Poll: Easiest Cataclysm Heroic

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  1. #21
    Having done BRC, Deadmines, Vortex Pinnacle, Grim Batol and Stonecore I can say that Stonecore is hardcore hard, Vortex/Deadmines are easy, BRC/Grim Batol is somewhere in the middle

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by messi4h View Post
    Vortex Pinnacle, only problem is the trash right before the last boss, those stars do a lot of aoe damage, i had to spam prayer of healing (as shadow priest) to help our healer keep the group up. Although i have not played Throne of Tides yet. Hardest would be Deadmines imo.
    Deadmines is definitely not the hardest... but it does take awhile. It's fun as hell though so all good
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  3. #23

    Easiest Cataclysm heroic

    Form what youve done so far what do you guys think is the easiest heroic in cata?

  4. #24

  5. #25
    High Overlord
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    Stonecore, you can skip nearly all of the trash.
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  6. #26
    Besides the third boss (which you can skip) I thought SFK was pretty easy.

  7. #27
    Halls of Origination is long but incredibly easy. Only the 1st boss has retard check mechanics.

  8. #28
    High Overlord PhXn's Avatar
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    the easiest ? Think Grim Batol, i got the best experience there atm ,there was good marking , people know what to do! there all not that hard if u got people with u who know what to do!
    like Deadmines is not that hard , but if u got a tank with u that rushes trough and get like 15 mobs on him and u wipe. Then its hard. and after hes yelling why didnt u mark for me, he yells : ur the noobest group i ever been with.

    So basicaly it comes down to : It depends on the group ur with!

  9. #29
    Finished em all. Lost city was fairly easy. Only place we one shotted all boss first time.

  10. #30
    Lost City.
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  11. #31
    Lost city? How? The 3rd boss in there is pretty damn insane.
    Vortex pinnacle IMO is easiest.

    first boss - tank and spank, move in on tornadoes
    second boss - tank and spank, avoid the tornadoes and gain buff from being upwind
    third boss - tank and spank, stand in triangle when formed to avoid death.

    Quote Originally Posted by Farahawnee View Post
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  12. #32
    Herald of the Titans Abstieg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigfoot1291 View Post
    third boss - tank and spank, stand in triangle when formed to avoid death.
    It amazes me how many people can't follow this. As a healer, I hold no responsibility for their deaths and make no effort to try to save them. Lost 2 dps on the first storm and finished the boss 3man, and felt no pity for their deaths.
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  13. #33
    "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." (Albert Einstein)

  14. #34
    Grim batol, had to gg out of their

  15. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Abstieg View Post
    It amazes me how many people can't follow this. As a healer, I hold no responsibility for their deaths and make no effort to try to save them. Lost 2 dps on the first storm and finished the boss 3man, and felt no pity for their deaths.
    Because there rooted inplace and after it breaks they might be to far out from where the triangle started at? K thanks

  16. #36
    Pit Lord Alski's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patrickstarr View Post
    They're all guildies who have killed LK H with me, and did Uld hardmodes. They aren't shitty players. I know that.
    Unless the 5 of you got carried thru HLK i don't see how you could be having problems with heroics unless your just charging in blindly without knowing what to do, i have been clearing them with pugs rather easily.

  17. #37
    Vortex pinnacle is a joke. The second boss may give you a little trouble until you work out the wind mechanic but otherwise its stupid easy

  18. #38
    Vortex pinnacle ofc!

  19. #39
    High Overlord Jawden's Avatar
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    Stonecore! Justy kidding, Corborus is a pain with Pugs.

    Vortex Pinnacle.

  20. #40
    Depends on the group setup but either Halls of Origination or Vortex Pinnacle.

    They're both relatively simple, but Vortex Pinnacle can be quite a bitch if you're in a melee heavy group (as I were today, 4 melee. Last boss's Chain Lightning was a total bitch).

    It certainly isn't Blackrock Caverns...

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