I turned in QD dailies on all 3 toons I had at 70 when wrath launched. I got XP for all of them.
I turned in QD dailies on all 3 toons I had at 70 when wrath launched. I got XP for all of them.
I agree with you in prisiple, however being infront of the pack will only last you until the end of either Vasjir or MH. Then you will want to switch to the "other starting zone" which will put you in an area full of people questing again. You will gain time by being in front at the start, however I don't think you should be able to gain enough to make up for the 1/3rd of a level you get from handing in Dailies.
So an answer to the trolls in this post: You DO get xp from dailies in beta, you DID get xp at lvl 70 when wrath came out. Blizzard MIGHT post something about this at a later stage but as of today; the dailies method is the way to go.
If they did change it you would know after the first daily hand in, instantly HS to Storwind/Ogrim and you would perhaps have lost 20 seconds, alot less than the random disconnects and server lagg time is going to take from you at launch day.
PS: Thanks to others for the praise. btw I tested with 24 dailies cause that is all I've got solo today, and I didn't find anyone to do the 5-mans with for this purpose. 1 quest is 22050xp. I just did this for the academic interest. I am a father to a 10 month old baby who will require alot of atention anyway so I am absolutely not going to be anywere close to server first.
Lol, we have been doing the same content for a year (no new dailies or raids, RS doesn't count as a raid IMO). I'm going to enjoy the content the first time through as much as possible. Getting a head start is no big deal.
Who says it works the same way with Cataclysm as it did with WotLK?
Server first level 85 isnt a big deal at all, cant even recall who got server first 80 at what, one is even in the same guild as me. Sadly noone cares. Not going to give a huge head on anything because the gearing up process is so lengthy anyway, JP only buys blues and VP can only be gotten by doing daily heroic or a raid. You need almost full 333 to do heroics, and they only drop in the 3 or 4 harder 84-85 dungeons To raid you need almost full 346 which can be gotten in heroic, but if you think you be "farming" these in 333 gear you have a surprise coming, besides the fact that you can only get heroic pre raid loot from grinding and only a few pieces at that. If anything you may get an edge on crowds if your on a high pop server. They will have respawn timers turned up no doubt like in BC and WotLK at the beginning.
When I was doing the dungeons normally leveling up (in full 264 gear) it was taking about 2-3 times as long to kill a pack as it does in WotLK. Secondly your math doesn't take into account all the wiping that will occur. Unless you go strictly with guild mates only who can pay attention and understand what they need to do it'll be a train wreck using LFD because most people are use to "lolAoE burn". The one thing I don't know for sure and will probably test it later is whether or not dungeon xp got reduced any in the builds.
Kind of taking it a little too seriously eh? And what if blizzard removes the XP from level 80 dailies when cata hits?
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1. I did 25 NORMAL quests in tbc and turned them in giving me around 2 bars.
2. This tactic how ever is not as good as it sounds. Sure you get alot of exp in no time BUT you have to run/get to the questing hub before you can start competing. This means that when you hit the hub alot of people that just run there have already started. Leading to more wait time for you/quest.
What i think would work best is to get there as fast as posible and try to get infront of the "mob of players". OR, but dont think this will work in cata, skip a zon and start questing in a "harder" hub.
PvE grinding might work to.
Can already say that the world first 85 will be someone that dont do quest/instanses the normal way.... :P More like grinding an instant spawning zon.
What i think really needs to be answered ... "What is the fastest path to Deepholme?"
If hyjal gets you over 82 and straight into deepholme, then being 6 minutes behind and "over leveled" doesnt matter since you cannot get into deepholme without finishing hyjal/vashjir.
Are there any periods of pure grinding without quests?
You have to do all the quests in BOTH starter zones before you can get into DH? I don't have the Beta so just wondering what you mean by that. I'm assuming you mean just level wise, and not that there are quests that need to be completed as prerequisites.
I am wondering about this too. Perhaps the OP or someone else with Beta might be able to test the amount of XP you can get from Wrath heroics. Killing a level 80-82 quest/instance mob in a Cata zone should give ~the same amount of XP as a level 80-82 mob in a NR zone/instance no?
no you do not.. .i did vash'jr strait to deepholm strait to uldum...never had an issue with not being leveled.. the quests give around 35000+ experiance points plus around 2700+ per creature. if you do the dialy turn in. you not only have to spend 6 minutes flying around you also have to spend the time to get to the first questing area which involves a boat or flying.. so i would say on average your putting yourself at least 10 minutes behind thats if you dont have to wait on the boat or fly to get there.
my experiance in vash'jr is that the biggest choke point will be the armor collection quest for the alliance soldiers in the boat with you... the helms are hard to see and the least amount to spawn. getting this quest done is going to be key to getting out ahead if the OP waits 10 minutes he's going to be around 15 - 40 people trying to do the same quest and will spend hte majority of his time waiting.. this is a quest that you cant move on past till its done so thier is no skipping.
Ok thanks, good info to know. I didn't think Blizz would do something like that, but you never know. Sure realm first X class is kinda cool to get, but I'd just like to get to 85 asap and start doing runs with some guildies mostly. Again, since I don't have the Beta *shakes fist at Blizz* any little tidbits are helpful.
Anyone who can help me out with the question about XP in Wrath heroics would be amazing too. I'll bake you cookies![]()
Doing this plus being on a low populated alliance server means I'll level pretty quickly.
Thanks for this! I'm going to use exactly these quests to get a nice little boost when cata hits, thanks again!
Cave Cave Deus Videt
Pulled from the front page:
Again this was right on the front page, Blizz even said it worked in both the beginning of TBC)obviously not dailies but quests that were completed prior to release) and Wrath. If you are going to call someone out as being wrong at least have the balls to supply a source especially when a source providing a counter point to your argument is supplied right on the main page.Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
What about that poison vial quest? The vial you get from the daily fishing quest sometimes. It is a repeatable hand-in quest. Not a daily. If you had lots of vials..... always seem to be a bunch of them up for sale on the AH. Could you do a stack of those if you wanted to? Not planning on it myself mind, but for those that want, will it work?
that dosent work, i had stocked up 3 tabs in my personal guild bank with them and when a frind got beta i handed him a few to copy over there and it didet give any exp - so i send them to my 75 druid and levled him to 80 on themthat was 45000g i lost there
my plan is to nvm ill keep that a secred :P
Ah well, glad someone put it to the test at least![]()
Taken from the Cataclysm Dev Chat with BestBuy
Stop confusing people by saying it doesn't work.Will you allow players to fill their quest log with say, 25 dailies, and then turn them in right after Midnight on December 7th to get a quick boost towards 85? This is how it worked in the beta, but some players are confused on whether it will work on Live. Thanks!
Regarding 25 daily quests to turn in when the expansion goes live, this is something players have been able to do for the last 2 expansions and we aren't talking about changing it now.
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment