? seems how they give much more exp than a regular quest/daily

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Vudu View Post
    Why 24 dailies and not 25 - any specific reason or just what you happened to do?

    IMO it seems like a fairly small gain considering this will put you 6 mins behind everyone else. As others have said, you'll certainly end up fighting for respawns and any lead on the pack is crucial. And that's assuming they don't slash the xp rate for northrend, which iirc they did for TBC areas before Wrath.
    24 instead of 25 in case you're faced with an easy daily quest in cataclysm. Although 25 could also work, considering you can start at 00:00 and dailys reset at 04:00.

    ---------- Post added 2010-11-12 at 02:25 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Dangerjoe View Post
    why is this thread still going some moderator lock it please

    the correct answer has already been posted.. u CANNOT gain exp from premade quests before cata launches
    Source? This worked when WotLK was launched..

  4. #24
    The Patient enzo's Avatar
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    Nice research but I will go Hyjal directly after Cataclysm hits. Not a fast leveler, never will be. I just really wanna feel the new territories and don't wanna wait even 6 minutes.

  5. #25
    Stood in the Fire
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dangerjoe View Post
    why is this thread still going some moderator lock it please

    the correct answer has already been posted.. u CANNOT gain exp from premade quests before cata launches
    Where did you get that information? Source please??

    I did this with the WotLK release using the Sunwell dailies, and they granted XP.

    This guy here tested it on the beta, and it also granted XP.

    Why are some people saying it will not work this time? I'm an avid blue posts reader and never saw any indication that they will change it from the TBC-WotLK transition or from the current beta.

    As far as I understand the mechanics, you are getting gold when your character can no longer earn experience from quests, and the gold you get is proportionnal to the amount of experience.

    Right now for example, if you do the Kalu'ak dailies with a character that is under lvl80, you will earn 20k experience and 2g. If you do it with your max level character, you will 12g. I never saw any indications that they will change that for Cataclysm and it was working at WotLK release.
    Last edited by Mikah; 2010-11-12 at 01:47 PM.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Dangerjoe View Post
    why is this thread still going some moderator lock it please

    the correct answer has already been posted.. u CANNOT gain exp from premade quests before cata launches
    Sorry I'm not going to lock the thread because you are wrong. You have always been able to get XP from old quests when a new expansion hit. The guy who was first to 70 did it by manically handing in Runecloth rep quest for ages supplied by several guildmates with full bags of the stuff, before they headed out to quest.

    I myself did this at 70 when Wrath hit, handing in heaps of Isle of Quel'Daras (sp) dailies.

  7. #27
    for fast leveling - why nobody will rush through Wotlk Heros?
    You could do them over and over again, if you have a full 5man-group. They will be fast to do and you know them.
    The Mobs there are higher then 80, which means till 85 possible...

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Gyrome View Post
    This would perhaps make more sense if the questing followed a linear path; however it does not. There are several questing hubs you can start with in MH, also you want to do either MH first then Vasjir, or the other way around.. I'm guessing lvl 80s will be spread more or less evenly around those 2 areas, meaning that even if you beat the "pack" by 6 minutes at the start you will meet another "pack" on the next quest hub, and defenitly a big pack when you are going from MH to Vasjir (or vica verca).

    Also.. The servers will crash a number of times the first day which will break up the questing experience anyway.. I dont think theres any doubt that this daily routine will get you ahead of others if you plan on leveling quickly.
    I haven't done the quests in those zones as horde, but as alliance both are quite linear (Vash'jir in particular is almost one long quest chain start to finish). MH does break off into 3 main quest hubs eventually but there is quite a lot of quests before those points and some of the very early quests could be real time sinks waiting for respawns even on beta where there are relatively few people playing. That said the ~600k xp the OP is talking about is about 1/3 of a level so it does represent a pretty significant time saving.

  9. #29
    Maybe some of you should read the middle of this thread, where people are REMINDING you of how BC dailies worked for XP at the launch of WotLK.

    i.e.: It didn't, it doesn't, enjoy your 1/2 gold rewards lulz

  10. #30
    Stood in the Fire
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    Quote Originally Posted by headzinthacloudz View Post
    Maybe some of you should read the middle of this thread, where people are REMINDING you of how BC dailies worked for XP at the launch of WotLK.

    i.e.: It didn't, it doesn't, enjoy your 1/2 gold rewards lulz
    Read again.

