Poll: Easiest Cataclysm Heroic

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  1. #181
    Quote Originally Posted by randomdonk View Post
    all heroics are the easiest unfrotunately
    ....resist urge...to SLAP! XD

    Deadmines was the easiest for me. It was my first Heroic and I have easily aced it several times. SFK is ALMOST the easiest but the Commander is really tough.

  2. #182
    Quote Originally Posted by Yvelisse View Post
    halls or origination only first 2 trashpacks make me a bit emo but after thats its easy
    welll said and by far the easiest

  3. #183
    Quote Originally Posted by m0uz View Post
    Throne of Tides is absurdly easy.
    The first boss was kinda hard imo, those water tornados are kinda hard to see and if you don't have any decent interrupting, it can get hard (We had setup Druid tank, pala healer, me as mage, a warlock and a hunter, which made interrupting a bit challenging compared to if u had rogue/tank warr/shammy etc.) Rest is easy yeah, but VP would get my vote for being the easiest too, Tol Vir isn't very hard either tbh.

  4. #184
    So far, lost city.
    WTB talented signature creators!

  5. #185
    Vortex is a rollover compared to deadmines.

  6. #186
    Herald of the Titans Agallochh's Avatar
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    Still haven't had a chance to try them all, I never get SFK in my random pops Deadmines hasn't challenged me at all, except for Ripsnarl.
    Lained - 60 Shaman | Lainedtv - 60 Druid | Lainedz - 60 Paladin

  7. #187
    boss wise i'd say throne, but trash wise lost city

  8. #188
    Halls of Origination. 7 Bosses, and NO complex mechanics at all. Place is made of wellfare loot and - JP.

  9. #189
    Spoken from a Warrior Tank perspective
    The easiest instance is Vortex Pinnacle...here is a run down of the ENTIRE instance
    Trash: Thunderclap/Spell reflect + Shockwave
    Boss 1: Spell reflect/Shield Slam for 3 min
    Boss 2: Shield Slam for 3 min
    Boss 3: Shield Slam for 3 min

    Trash is "simple"...as in even with no CC its relatively easy as long as you time your stuns/silences. Its one of those instances where you can literally tank 1 handed. There are no surprises, there are no burst...just mind-numbingly boring

  10. #190
    Pandaren Monk Yosef1015's Avatar
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    It's vortex pinnicle for sure, i bet a full group of level 80s in green level 70 questing gear could blast through it no prob

  11. #191
    Herald of the Titans Murderdoll's Avatar
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    Yeah I think Vortex Pinacle is probably the easiest, the only boss that gives any real resistance is the Drake. We tend to run with a pug DPS spot and they without fail go flying off the edge.

    Its also somewhat annoying being an Enhance Shaman because Windfury looks exactly like those whirlwinds.

  12. #192
    Lost City of Tol'Vir.

    No CC needed at all, bosses are tank and spank and it can be done in 20 minutes.

  13. #193
    I can't say easily which one is easiest. Maybe.. Without 2nd boss it's Vortex Pinnacle.
    But I can say most brain needs the Stonecore. 1st and 3rd bosses are quite annoying with easy-to-be-hitten oneshot abilities.

  14. #194
    yep! the heroic you understand most easiest.

  15. #195
    It all depends on the group of course, but Lost City of Tol'Vir is the only instance that I did without any wipes so far. Even without CC you can easily take down each group of mobs, and the bosses are neither complex nor hard.

  16. #196
    Righty then, finally done em all on heroic.

    Easiest: Throne of Tides. Trash needs some CC but it's easy with a priest - almost everything can be mind controlled, and the casters ht for truckloads. Only the 1st boss is tricky - tank takes the big melee mob, leave that for last, the rest take the casters - keep em silenced and nuke em down. It can easily be 4-manned if you get the kill order right. The other bosses are a joke.

    VP is the next easiest. Again, some tricky trash, but the bosses are ALL a joke. 1st boss: stay in and nuke. 2nd boss: avoid whirlwinds and nuke. 3rd boss: stand in the sparkle he draws on the ground.

    Then BRC. The ONLY reason this place is hard is because people can't count stacks on the 2nd and 3rd bosses.

    As others have said, Stonecore is the hardest, due to the insta-kill mechanics on every boss having little warning.

    Ripsnarl is a DPS check, so are most bosses in Grim Batol. But those will be overcome with gear VERY quickly. Even with the LFD tool, once 10k dps is the norm, those 5-mans will be a joke. Stonecore will remain tricky until it gets nerfed to the ground due its many 1-shot mechanics.
    Last edited by Calaba; 2010-12-27 at 10:22 AM.

  17. #197
    Quote Originally Posted by Calaba View Post
    Righty then, finally done em all on heroic.

    Easiest: Throne of Tides. Trash needs some CC but it's easy with a priest - almost everything can be mind controlled, and the casters ht for truckloads. Only the 1st boss is tricky - tank takes the big melee mob, leave that for last, the rest take the casters - keep em silenced and nuke em down. It can easily be 4-manned if you get the kill order right. The other bosses are a joke.

    VP is the next easiest. Again, some tricky trash, but the bosses are ALL a joke. 1st boss: stay in and nuke. 2nd boss: avoid whirlwinds and nuke. 3rd boss: stand in the sparkle he draws on the ground.

    Then BRC. The ONLY reason this place is hard is because people can't count stacks on the 2nd and 3rd bosses.

    As others have said, Stonecore is the hardest, due to the insta-kill mechanics on every boss having little warning.

    Ripsnarl is a DPS check, so are most bosses in Grim Batol. But those will be overcome with gear VERY quickly. Even with the LFD tool, once 10k dps is the norm, those 5-mans will be a joke. Stonecore will remain tricky until it gets nerfed to the ground due its many 1-shot mechanics.
    10k dps is the norm :<

    Sorry to sound like some elitist moron, but anyone doing less than 10k on bosses without too much moving are simply doing something wrong, almost every class have gotten some ability to make multi targeting easier I think, like DK's can instantly reapply diseases, fire mages can use Fireblast to spread their DoT's and so on.

  18. #198
    Epic! Calon's Avatar
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    Going with Lost City, easy peasy.

  19. #199
    I had to say The Lost City.

    Unfortunately 2/3 of my Vortex Pinnacle runs have wiped multiple times on the 2nd boss in Vortex Pinnacle, though we always finished.

    Hardest part in Lost City is kiting the Phoenix really. Getting people to dodge tornadoes and understand upwind/downwind in Vortex Pinnacle is... interesting.

  20. #200
    As a healer, I have to say VP is pretty much the easiest, followed by Lost City and Throne of the Tides. Although they are easy, they do have mechanics which can kill people... like in VP for the second boss - me and the tank 2 manned the boss from 2.5 mil to 0, due to DPS leaving the ring from the tornadoes.

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