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Mikah View Post
    Read again.
    I'm fairly certain Blizzard has already said earlier this year that this would not be a viable method.

    And I'm also fairly certain that it didn't work with the Sunwell dailies. I remember this discussion back then as well. I also remember people nerd raging about why it should or shouldn't work.

    I guess after leveling in Northrend 10 times, I can see why people will want to spend less time going through the next 5 levels. Man I dreaded leaving Outlands on every toon that neared 68 knowing i would end up back in Northrend.

  12. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Hyzic View Post
    Then what would be the point of introducing new content lol
    The Problem only will be, that the new zones won't be really playable, when thousends of other Players also want to do the new content.
    The Quests will be also able to get solved if you are 85, with no "other players-Stress" and you also get the gold for it....
    (and maybe the Wotlk Dungeonservers will be more stable then the world- and the Catadungeonserver)

  13. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Hyzic View Post
    Then what would be the point of introducing new content lol
    Well, if you used nothing but WOTLK heroics and even cata normals to hit 85.

    EVERY cata quest will convert the massive amounts of xp into gold, you can get filthy rich that way.

    I intend to do every quest though, Every questing experience with the exception of Vanilla was great in WoW(vanilla was fun only the first time).
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostcrawler
    You are correct that a lot of players moan about things being too easy without having seen the content personally. We definitely place less emphasis on their feedback than on people who have actually tried those encounters.

  14. #34
    Stood in the Fire
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    Quote Originally Posted by headzinthacloudz View Post
    I'm fairly certain Blizzard has already said earlier this year that this would not be a viable method.

    And I'm also fairly certain that it didn't work with the Sunwell dailies. I remember this discussion back then as well. I also remember people nerd raging about why it should or shouldn't work.
    It did work with the Sunwell dailies for me. Try it with a lvl70 right now. If you go do the Sunwell dailies, you do get the experience!

    Same if you keep questing in Netherstorm or Shadowmoon valley after lvl70. All those quests still grant xp. They only start granting gold when you can no longer earn XP.

    The mechanics of how experience is converted to gold when you are at max level is actually something that is implemented in the game. It's not a switch where some of those quests can not reward xp anymore.

  15. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by headzinthacloudz View Post
    I'm fairly certain Blizzard has already said earlier this year that this would not be a viable method.

    Quote Originally Posted by headzinthacloudz View Post
    And I'm also fairly certain that it didn't work with the Sunwell dailies. I remember this discussion back then as well. I also remember people nerd raging about why it should or shouldn't work.

    Seriously mate lots of people have posted why this is wrong why do you continue to post mis-information. Are you trolling? Should I therefore ban you?

  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Levva View Post


    Seriously mate lots of people have posted why this is wrong why do you continue to post mis-information. Are you trolling? Should I therefore ban you?

    Nevermind, not even worth it.
    Last edited by headzinthacloudz; 2010-11-12 at 03:33 PM. Reason: nevermind

  17. #37
    You can turn in dailies... I did it in beta.. I stacked all my quests on LIVE and copied the toon.. and turned them in in beta... it does reward EXP. The only issue is IF they decide THIS year to somehow "lock in" rewards based on when you pick them up and not when you turn them in... since they don't give EXP at 80 when you picked them up.. they wouldn't later.. BUT this has NEVER been the mechanic and I doubt they will change it here.. because they actually have stated that they wouldn't MIND if people actually quested Icecrown at level 80.

    The people who are arguing that it doesn't work know full well it does... and somehow think that disseminating false info will deter their "competition".

    Here is some additional info... for the longest time you could ALSO wear your 1-80 heirloom gear and get additional EXP until you dinged 81... because the mechanic was if level > 80 then bonus does not work.

    This has been changed JUST recently to if level>=80 then bonus does not work. In other words.. Heirlooms will NOT give extra EXP throughout your level 80 questing.

    WIth that said I will point out one thing... First night is going to be insane competition for bottleneck quests... and pretty much that describes BOTH starting zones thru the first 20 quests... What MIGHT have taken you 20 minutes will likely take you 40-60 mins because people are fighting over named mobs, and short supply unnamed mobs and items on the ground to pickup.

    The question is.. is gettign 500k exp worth it? IF you are an average leveler... then "slick" levelers will surpass you anyway.. because they will be out ahead of the crowd early.. and moving thru zones faster. Meanwhile you will get mired in the huge cluster$%! of people. I did the daily thing too in Wrath... and I did in fact get anice little headstart.... but then got mired and watched that lead dissipate as peeps who started stright in the areas were ahead of the pack I had to fight to get thru...

    If you are a FAST leveler... then you will fight thru it faster.. but the other person will still be ahead... bottom line is..

    Slow and steady doesn't win this race... fast and steady does. And there is NOTHING like having the mobs and quest items to yourself for a clean flow of leveling.

  18. #38
    Field Marshal
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    At the end of the day 500k xp isn't very much considering lv 84-85 takes like 6.5 mils. The question you have to ask is what are your goals? Are you going for a server first or just want to get ahead of the pack? I would say most would just want to get ahead of the pack. But then are you going to quest non-stop all the way to 85? Because if you do take a break then people will catch up, and that great start you had will be sort of wasted. So you had an semi empty questing run for the first few levels, but then after you take a break it may get cluttered with people again.

    I am leaning towards busting ass for the first few quest hubs in Hyjal. Speed is the key, if you beat someone by a couple seconds each quest after 20 or so quests you will be ahead by minutes, which will be key. It's the small things like using macros to accept quests instantly and mounting up and going the right direction towards the quest right away without looking at your map (hello tomtom+Zygor).

    You have to remember if you start questing right away those first few quests that took you 10 mins to complete may take someone who starts 5 mins behind you 20 mins because of the clusterf*ck of people. Then it will just snowball from there while the ones that got ahead will have less competition. Teaming up will also be key for the kill X amount of mob quests in the beginning.

  19. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by AuthurDent View Post
    You can turn in dailies... I did it in beta.. I stacked all my quests on LIVE and copied the toon.. and turned them in in beta... it does reward EXP. The only issue is IF they decide THIS year to somehow "lock in" rewards based on when you pick them up and not when you turn them in... since they don't give EXP at 80 when you picked them up.. they wouldn't later.. BUT this has NEVER been the mechanic and I doubt they will change it here.. because they actually have stated that they wouldn't MIND if people actually quested Icecrown at level 80.

    The people who are arguing that it doesn't work know full well it does... and somehow think that disseminating false info will deter their "competition".

    Here is some additional info... for the longest time you could ALSO wear your 1-80 heirloom gear and get additional EXP until you dinged 81... because the mechanic was if level > 80 then bonus does not work.

    This has been changed JUST recently to if level>=80 then bonus does not work. In other words.. Heirlooms will NOT give extra EXP throughout your level 80 questing.

    WIth that said I will point out one thing... First night is going to be insane competition for bottleneck quests... and pretty much that describes BOTH starting zones thru the first 20 quests... What MIGHT have taken you 20 minutes will likely take you 40-60 mins because people are fighting over named mobs, and short supply unnamed mobs and items on the ground to pickup.

    The question is.. is gettign 500k exp worth it? IF you are an average leveler... then "slick" levelers will surpass you anyway.. because they will be out ahead of the crowd early.. and moving thru zones faster. Meanwhile you will get mired in the huge cluster$%! of people. I did the daily thing too in Wrath... and I did in fact get anice little headstart.... but then got mired and watched that lead dissipate as peeps who started stright in the areas were ahead of the pack I had to fight to get thru...

    If you are a FAST leveler... then you will fight thru it faster.. but the other person will still be ahead... bottom line is..

    Slow and steady doesn't win this race... fast and steady does. And there is NOTHING like having the mobs and quest items to yourself for a clean flow of leveling.
    I think I am going to do what I did with WotLK - I wanted to avoid the shit-ton of people who would be rioting Borean Tundra / Howling Fjord, so I prioritized leveling my Death Knight first. Sure, there were a LOTTTTTT of DKsssssss... but it probably wasn't nearly as many people as those leveling to cap. When I got to Northrend on my DK (which I did within days of launch, since its so fast and easy) it wasn't nearly as populated. So since that worked out so well, I think I will level my Worgen Druid first and avoid the 85 rush. Sure I won't be in the first raid but I level very fast anyway, so I will be 85 within 2 weeks real-time and will have lost little, but gained peace of mind of not being zerged by the 80-85 crowd at launch.

  20. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Dangerjoe View Post
    this is the right answer

    same at TBC - > wotlk.. it just gives gold no exp
    No, I did this at the start of WotLK and at the start of BC and it gave XP both times.

    Note: It was actually not dailies for BC since they didn't have dailies back then, but the principal is the same. Dailies do not give XP when you are max level, but after Cata is launched you will not be max level anymore.

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